The story of the Orland Plaza appears to be coming to an end. Mayor McLaughlin’s vision may become a reality; although his vision of government of the people, by the people, for the people is blurred. His new Village Manager, Paul, The Sheriff, Grimes, is getting close to cleaning up and moving the old businesses out of town. The bulldozers may soon come in and Randy’s, Orland Bakery, Pete’s Barbershop, The Plaza CafĂ©, Bloomingfields …… may soon be history.
The part of the story that is unclear is the “Silent Voices”. I find it difficult to believe that there has been no dissent from the Village Board: Murphy, Fenton, O’Halloran, Dodge, Schussler and Gira. I question who they serve? I wonder why our local represesentatives: State Representaive McCarthy, State Senator Radogno, County Commissioner Gorman and Congresswoman Biggert have no opinion. Are they to busy to recognize that the abuse of TIF’s and eminent domain are important issues that need to be addressed and corrected? What about the taxing bodies, schools and county, who approve the TIF’s, but cry for more tax dollars? Where’s the opposing Republican Party? Have they already conceded the next election to Mayor McLaughlin?
The local newspapers carry articles regarding the Orland Plaza, but skip the problems with TIF’s and eminent domain. Our major newspapers, radio and TV stations dismiss these issues as unworthy of coverage. Although; the coming of Fatburgers, to Orland Park, is important and received coverage. Where’s the taxpayers who are being fleeced by the Illinois Tax Incentive Financing Act (TIF) that takes monies from property taxes to fund projects such as the Metra Triangle and destroy unblighted, profitable businesses.
TIF’s and eminent domain are major issues that affect most U.S. cities. In the past, Sixty Minutes presented segments on the abuse of eminent domain depicting the taking of private property for condo development in the name of the common good. In Orland Park their masking roads as the common good to build condos... Cook County Commissioner Quigley received a cold reception when he published his report “Tale of Two Cities” exposing the abuse of TIF’s. Our representatives in Washington are so busy playing political games and making deals that they have no time to recognize issues that affect Americans. It’s the call: “DRILL, DRILL” by over 70% of the electorate that’s gotten their attention to solve the energy crisis. Is it also possible that the politicians love the lavish contributions from developers? Is it true that money talks?
This story is not only about trying to save the Orland Plaza, but the need to control the power that Public officials have taken to abuse TIF’s and to take private property under eminent domain. Paraphrasing Mr. Gee, owner of the Orland Plaza,” I thought we live in America not Russia”. Silent Voices allow leaders to abuse their powers and control you. The issues of TIF’s and eminent domain affect many Americans. There still is time to make things right and save the Orland Plaza if people raised their voices in protest against the abuse of TIF’s and eminent domain... Don’t be a Silent Voice, keep informed, speak out.
The part of the story that is unclear is the “Silent Voices”. I find it difficult to believe that there has been no dissent from the Village Board: Murphy, Fenton, O’Halloran, Dodge, Schussler and Gira. I question who they serve? I wonder why our local represesentatives: State Representaive McCarthy, State Senator Radogno, County Commissioner Gorman and Congresswoman Biggert have no opinion. Are they to busy to recognize that the abuse of TIF’s and eminent domain are important issues that need to be addressed and corrected? What about the taxing bodies, schools and county, who approve the TIF’s, but cry for more tax dollars? Where’s the opposing Republican Party? Have they already conceded the next election to Mayor McLaughlin?
The local newspapers carry articles regarding the Orland Plaza, but skip the problems with TIF’s and eminent domain. Our major newspapers, radio and TV stations dismiss these issues as unworthy of coverage. Although; the coming of Fatburgers, to Orland Park, is important and received coverage. Where’s the taxpayers who are being fleeced by the Illinois Tax Incentive Financing Act (TIF) that takes monies from property taxes to fund projects such as the Metra Triangle and destroy unblighted, profitable businesses.
TIF’s and eminent domain are major issues that affect most U.S. cities. In the past, Sixty Minutes presented segments on the abuse of eminent domain depicting the taking of private property for condo development in the name of the common good. In Orland Park their masking roads as the common good to build condos... Cook County Commissioner Quigley received a cold reception when he published his report “Tale of Two Cities” exposing the abuse of TIF’s. Our representatives in Washington are so busy playing political games and making deals that they have no time to recognize issues that affect Americans. It’s the call: “DRILL, DRILL” by over 70% of the electorate that’s gotten their attention to solve the energy crisis. Is it also possible that the politicians love the lavish contributions from developers? Is it true that money talks?
This story is not only about trying to save the Orland Plaza, but the need to control the power that Public officials have taken to abuse TIF’s and to take private property under eminent domain. Paraphrasing Mr. Gee, owner of the Orland Plaza,” I thought we live in America not Russia”. Silent Voices allow leaders to abuse their powers and control you. The issues of TIF’s and eminent domain affect many Americans. There still is time to make things right and save the Orland Plaza if people raised their voices in protest against the abuse of TIF’s and eminent domain... Don’t be a Silent Voice, keep informed, speak out.