Wednesday, February 25, 2009


In listening and watching President Obama, I find more contradictions than substance. By now it’s hard for anyone to deny that the Stimulus Package is loaded with pork. Keep looking and you’ll find more. If it’s not pork it’s rewards and incentives for friends and supporters. The Democrats have been honest in stating “now is the opportunity to get the things we want”. “The people don’t care”. The people do care, especially when they’re losing jobs and seeing their life savings and investments crash.

The President talks about cutting the deficit, but creates more deficits. Where’s the logic? He talks about responsibility. Who’s responsibility? Most people are responsible and do what is right. The problem is that the irresponsible people are sitting in Washington. Who led the people and banks down the path to destruction, Washington, why, because they believed everyone must have a house, if you can afford it or not. That’s not the American Way, The American Way is that you work hard and earn it. The people in Washington have fallen in love with themselves. They love their self importance and stumble in their arrogance... They’re so important that no one reads legislative bills, if you’re Democrat, you vote yes, if Republican, no. That’s the type of government we have, no discussion no debate, that’s not what created this great country. That’s why no one believes or trusts an elected official. They have no idea who they answer to.

The word is that CEO’s must be accountable. How about elected officials? Government needs to step back and look at its spending. .How about government perks and ear marks? I guess they’re OK. Certainly looks like a double standard... I love the line: “I feel your pain”, but what government official is willing to share that pain?. If you don’t think we’re in trouble, just watch and listen to your elected officials in action. They’ve become a disgrace and it’s time that be held accountable.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The Stimulus Package has become quite controversial. It’s loaded with all kinds of goodies. Everyone seems to have their hand out. Is it up to $2 trillion, or $4 trillion? It’s become inconceivable that that much money can be effectively managed and spent under one piece of legislation. Good managers break things down into manageable parts. I don’t believe legislators are good business managers. For example we still don’t know what happened to the first bailout for $350 billion. In its present form the package is more of a bailout for states and local governments than a jobs creations bill.

The Stimulus Bill needs to be broken down into independent pieces with established priorities: Housing and Credit, Tax Cuts, Business Incentives to Spend and Create New Products/Markets, Infrastructure, Education. There needs to be justification, goals and objectives, targets with specified outcomes and defined responsibilities and accountability. The Stimulus should follow well established business standards, not government standards. Until our leaders in Washington come up with a clear and concise plan, there should be no action. I say go back to the drawing board and keep reworking it until you come up with legislation that clearly creates jobs. Follow the old business principle,” Keep It Simple Stupid”.