Sunday, August 23, 2009


For the past two months the Health Care Debate has taken center stage. The arguments have been heated and real. The electorate has taken on their elected representatives. They want answers. What do they get, platitudes and worn out rhetoric. The President is sent on the road to quell the dissension. He tries to mesmerize us with smooth talk and innuendos. Hope and Change. He has failed to convince people of a plan that will work. He talks around the issues: the public option, abortion, cost, deficits, government intervention, and death panels. He dismisses them by telling us to believe him, trust him. The problem, where is it in writing? How do we know we’re playing with a straight deck? Our representatives don’t read and understand proposals. Most do what they’re told. They fail to act responsibly on behalf of the people who hired them. What have we got, two parties, who represent their party and vote the party line? No one is against constructive change, provided there is sufficient debate that it is acted upon responsibly, not rammed down everyone’s throat. This is unfortunate and must end. We need independent thinkers who don’t work for their party or the President, they work for the people.

We have seen failure after failure: the stimulus package, health care reform, cash for clunkers, bailouts, perks, rising deficits, government dictating who gets what and more. Washington tells us everything is well and working. Is it really? This is not acceptable. What is government trying to do? I don’t believe these actions are the objectives to create a better society. Indirectly the objective is to solidify the Democratic Party. By providing favors to special interest groups such as Acorn, Unions, legalizing illegal’s, and providing health care for 40-50 million uninsured, they believe they will create a base of voters who will ensure an unending era of power for the Democratic Party. The problem with this objective is that it will destroy the foundation of our democracy and create a socialistic society. Maybe the Czars were created to prepare us for this reality. Government will tell us what and what not to do. Free enterprise as we know it will no longer exist. Our individualism will be gone; we will be a commune with rules set by Government for conformity. Free speech is already being attacked and will die. I firmly believe this is the true objective of the Democratic Party. If you look at what is happening in the media, the reaction and verbal denunciation of senior citizens, the power and money given to unions and Acorn, the Presidents flip flopping, this is a clear message, something is wrong and a call for concern.

This is not a good situation. The Representatives and the President aren’t listening and don’t want to listen. They know better. They know what their objective is. The polls are supporting the people’s concerns. They are real and true. The Democrats have the votes and can do whatever they want. The question is, will our representatives support the President or the People. Maybe they should reconsider their role and start doing their job, represent the people .If they support and back the policies of the President for a Socialistic Society and believe adding illegal’s and counting on people who want government control ,they may find this to be their demise.. I find very few if any patriots in Washington. I find individuals who are indebted to certain interest groups and their own welfare. This is not the country I was growing up in or the type of country I want to be part of... I desire a return to the basic beliefs of God and Country. I want a country that follows the dictates of our founding fathers, not power hungry individuals who pretend to work for a better society while trampling on the Constitution. I don’t want a country where government controls freedom of speech. I want to be proud when they play the Star Spangled Banner, or say the Pledge to the Flag. I want to get goose bumps when they play the Stars and Stripes and watch a marching band. I want to be proud when I see the flag flapping in the breeze. I don’t want a country that forgets its heritage or traditions. I believe in the traditions of working hard and earning what you get, not being dependent on government to make my decisions. I believe most Americans feel this way. Yes, there are those who don’t want to work or take responsibility, they want government to be their savior. We must return to the principals upon which this country was founded. We must stand up and take back that country. We must continue to speak out and demand that our representatives listen and act on our behalf. We must vote, if our elected officials don’t know who they work for, kick them out. It’s time for Congress to stop funding, using and supporting thugs to control the opposition, it’s time to end the pay to play politics and corruption that exists in Washington; it’s time to adhere to the Constitution. It’s time for elected officials to be their own man or woman, not a pawn of the President, special interest groups or Party. It’s time for everyone to work together to improve our society. This is America and its time to act as Americans.

Friday, August 14, 2009


When the people in Washington write Health Care Legislation that is clear, has clarity and is concise then maybe we can have an honest debate regarding health care. Until then the grade stands. "F".

Monday, August 10, 2009


Started to read the Congressional 1018 page Health Care Program and stopped. No wonder no one reads it, they can't understand it It goes on forever.. You need to be a lawyer who takes the time to study and analyze every word and sentence. We talk about getting rid of small print and extreme language, well maybe Congress and the Senate can come up with plain old English that people can understand. Example: The bill will not (will) cover abortion, the bill will not(will) cover euthanasia.The government will not make individual health decisions, this is reserved for the doctor and patient. The present language provides too much leeway for fudging and misappropriation. It needs to be specific, why should anyone trust a 1018 page document that hems and haws about everything. If it can't be understood by the common man, than it needs to be re written, Keep It Simple Stupid. Follow that rule and maybe people will trust government. People need to understand the specifics. At the present time there is no Health Care Reform Bill that is suitable for passage.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


August 5, 2009 email to Senator Dick Durbin.

This is not a manufactured email. I belong to no group or organization, I am a free thinking American who believes in this country. The townhall rabble rousers are like me, they are expressing their freedom of speech. Unfortunately you don't appreciate freedom of speech unless it's for what you believe. The pro health care rally in Chicago was manufactured by Unions, why didn't you come out and criticize those folks? If the polls say people don't believe in Obamacare, it's all hog wash. What kind of representative are you. You don't represent me or Illinois you represent the Democratic Party. That's unfortunate because you might as well say you are a Communist. That's not democracy or representation. I guess you approve of Chavez's control of the media. Then you could do whatever you want and the people are relegated to slavery. We are not slaves of any party and will fight for our rights and liberty. You are no longer what I consider a believer of the Constitution or what America is about. You are a traitor to the beliefs of our forefathers. God Bless America.