Monday, June 28, 2010


As we celebrate the 4th of July our thoughts should focus on independence. It is a day to say thank you to the Founding Fathers for their courage and wisdom to create the foundation for the greatest country on earth, America. In 1776 the world was much like it is today. We had rulers, empires and dictators. People were controlled and told what they could and couldn’t do. Fortunately, men like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams didn’t like being controlled, they believed in liberty and freedom. They were individuals who were willing to lead and fight for freedom. They set the foundation that has guided us for the past 234 years. The foundation we call the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It was these documents that established our heritage, culture, traditions and beliefs. These were the pillars that have made us strong and free. These documents defined who we are and who we are to be.

Unfortunately, today, we have people who find these pillars and documents outdated. People with ideologies that apologize for who we are and what we have done. They disagree with Jefferson that good government is less government. They want more control and power. They want to revert to where we came from or adopt the failing political concepts of allies and even enemies.

To retain our freedoms, we must fight to keep our Constitution and to live by the principles established by the Founding Fathers. We cannot allow the proponents of change to win. Freedom is our birthright and we must preserve it. Government has its place, but it must not stray from the guiding principles of the Constitution and the examples set forth by the Founding Fathers.

From the beginning, people have come from all parts of the world, to America, to enjoy our freedoms, opportunities and liberties. They came, embraced our laws, Constitution, flag and proudly called themselves Americans. This is what has made America strong and great. We have been the beacon of light and hope to the world that freedom reigns.

It is on the Fourth of July that we pay homage to the Founding Fathers, it is the day we honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who have fought and died to maintain these freedoms. It is the day we praise the legacy that was bequeathed to us. We cannot and must not falter in following the path established by these brave men and women. The path is clear; the tools were put in place. We must not waver. We must continue to live by these principles. On this Fourth of July let us continue this work and pray to God for everlasting Freedom and Independence.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Everyday we are inundated with information. It comes from TV, the internet, newspapers, friends, radio, phone, mail and on and on. How do you process this information? How do you react? Do you believe the information? Is it important enough to store in your memory? As you collect and process the information is it from a reliable source that you believe and trust?

It’s becoming harder and harder to trust the sources of information. Most of the information we gather is opinion. Much of the information is manufactured and tailored to suit ones opinion or position. Place a conservative and a liberal side by side and you get different views and opinions. Who do you believe? Whose side do you take? Can you tell the truth from fiction? Words are powerful, they influence and motivate. Change and Hope were powerful and motivating words in the election of 2008... Some sources prey on your best instincts. Remember how Bernie Madoff conned influential and wealthy people into trusting and believing his ponzi scheme. How can we protect ourselves from being conned?

The time has come to ask more questions. We need to remember the words: WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, HOW when evaluating information... In November we will be called upon to elect leaders to represent us in Washington D.C. And our individual states. Based on past experience we’ve done a poor job. This time we need to do better in evaluating individuals in regards to their abilities to make decisions, and solve problems. We need people who will represent their constituency not a party, union, or special interest group. We must cast aside the political rhetoric and judge the character, honesty and capabilities of the individual to do the job. We don’t need more politicians; we need statesman who will stand up for our country and its Constitution. We need people we can believe in.