Former president Ronald Reagan said,”They spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors because they spend their own money.” I guess it would be safe to say that our representatives in Washington are spending our money like drunken sailors. They spend and spend more. They don’t know when to stop. When the money trees are bare they print more. Why not, it’s not theirs, it belongs to the taxpayer. If it was theirs it would be a different story. It’s been reported that consumers are paying down their debt. Why isn’t Washington paying down the debt? The present deficit is around 13 trillion dollars and growing. The national debt is growing by about $4 billion a day with an estimated cost to each citizen of over $43 thousand dollars. Washington talks of increasing taxes and passing more costly legislation. People can t afford more taxes. We’re broke. They don’t get it. Presently a working person has to work 231 days out of the year to meet all costs imposed by government, that’s 8 days more than 2009.
Some will tell you we’re in a recession; some say it’s a depression while the administration say’s we’re in recovery. If you’re one of the 9.5% unemployed you tell me where we’re at. What troubles me, is that public sector jobs have been increasing while private sector jobs are decreasing. We don’t need more bureaucrats; we need real jobs, jobs that produce value. Government jobs take money from the private sector that should go to buy goods and services that would put people back to work. Hiring more bureaucrats isn’t the answer. Government needs to provide the private sector with the economic freedom to make business decisions. Business leaders need that freedom to create and produce goods and services that consumers need and want. The present advice coming out of Washington is from academics, lobbyists, activists, union leaders and community organizers; people with little or no business experience. We have bureaucrats telling business what and how to do it. The Congress has been incapable of controlling the bureaucrats. That is a problem. These people have no real business experience that would qualify them to solve business problems. We need less government, less regulations, and the free market to do its job.
As President Reagan said,” Government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem.”
Thursday, August 26, 2010
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