Monday, February 27, 2012

Is Christianity Dying A Slow Death?

Question: “Is Christianity Dying A Slow Death”? If you look around, it’s not very encouraging. The Middle East is a time bomb ready to explode. Christians are being murdered and churches burned. Radical Islam is threatening to annihilate all infidels. Once strong religious countries have forsaken their faith and churches stand empty. At home, church attendance has risen very slightly; 42.8% in 2009 to 43.1% in 2010. That’s a good sign, not great, but encouraging. What’s not encouraging is that religious freedom is being challenged every day. Prayer is banned in schools, at sporting events and graduation, Merry Christmas was to become Happy Holidays. The Ten Commandments is not allowed in public buildings. Crosses must be removed from public property. The placement of the Nativity is prohibited in public arenas. The county’s motto; “In God We Trust “is challenged. We’re not supposed to offend anyone. As a country founded upon Christian Judaic principles; I say we are headed in the wrong direction. Where are the leaders to defend our founding principles? Where are the leaders to defend good vs. evil? What has happened to our rights?

Yes, where are the leaders? They seem to be hiding. They don’t want to upset anyone. They are abandoning the courage to preach right vs. wrong, good vs. evil... What we get is Reverend Jeremiah Wright preaching GD America. The recent controversy over the Obama Mandate, that Catholic Institutions provide health care for sterilization, abortifacients and contraception, is an example of what is happening in America. It’s encouraging that Pope Benedict appointed Cardinal Dolan of New York, who stood up and made no qualms about defending his religious doctrine, and defining what was right and what was wrong. In comparison, it is my opinion that was not the story in the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Archdiocese of Chicago decided to place a letter in their bulletins on a Sunday. The parishes were given the option to read the letter, at mass, or let the parishioners read the letter. In my parish they did not read the letter. The following Sunday a second letter, from the Conference of Catholic Bishops, was inserted in the bulletins. Again my parish did not read the letter. Questioning the priests, the reply was, “we don’t want to upset anyone”. Who do you upset by defending your doctrine and telling the truth? I disagree with the Archdiocese OF Chicago. It was irresponsible to not read these letters. The perception is that the Archdiocese doesn’t care what we do. I feel the church has a responsibility for instructing what is right and what is wrong. Has the Church become more pre occupied with money and being politically correct than being spokesmen for God?

In my opinion religious teachings have become watered down. Most homilies are presented as politically correct instead of emphasizing what is right and what is wrong in today’s society. How many homilies do you hear that attack: abortion, murder, drug abuse, child abuse, the deterioration of the family, or alcoholism? I must have been dozing, because I don’t remember any. They may mention these issues, but to attack them head on is another story. Maybe, they don’t want to offend anyone.

In 1979 when Pope John Paul conducted an outdoor Polish Mass, at Five Holy Martyrs Parish, on the Southside of Chicago he reiterated a Polish Proverb, it went something like this:”If you rise early, God will provide for you, if you don’t rise early, God will not provide for you.” I interpret it to mean that hard work and initiative pay off. That was the culture John Paul grew up in. That was the culture of the United States. You worked hard and earned what you had. Today things are changing; people look to government to provide for them. Government is not only to provide the basics: food, clothing and shelter, but also cell phones, homes people can’t support, free health care, credit cards. Government will promise almost anything to get your vote. The wage earner can only afford so much for what we call the Nanny State, after awhile the money runs out. You only have to look to Greece to see what happens when the Nanny State goes broke. The people take to the streets to demand something the government can no longer afford. No one is against helping the poor, but when half of a country is on or looking for some form of welfare something is wrong. The people need jobs, not welfare. We should help people, not make them invalids. An idle mind lurks the devil.

It is my conviction that religion in America is on the downturn. Once it has begun to slide it becomes difficult to reverse. Our government is no help. In fact they may be leading the downturn. The Constitution guarantees religious freedoms; the problem is that many of today’s politicians don’t believe in the Constitution. They take an oath they don’t honor. Another problem is that the current Administration appears to be in favor of secularizing religion. When government starts telling religious institutions what they have to do, they have stepped over the line. Is government to become our religion of the future? You saw it happen in the Soviet Union and other Communist block countries. The religious were persecuted and killed. Government controlled everything and people became poorer. Those who benefitted where the proletariat who became the rich. It was about power and control. Many say, don’t worry. I say we better worry. The lessons of the past are being ignored. Today the Catholic Church supports the liberal welfare and health care policies of big government. They supported Obama Care. These are the same policies that I believe are leading to socialism. I ask, is big government the solution or the problem? The Church needs to reexamine its outlook on the motives and role of big government. The objectives and words may be good, but the outcomes may not be what you want. I believe big government is camouflaging the contents and intent of its policies. The best example is Obama Care. The best government is the government that governs least.

The time has come for religious institutions to re-evaluate their role and interactions with government. I believe this is more important than revising the words in the mass. Most people look to the clergy for the guidance to follow the dictates of God. As sinners we need God’s help to follow his infinite wisdom to provide the help needed to lead good lives. We pray that the clergy will find the strength and courage to defend their religion. We need the “TRUTH”. Without religion there will be no right or wrong. Everything will be right. There will be no sin, there will be no god. There will be no order. Government will be supreme and will rule. The lessons from history are clear. Are we going to pay attention and stand up for what’s right., or will we say “we don’t want to upset anyone.” Is that leadership? How long do we have to be kicked around? The clock is ticking and we are heading in the wrong direction.

Monday, February 20, 2012


On March 23, 2010 President Barack Obama signed into law “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, better known as Obama Care. It was a 2700-3000 page document that very few if any had read. Nancy Pelosi told us “not to worry we’ll find out what’s in it later”. Well it’s later and we’re finding out what’s in it, and the majority of Americans don’t like it. They’re calling for repeal.

Recently an announcement, regarding an Obama Care mandate caused a confrontation. It was initiated by a statement that President Obama made that would force all health care plans in the U, S. to cover sterilization and all FDA approved contraceptives including those that cause abortion. This was objectionable to the Catholic Church because it does not protect the freedom of conscience rights of secular for profit employers, secular non-profit employers, religious insurers, self insured religious employers or individual Americans. The President met the objections with an accommodation that Insurance Companies provide the services free of charge. This was rejected by the Catholic Bishops as a no change. It simply meant that Insurance Companies would raise premiums to cover the cost and the insured would pay indirectly for the same objectionable services.

Washington uses the term mandate; I call it order or dictate. Government is telling you what you have to pay for. This mandate is a violation of my religious rights and liberties covered under the Constitution of the United States. Government is intruding on my religious believes and telling me that my religion is answerable to Big Government. I have no objection to people doing what they want. That’s on their conscience, but please don’t dictate to me that I have to support their behavior. Many liberals say this is an issue of women’s health, I say it is an issue of behavior. It’s an issue on how you want to conduct your life. It’s an issue being decided by beaucrates in Washington. If they’re so interested in determining insurance coverage, why don’t they work with insurance and medical professionals to best solve medical issues? Your auto insurance provides options to pick and choose so you can select the best and most affordable coverage. Why should I pay for someone’s behavior that is contrary to my religious beliefs? If you want that coverage, you pay for it.

Obama Care not only attacks the 1st Amendment’s religious liberties, but has moved its tentacles to cut the benefits of seniors. Obama Care is calling for a $575 billion cut to Medicare over the next decade and using $410 billion of that money to expand eligibility for Medicaid. That’s what I call robbing Peter to pay Paul or redistribution of wealth. People who thought their payroll deductions were being used for retirement are finding otherwise. It was replaced by useless IOU’s. Senior are paying over $100 a month for Medicare, what are Medicaid patients paying, zero? According to Administration actuaries Medicare will spend $14,731 per senior in 2019, instead of $16,162 if the law had not passed. To top it off the Administration will put in place an unelected board called the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) to manage and implement cost cutting measures for Medicare. This is what they meant when the issue of Death Panels was brought up. It’s a way to follow the ideologies of E. Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, as to the value of life. At age zero you have no value and after 40 or 50 the value of your life continues to decrease. That’s how you cut money and show you have no value for life. If you’re very young or very old your government will have no use for you. People over 70 are to be known as units. Units will not be legible for chemo therapy, joint replacement, and heart bypasses to name a few medical procedures. The medical cases will be reviewed by the IPAB. If that’s the law it’s an abomination and must be repealed. It’s age discrimination.

Obama Care not only attacks religious liberty and seniors but also small business. In 1979 there were 279 mandates; in 2012 we have as many as 2100 mandates. The administration has created regulations for regulations. They are strangling small businesses and the medical profession. These mandates have created uncertainty which discourages the hiring of new workers, and the retention of existing workers due to rising cost. IRS agents will monitor companies who don’t comply with mandated health care for their employees. Waivers have been given to preferential businesses and unions. Why should anyone get a waiver? If governments can takeover car companies and banks why can’t they control small businesses and individuals? It’s a step closer to socialism. I don’t believe this is what the founding Fathers intended when they framed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.

It is predicted that millions of Americans will be forced out of their health coverage. Many companies will no longer be able to afford insurance coverage for their employees. Insurance premiums will rise making it unaffordable for the average American. What’s the solution, government sponsored insurance or socialized medicine. Something they call the Single Payer System. .If this happens it is predicted we will have a shortage of doctors, it will be the collapse of the best health care system in the world and it will create rationing. We will all be forced to buy Obama care. That sounds like government demanding-forcing a product on its citizens. People will no longer come to the United States for treatment; instead Americans will go outside of the country to look for their medical care...

The best description for Obama Care is that it is an abomination.” In spring 2012 the Supreme Court is to rule on Obama Care. It will be the job of the 9 Justices to rule on the Constitutionality of Obama Care. It will not be there job to legislate or to make judgments based on individual preferences. It is not about what they think or would like the law to be. There job is to rule on the law and how it applies to the Constitution. I’m no legal scholar but based on my research and findings I have to say Obama Care is unconstitutional and should be overturned. It is critical that each Justice back up his or her findings with solid conclusions. based on law. Before voting I ask that each Justice re-read their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United State of America.

I ask the Justices of the Supreme Court to repeal Obama Care.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The door appears to have opened and we are now passing into Orwell’s “1984”. I feel “Big Brother’ is watching my every movement. Soon, I will become a number among many.

Everyday, I hear more and more about the invasion of privacy. Do I have any rights to my privacy? What right does government or other parties have to my information? Is there anything I can do to stop this invasion? Is my use of the internet safe? If not, why not? What business does anyone have to the information on my computer? The 4th Amendment guarantees:’ the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effect against unreasonable searches and seizures.” Is anyone paying attention to the Constitution? Is it the role of government to protect our 4th Amendment Rights, or violate them?

The government wants to control everything, but it can’t control and protect its own information. There is a story being told that a conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard was hacked. Then there’s the drone that landed in Iran. The drone was hacked into by the Russians or Chinese and forced to land in Iran. This is big stuff. What is government doing to combat these serious violations and protect us from cyber attacks?

In a recent 60 Minute segment, the show highlighted the fact that drones would be used in New York for surveillance. Street cameras are not enough, now we need drones. Have these tools decreased crimes or accidents? There are plenty of laws on the books to protect the citizenry. In severe cases of terrorism or crimes drones should be considered. I don’t know if I want Big Bother watching my every move.

Government has intruded into our lives by trying to control gun ownership, health care, what we eat, what we drink, what cars we drive, they want to control the air waves and internet, and who gets what. Where will it stop? What happened to common sense? What happened to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Maybe government should get out of our lives and concentrate on jobs, the economy, national security and defense. Does government know what its mission is? Are we the enemy? I don’t believe Government has to become Big Brother and control us as Orwell described in his book “1984”.

Technology has made our lives more comfortable; while on the other hand it has also made it more complex. Who will steal my identity, pilfer my bank account, use my credit card, and use my personal information. Today I can go on the internet and for $39.95 buy your personal information. If I wanted a social security number; I can check death records. Who controls the wholesale use of personal information? Who gave anyone the right to sell my personal information or for that matter anyone’s information.

Fifty years ago this wasn’t a problem. Today we need to protect our information. We can no longer throw personal papers in the garbage; we have to burn or shred them. We need passwords and pin numbers for use on our computers and various accounts. Even with all types of security someone will find a way to get to your information. It can be government, corporations or individuals who invade our world. They use the information for the mailings that flood our mailboxes, the phone calls we get at suppertime, for personal gain, and the bugs they plant in our computers to monitor our usage. Anyone who violates my space and privacy should be prosecuted. I understand there are instances where government and businesses need information for security reasons. There is nothing wrong with collecting data for research as long as it is not personal. There should be limited reasons to know my social security number, phone number, religion, age, medical history, political affiliations, and financial information. That’s private information that should not be used against my wishes. Most companies have privacy procedures they follow to protect us. Maybe the people in government, corporations and individuals should pay attention to the 4th Amendment and privacy laws. We need to close the door on the intrusions into our lives before it’s too late.

Friday, February 3, 2012

G8/NATO Summit Is Coming To Chicago

In May the City of Chicago will be hosting the G8/NATO Summit. This will be the first time in 30 years that any city has hosted both meetings. This will be the 38th G8 Summit and will be held at McCormick Place on May 20-21. The G8 was created in 1975 as the G7 consisting of: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States and Canada. The first meeting was held in 1977. Russia was later added to make it the G8. Today other emerging nations are invited: Brazil, China, New Mexico and others. They discuss global issues: security, economy, environment, and trade, NATO was created in 1949 after WW II. It includes the U.S. and 27 other countries. The summits are expected to attract over 2000 dignitaries from around the globe. On top of the summit the National Restaurant Association is scheduled to hold its annual trade show in Chicago, May 19-22, at McCormick Place... The NRA draws over 50,000 visitors and brought in an estimated $110 Million in 2004.The NRA has been coming to Chicago since 1950.

Chicago was selected as the site by President Obama after extensive lobbying by Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emmanuel. Chicago offers 2 airports, great hotels, fine restaurants, transportation, entertainment and other amenities. The Summit will be hosted by President Obama. The Summit provides great economic opportunities for Chicago businesses. It is estimated that 10,000 hotel rooms will be booked for the event. Over 2000 journalist will come to cover the summit. The downside is that the summit also attracts protestors from around the world. Adbuster a radical Vancouver based anti consumerist magazine has called for 50,000 protestors to come to Chicago. The Occupy Wall Street Movement has already applied for protest permits. .Historically the summits have created violence in the form of broken windows, turned over cars, in London they wanted to bomb the subways. The riots of 1968 may look like child’s play compared to the planned summit. To counter any threats, the Chicago Police and Fire Departments have been preparing for months. They will be aided by Secret Service and foreign agents traveling with the foreign leaders. This will be an extremely difficult security challenge.

Normally these summits are held in remote locations. The City of Chicago may be disrupted for more than a week... Roads will be closed to provide security for the dignitaries... The Daley Center and McCormick Place can expect large numbers of protestors. It’s hard to predict what will happen at City Hall, the Federal Buildings and Thompson Center. Local businesses were asked to hire more security to protect their properties. The potential for violence is extremely high. The use of modern technology such as cell phones, ipads, and laptops increase communications for the protestors to converge more easily upon areas.

The media coverage will be enormous. If there is trouble the responsible groups and sponsors should be exposed and dealt with quickly. We know the City will protect the 1st Amendment Rights of everyone, citizens as well as protestors... The question is: how well can they maintain law and order? Because of the potential for trouble many people are planning to leave the city. If you work in downtown Chicago, what plans are you making? What do you think of the President and Mayor’s decision to host the summits? The final outcome, good or bad, will rest upon the shoulders of the President and Chicago’s Mayor. It was their decision. We can expect the worse, but let’s hope and pray for the best.