Thursday, July 17, 2008


Maybe it's time for the Village of Orland Park to make a total cost presentation of what it will cost to demolish the Orland Plaza and where the funds will come from. I would like to see the dollars, in detail, the Village will offer for the land and what it offers for each store. The investment and goodwill for each store should not come cheaply and should be at today's market value. The presentation should include all costs, paybacks and the time it will take to recoup the millions lost by demolishing the mall. Can the village justify and guarantee the cost for this project? The question is: "Is the Village placing the Village in debt? Since the Village is so certain of their direction, they should have no problem sharing this data with the taxpayers of Orland Park. How else can they be so sure of success. I'll be looking for the data in the July 24th edition of the Orland Park Prairie Newspaper.

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