Monday, July 27, 2009


I know that you don't care what I write, but I want to tell you that you are not suited to represent the people of the State of Illinois. You are not protecting and defending the Constitution, you allow the President to do what he wants with no checks and balances and you don't insure that the law is executed. Why Acorn and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd have not been charged for their actions is beyond me.You support OBama Care with no justification or money. You want to destroy the best health care sytem in the world. You want us to imitate Europe, you don't want to secure our borders, you want illegals to get, while we pay, so you can get votes. This is not America, you support a dictator as President and fail to fulfil your duties. The State of Illinois is bankrupt, the city of Chicago is corrupt and the County is a disgrace. This is what you, Obama, Axelrod and Emanuel come from. What a resume. The people fought for their freedom and rights in 1776 and we'll fight for them again in 2009. God Bless America.

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