Saturday, October 31, 2009


The tide appears to be turning. People are waking up and finding that Barrack Obama is not the brilliant wizard he was made out to be. His golden oratory is turning sour and people now question his words. Where’s the transparency, the end to corruption and lobbyists. The data and people making decisions, for the President, are being challenged. The President’s decision making ability has become more like one of indecision than of decisiveness. He needs months to make a decision on Afghanistan, but rushes legislation through Congress, giving no time to read or analyze the material. What would happen if the United States was confronted with a tragedy calling for an immediate decision, is Barrack Obama up to it? He follows the rule of Chicago politics; count the votes than make the decision. Washington is being run in campaign mode not as an efficient business. Their model is the Chicago Political Machine.

There are many who believe Obama is a savior, some call him the messiah, I ask them. Do you want government telling you what you can and can’t do? Do you realize the consequences of a big intrusive government? It’s a step towards socialism. Government will make your decisions. If you like that type of government you should be living in: Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, or China. Is that what you want? Am I wrong to feel that way? Look at the radicals now making decisions in Washington. Czars that were not approved by Congress, but have more power than those approved to Cabinet posts. Do you want the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid running your life? You only have to look at their record: Stimulus Package, Cash for Clunkers, Fannie and Freddie, Bailouts, Insurmountable debt, Government Health Care Reform (paid abortions, cuts in Medicare, rationing, public options, limited choice, higher taxes, etc) more power for Unions, Acorn and of course government. The Obama Administration chastises: Fox News, Chamber of Commerce, Insurance Companies, Edmonds and anyone who disagrees with their policies or data. That’s what a socialistic regime does and that’s what they want us to become, servants of big government. I’m sorry, but that’s wrong, and I’m worried. I’m worried for my country, my grandchildren and the honest hard working people that have made America great. We can’t stand idly by and let Washington destroy our beliefs and traditions.

Living in Illinois I find it frustrating to be represented by Dick Durbin and Roland Burris. They don’t listen, and if you send them your opinions they respond with unrelated issues. Will the people of Illinois boot them out? Will Nevada re-elect Harry Reid, will Massachusetts keep Barney Frank or will California kick out Nancy Pelosi. Wake up America, these people don’t represent this country, they believe in an ideology that is based on Socialism. They now call themselves Progressives. Because we complain, they call us Nazi’s, tea baggers, anti American. The problem is they have become corrupt with power and arrogance. The only way to clean up the mess is to kick them out. We need more Mr. Smith’s in Washington and less Dick Durbin’s, Barney Franks and Chris Dodd’s. We need to send people to Washington who believe in the Constitution and our history. We need people whose role models are Washington, Jefferson, and Adams not Mao, Chavez or Castro. We need people who are proud of our nation, the Constitution, the flag and the traditions and values created by our founding fathers.

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