Sunday, November 8, 2009


The Congress passed the 2000 page Health Care Reform Bill last night by 5 votes. Nancy Pelosi declared that people can finally have affordable health care. Can someone please tell me how you can boil down a 2000 page bill to a few meaningless words? It reminds me of the 2008 campaign, “Hope and Change“, words that no one challenged. Maybe it’s time to challenge what Congress means by affordable health care. What’s it going to cost me? You say it will be cheaper, how can it be cheaper. Please give me an example. You say it will cover 96% of the people, where’s the money coming from? Cheaper and covering more people, that’s very interesting. You say everyone must have insurance or pay a fine or spend time in jail. Very democratic. What if I can’t afford insurance, will you send me to jail? How does that work? You say that there is going to be a public option, but you can keep your present insurance. What choice do I have if I belong to a group and the business decides for the public option how can I keep my present insurance? You say abortion won’t be paid but provide no guarantee, how can I trust you? What else is hidden in the 2000 pages that you don’t want me to know? How are you going to cover illegal’s, what’s the catch? I know you’re going to sneak it in. There will be a life time maximum, how much? How many beauracrates will it take and cost to administer this bill? How about ending fraud and corruption? Why didn’t we have the option of going across state lines to buy insurance and what did you do about tort reform? If nothing, why?

At this point I think it’s a big game. A game of trying to win public opinion. Remember, “Hope and Change”, trust me. Don’t trust anyone and don’t believe what you read or hear. Ask questions and get as many facts as you can. It’s a political game about control and power. It’s a game about taking away my freedoms and giving them to the government. A government that can’t manage much of anything. It’s no longer common sense, its lies and deception. Why should I trust or believe in any politician?

Just remember, health care reform is going to provide everyone with affordable health care. That’s what Speaker Pelosi says and that’s what her 2000 page bill guarantees. So says Pelosi. Now if you believe all of that, step forward and buy a bottle of my Fountain of Youth Tonic.

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