Thursday, December 23, 2010
The year 2010 was the year of “Pass the Legislation”. The Congress and Senate were guided around like sheep. Where was the debate, the questions: WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, HOW and WHO? No time? The leaders didn’t know what they were voting for. “We’ll worry about it later.” My advice this holiday season is that all elected officials watch, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Maybe Jimmy Stewart will give them some inspiration. In their Christmas stocking, I would hope that Santa leaves them some wisdom, sense of duty and a copy of the Constitution.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Recent events in England and Greece should be of concern to all Americans. It’s a signal of what can happen when government gets too big and people become dependent on entitlements. There comes a time when everyone must face reality. The question becomes where does all that money come from? Someone has to pay. It’s definitely not governments’ money; it’s taxpayer money paying for those entitlements. Something has to give. Government has to cut costs, unions have to stop demanding and instigating, and everyone has to make sacrifices. There is no free ride. When you’re in a hole you dig yourself out. It is a time that will determine what type of country you will live in.
There are many lessons coming out of Europe. Unfortunately our government believes this is the path to follow, I call it the path to Socialism. It’s big government’s wish to redistribute wealth so everyone can be equal. We saw what happened when Freddie and Fannie provided everyone with the opportunity to own a home. The housing market collapsed, leading to high unemployment and huge deficits. This was the initiative that created the problems we are in today. This was government’s approach to change and equality. We were not to be treated as individuals but as collectives.
We must learn from what’s happening in Europe and get back on track. Government must cut back, Union member must regain control of their unions, creativity and ingenuity must be promoted. Dependence on entitlements leads to control of the individual. You lose your identify and become a pawn of the state. If we don’t wake up and pay attention, it may be too late. Europe is not a model to follow, we must return to basic free market principles and individualism. The best model and hope for freedom is and will always be the Constitution of the United States of America.
There are many lessons coming out of Europe. Unfortunately our government believes this is the path to follow, I call it the path to Socialism. It’s big government’s wish to redistribute wealth so everyone can be equal. We saw what happened when Freddie and Fannie provided everyone with the opportunity to own a home. The housing market collapsed, leading to high unemployment and huge deficits. This was the initiative that created the problems we are in today. This was government’s approach to change and equality. We were not to be treated as individuals but as collectives.
We must learn from what’s happening in Europe and get back on track. Government must cut back, Union member must regain control of their unions, creativity and ingenuity must be promoted. Dependence on entitlements leads to control of the individual. You lose your identify and become a pawn of the state. If we don’t wake up and pay attention, it may be too late. Europe is not a model to follow, we must return to basic free market principles and individualism. The best model and hope for freedom is and will always be the Constitution of the United States of America.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
During the past election candidates stated that they recognized the fact that Washington wasn’t listening. Have you heard the recent clamor over airport security, it’s loud and clear. Unfortunately, Washington has a problem hearing it. They do what they want, and ignore alternatives. Are they listening? Does it make sense to grope grandma or a 3 year old? They’ve lost the ability to reason and use common sense. Washington has become so arrogant they now feel they know what’s best for everyone. The problem is, what’s good for America doesn’t seem to be good for the elite in Washington. They’ve begun to act like dictators. Could you please tell me why Washington’s elite are given a pass at airports? They’re no better than anybody else. Why is Washington getting salary increases when social security is frozen? Why is Congress exempt from Obama Care? Why is it that more and more large companies are getting waivers from the new health care law? Shouldn’t everyone be treated the same. Why is it that we keep spending when we’re broke? Tax paying America is paying for this fiscal mess through higher prices and taxes. We’ve mortgaged our future to China, and Washington thinks nothing of it.
What a mess. Washington listens to Unions, lobbyists, billionaires who don’t know what to do with their money and far left ideologues. The average American is being shut out. This is not the America I grew up in or believe in. Main stream America will only take so much. Washington has exceeded its boundaries by ignoring the voices of the people. The battle is to restore America not destroy it. Maybe it’s time for Washington to start paying attention to the people. Maybe it’s time for Washington to feel the pain. Maybe it’s time to listen.
What a mess. Washington listens to Unions, lobbyists, billionaires who don’t know what to do with their money and far left ideologues. The average American is being shut out. This is not the America I grew up in or believe in. Main stream America will only take so much. Washington has exceeded its boundaries by ignoring the voices of the people. The battle is to restore America not destroy it. Maybe it’s time for Washington to start paying attention to the people. Maybe it’s time for Washington to feel the pain. Maybe it’s time to listen.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Some years ago they had a saying: “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never harm you”. “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.” has changed the depth and meaning of that old saying. If you use the wrong word you can be chastised as offensive, insensitive, racist, sexist, and homophobic and more Recently the word extremist was used on the “View” in reference to 9/11 and the building of a mosque, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar walked off the set over the word extremist. The expression of this idea. word, action or opinion created hysteria. Instead of a civil debate we had adults behave like children.
Twenty or thirty years ago comedians made a living off of ethnic jokes; people laughed and enjoyed the humor. The Archie Bunker/All In The Family Show entertained millions in the 1970”s with ethnic humor. Some complained but it had little affect on its popularity... Today’s comedy depends on vulgarity and sexism. It’s entertainment that exhibits a lack of discipline and character. Its popularity can be found in poor ratings. Ethnic jokes lost out to political correctness and vulgarity. In the process we’ve lost the art of humor and laughing at ourselves. Political correctness has gone so far as to attempt to ban the Nativity Scene at public places at Christmas time, greeting people with Merry Christmas was to be replaced by Happy Holidays, Santa’s Ho Ho was misconstrued as something evil, and the White House no longer sends Christmas Cards because they believe it can be offensive. The White House banned the word terrorism
and replaced it with “Manmade Disaster”. Political correctness has become a way to confront someone who disagrees with your opinion in a way to create fears to dismantle your beliefs and traditions. That’s not political correctness, that’s political incorrectness. Someone termed it social demolition.
If someone can turn the American Flag upside down, and degrade the traditions and customs of America without retribution, than I say it’s time to put an end to political correctness. Yes, every human being deserves respect but not at the cost of every word or action being censored. We cannot be intimidated by the agenda and demands of those presented under the guise of “Political Correctness”. It’s time to replace Political Correctness with plain old COMMON SENSE.
Twenty or thirty years ago comedians made a living off of ethnic jokes; people laughed and enjoyed the humor. The Archie Bunker/All In The Family Show entertained millions in the 1970”s with ethnic humor. Some complained but it had little affect on its popularity... Today’s comedy depends on vulgarity and sexism. It’s entertainment that exhibits a lack of discipline and character. Its popularity can be found in poor ratings. Ethnic jokes lost out to political correctness and vulgarity. In the process we’ve lost the art of humor and laughing at ourselves. Political correctness has gone so far as to attempt to ban the Nativity Scene at public places at Christmas time, greeting people with Merry Christmas was to be replaced by Happy Holidays, Santa’s Ho Ho was misconstrued as something evil, and the White House no longer sends Christmas Cards because they believe it can be offensive. The White House banned the word terrorism
and replaced it with “Manmade Disaster”. Political correctness has become a way to confront someone who disagrees with your opinion in a way to create fears to dismantle your beliefs and traditions. That’s not political correctness, that’s political incorrectness. Someone termed it social demolition.
If someone can turn the American Flag upside down, and degrade the traditions and customs of America without retribution, than I say it’s time to put an end to political correctness. Yes, every human being deserves respect but not at the cost of every word or action being censored. We cannot be intimidated by the agenda and demands of those presented under the guise of “Political Correctness”. It’s time to replace Political Correctness with plain old COMMON SENSE.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
On October 30th Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert will be holding a “Restore Sanity Rally” in Washington DC. I hope they can accomplish something because, I have some question and problems with the way Washington is doing business. Maybe they can answer the question, why we continue to spend when we’re broke? Why elected officials take an oath to defend the Constitution than tell us it’s irrelevant? Why Legislators pass laws without reading them and than tell us we’ll find out what’s in it later? DOJ sues the state of Arizona, but fails to question the civil right violations of China, Venezuela, Iran and most UN nations? Why did we stop drilling for oil, but support foreign drilling? Why rank and file union members allow union leaders to blindly spend their dues? Why government needs to nationalize banks and industry? How much tax do people have to pay before it’s enough for government? Why do we continue to send jobs overseas when we have high unemployment? What happened to the free market? Why is social security broke, but we provide aid to illegals for education and health care? Why isn’t Washington protecting our borders when Mexico and Guatemala have erected fences for their border? Why is Washington letting the greatest nation on earth become second rate?
I doubt that two comedians will change anything, but their premise is right. Washington and our elected officials have gone insane and we need to restore sanity to government.
I doubt that two comedians will change anything, but their premise is right. Washington and our elected officials have gone insane and we need to restore sanity to government.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The elections are fast approaching and the mud and dirt has begun to fly. People are angry and are looking for people to solve problems. They’re tired of the entrenched politicians and their promises. They’re tired of the old rhetoric and phony endorsements. They’re tired of the pundits and their elitist attitudes and predictions. They want action with results. They want leaders and problem solvers to fix the economy, immigration, education, create jobs, control taxes, eliminate debt, provide quality, affordable health care, create and follow fiscally sound budgets, enforce laws, understand they work for the people not a party or special interest group(s),,and above all, believe in the principles that made this country great. .The election should be about intelligent ideas and issues. It’s not about name calling, generalities or gutter politics. It’s too easy to call someone a racist, Nazi or hater, but difficult to develop solutions to problems and to discuss the issues in a clear and concise manner. The most precious freedom you have is the vote. Don’t be a complainer, vote on November 2nd for your convictions.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Government Is The Problem
Former president Ronald Reagan said,”They spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors because they spend their own money.” I guess it would be safe to say that our representatives in Washington are spending our money like drunken sailors. They spend and spend more. They don’t know when to stop. When the money trees are bare they print more. Why not, it’s not theirs, it belongs to the taxpayer. If it was theirs it would be a different story. It’s been reported that consumers are paying down their debt. Why isn’t Washington paying down the debt? The present deficit is around 13 trillion dollars and growing. The national debt is growing by about $4 billion a day with an estimated cost to each citizen of over $43 thousand dollars. Washington talks of increasing taxes and passing more costly legislation. People can t afford more taxes. We’re broke. They don’t get it. Presently a working person has to work 231 days out of the year to meet all costs imposed by government, that’s 8 days more than 2009.
Some will tell you we’re in a recession; some say it’s a depression while the administration say’s we’re in recovery. If you’re one of the 9.5% unemployed you tell me where we’re at. What troubles me, is that public sector jobs have been increasing while private sector jobs are decreasing. We don’t need more bureaucrats; we need real jobs, jobs that produce value. Government jobs take money from the private sector that should go to buy goods and services that would put people back to work. Hiring more bureaucrats isn’t the answer. Government needs to provide the private sector with the economic freedom to make business decisions. Business leaders need that freedom to create and produce goods and services that consumers need and want. The present advice coming out of Washington is from academics, lobbyists, activists, union leaders and community organizers; people with little or no business experience. We have bureaucrats telling business what and how to do it. The Congress has been incapable of controlling the bureaucrats. That is a problem. These people have no real business experience that would qualify them to solve business problems. We need less government, less regulations, and the free market to do its job.
As President Reagan said,” Government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem.”
Some will tell you we’re in a recession; some say it’s a depression while the administration say’s we’re in recovery. If you’re one of the 9.5% unemployed you tell me where we’re at. What troubles me, is that public sector jobs have been increasing while private sector jobs are decreasing. We don’t need more bureaucrats; we need real jobs, jobs that produce value. Government jobs take money from the private sector that should go to buy goods and services that would put people back to work. Hiring more bureaucrats isn’t the answer. Government needs to provide the private sector with the economic freedom to make business decisions. Business leaders need that freedom to create and produce goods and services that consumers need and want. The present advice coming out of Washington is from academics, lobbyists, activists, union leaders and community organizers; people with little or no business experience. We have bureaucrats telling business what and how to do it. The Congress has been incapable of controlling the bureaucrats. That is a problem. These people have no real business experience that would qualify them to solve business problems. We need less government, less regulations, and the free market to do its job.
As President Reagan said,” Government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem.”
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Socialism can be defined as “an economic and political theory based on public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources”. The basic premise is that everything is collective under the direction of government. Government rules. The winners are the rulers.
If we analyze what is happening, in America, the indicators are saying we are headed towards socialism. Our government is growing bigger and more powerful They’ve created greater controls through more regulations. The Health Care and Financial Reform Legislation meet that criteria. When government takes over manufacturing and banks it meets that criteria. They don’t believe in a capitalistic society. When the Congress is no longer relevant and decisions are made by czars and unions it becomes clear that something is wrong. When government obstructs, instead of enforcing laws, we must be concerned; examples: Acorn, Black Panthers, and immigration. Laws are for everyone, government can’t arbitrarily decide who the law applies to.
The signs and actions of what government is doing should make every citizen worried. When a once great nation bows to foreign leaders and turns it’s back on allies, aren’t you concerned? Don’t you ask yourself, what’s happening? When our government fails to abide by the Constitution and treats it as an outdated document, aren’t you concerned? When new legislation is so ambiguous that leaders tell you “you’ll find out later”. Do you accept that? When your representatives fail to read legislation and vote on command, do you accept that as good government? When the President dictates the outcome and timelines for legislation do you agree? Where is the debate? Are the voices of the people being heard? Does you representative care what you think? Why don’t we have term or age limits and enforceable ethics to rid government of corruption? If you’re not upset or angry, do you accept socialism as the way to go? Maybe this is the type of government you want.
We the people have allowed this to happen. We have become complacent and trusted our elected officials. What have we gotten: insurmountable deficits, high unemployment, attempts to redistribute the wealth, a bigger and more powerful government, bureaucrats who treat themselves like kings ( they can’t buy their own newspapers, bottled water, donuts, coffee or lunches). There is talk of a one world government and the dismantling of the Electoral College. The founding fathers fought for less government, less taxes, greater freedoms and liberty. Washington tells us they are transforming the country. They say “we’re not going back”, but that’s exactly where we’re headed, 1750. Is this the transformation you want? We need to get back to basics; we need to follow the Constitution We need to get back on track. To make that happen, we the voters must go to the polls and elect people who believe and will defend the Constitution. People who are proud of America and will dedicate their service to liberty, freedom and our motto “In God We Trust”.
If we analyze what is happening, in America, the indicators are saying we are headed towards socialism. Our government is growing bigger and more powerful They’ve created greater controls through more regulations. The Health Care and Financial Reform Legislation meet that criteria. When government takes over manufacturing and banks it meets that criteria. They don’t believe in a capitalistic society. When the Congress is no longer relevant and decisions are made by czars and unions it becomes clear that something is wrong. When government obstructs, instead of enforcing laws, we must be concerned; examples: Acorn, Black Panthers, and immigration. Laws are for everyone, government can’t arbitrarily decide who the law applies to.
The signs and actions of what government is doing should make every citizen worried. When a once great nation bows to foreign leaders and turns it’s back on allies, aren’t you concerned? Don’t you ask yourself, what’s happening? When our government fails to abide by the Constitution and treats it as an outdated document, aren’t you concerned? When new legislation is so ambiguous that leaders tell you “you’ll find out later”. Do you accept that? When your representatives fail to read legislation and vote on command, do you accept that as good government? When the President dictates the outcome and timelines for legislation do you agree? Where is the debate? Are the voices of the people being heard? Does you representative care what you think? Why don’t we have term or age limits and enforceable ethics to rid government of corruption? If you’re not upset or angry, do you accept socialism as the way to go? Maybe this is the type of government you want.
We the people have allowed this to happen. We have become complacent and trusted our elected officials. What have we gotten: insurmountable deficits, high unemployment, attempts to redistribute the wealth, a bigger and more powerful government, bureaucrats who treat themselves like kings ( they can’t buy their own newspapers, bottled water, donuts, coffee or lunches). There is talk of a one world government and the dismantling of the Electoral College. The founding fathers fought for less government, less taxes, greater freedoms and liberty. Washington tells us they are transforming the country. They say “we’re not going back”, but that’s exactly where we’re headed, 1750. Is this the transformation you want? We need to get back to basics; we need to follow the Constitution We need to get back on track. To make that happen, we the voters must go to the polls and elect people who believe and will defend the Constitution. People who are proud of America and will dedicate their service to liberty, freedom and our motto “In God We Trust”.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
In regards to your recent article: “Future Shape of the Triangle”, I say, show me the money! The Orland Park Administration thinks big, but where is the money to pay for the project? Where is the money to pay the Orland Plaza Owners and Tenants? The Administration is clueless! They must be held accountable. .The days of overflowing sales tax revenues are gone. The market has changed, more store are closing than opening. The housing market is down, unemployment is over 9%. Orland Park is already in deep debt and continues to refinance and add to the tax payer burden. Will they raise taxes; create more TIF’s so schools will have less? Does anyone on the Board have any concept of value or money?
The Orland Plaza is a jewel in the rough. It continues to bring in a steady flow of revenue. Even with the threat of closure there are very few. The Plaza provides steady employment for the Village and has a dedicated customer base. Is this what you do in difficult financial times, cut revenues and increase unemployment? What guarantees and cost justification has the public received that this is a safe venture? Wake up, the economy and levels of government are all in trouble. The Orland Park Administration has a responsibility to provide sound financial plans and services to its taxpayers. This is not their money; it’s the people’s money.
Unless the Orland Park Administration can provide a sound, justifiable, debt free, financial plan for the Triangle it should be shelved. The revenues from the Plaza are needed; they can not afford to destroy it. The Plaza should be renovated. Elected officials need to be fiscally responsible. If they do not know how to manage their vested resources, they should be removed. There are too many incompetent, self serving officials serving us, the people are fed up.
The Orland Plaza is a jewel in the rough. It continues to bring in a steady flow of revenue. Even with the threat of closure there are very few. The Plaza provides steady employment for the Village and has a dedicated customer base. Is this what you do in difficult financial times, cut revenues and increase unemployment? What guarantees and cost justification has the public received that this is a safe venture? Wake up, the economy and levels of government are all in trouble. The Orland Park Administration has a responsibility to provide sound financial plans and services to its taxpayers. This is not their money; it’s the people’s money.
Unless the Orland Park Administration can provide a sound, justifiable, debt free, financial plan for the Triangle it should be shelved. The revenues from the Plaza are needed; they can not afford to destroy it. The Plaza should be renovated. Elected officials need to be fiscally responsible. If they do not know how to manage their vested resources, they should be removed. There are too many incompetent, self serving officials serving us, the people are fed up.
Monday, June 28, 2010
As we celebrate the 4th of July our thoughts should focus on independence. It is a day to say thank you to the Founding Fathers for their courage and wisdom to create the foundation for the greatest country on earth, America. In 1776 the world was much like it is today. We had rulers, empires and dictators. People were controlled and told what they could and couldn’t do. Fortunately, men like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams didn’t like being controlled, they believed in liberty and freedom. They were individuals who were willing to lead and fight for freedom. They set the foundation that has guided us for the past 234 years. The foundation we call the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It was these documents that established our heritage, culture, traditions and beliefs. These were the pillars that have made us strong and free. These documents defined who we are and who we are to be.
Unfortunately, today, we have people who find these pillars and documents outdated. People with ideologies that apologize for who we are and what we have done. They disagree with Jefferson that good government is less government. They want more control and power. They want to revert to where we came from or adopt the failing political concepts of allies and even enemies.
To retain our freedoms, we must fight to keep our Constitution and to live by the principles established by the Founding Fathers. We cannot allow the proponents of change to win. Freedom is our birthright and we must preserve it. Government has its place, but it must not stray from the guiding principles of the Constitution and the examples set forth by the Founding Fathers.
From the beginning, people have come from all parts of the world, to America, to enjoy our freedoms, opportunities and liberties. They came, embraced our laws, Constitution, flag and proudly called themselves Americans. This is what has made America strong and great. We have been the beacon of light and hope to the world that freedom reigns.
It is on the Fourth of July that we pay homage to the Founding Fathers, it is the day we honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who have fought and died to maintain these freedoms. It is the day we praise the legacy that was bequeathed to us. We cannot and must not falter in following the path established by these brave men and women. The path is clear; the tools were put in place. We must not waver. We must continue to live by these principles. On this Fourth of July let us continue this work and pray to God for everlasting Freedom and Independence.
Unfortunately, today, we have people who find these pillars and documents outdated. People with ideologies that apologize for who we are and what we have done. They disagree with Jefferson that good government is less government. They want more control and power. They want to revert to where we came from or adopt the failing political concepts of allies and even enemies.
To retain our freedoms, we must fight to keep our Constitution and to live by the principles established by the Founding Fathers. We cannot allow the proponents of change to win. Freedom is our birthright and we must preserve it. Government has its place, but it must not stray from the guiding principles of the Constitution and the examples set forth by the Founding Fathers.
From the beginning, people have come from all parts of the world, to America, to enjoy our freedoms, opportunities and liberties. They came, embraced our laws, Constitution, flag and proudly called themselves Americans. This is what has made America strong and great. We have been the beacon of light and hope to the world that freedom reigns.
It is on the Fourth of July that we pay homage to the Founding Fathers, it is the day we honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who have fought and died to maintain these freedoms. It is the day we praise the legacy that was bequeathed to us. We cannot and must not falter in following the path established by these brave men and women. The path is clear; the tools were put in place. We must not waver. We must continue to live by these principles. On this Fourth of July let us continue this work and pray to God for everlasting Freedom and Independence.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Everyday we are inundated with information. It comes from TV, the internet, newspapers, friends, radio, phone, mail and on and on. How do you process this information? How do you react? Do you believe the information? Is it important enough to store in your memory? As you collect and process the information is it from a reliable source that you believe and trust?
It’s becoming harder and harder to trust the sources of information. Most of the information we gather is opinion. Much of the information is manufactured and tailored to suit ones opinion or position. Place a conservative and a liberal side by side and you get different views and opinions. Who do you believe? Whose side do you take? Can you tell the truth from fiction? Words are powerful, they influence and motivate. Change and Hope were powerful and motivating words in the election of 2008... Some sources prey on your best instincts. Remember how Bernie Madoff conned influential and wealthy people into trusting and believing his ponzi scheme. How can we protect ourselves from being conned?
The time has come to ask more questions. We need to remember the words: WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, HOW when evaluating information... In November we will be called upon to elect leaders to represent us in Washington D.C. And our individual states. Based on past experience we’ve done a poor job. This time we need to do better in evaluating individuals in regards to their abilities to make decisions, and solve problems. We need people who will represent their constituency not a party, union, or special interest group. We must cast aside the political rhetoric and judge the character, honesty and capabilities of the individual to do the job. We don’t need more politicians; we need statesman who will stand up for our country and its Constitution. We need people we can believe in.
It’s becoming harder and harder to trust the sources of information. Most of the information we gather is opinion. Much of the information is manufactured and tailored to suit ones opinion or position. Place a conservative and a liberal side by side and you get different views and opinions. Who do you believe? Whose side do you take? Can you tell the truth from fiction? Words are powerful, they influence and motivate. Change and Hope were powerful and motivating words in the election of 2008... Some sources prey on your best instincts. Remember how Bernie Madoff conned influential and wealthy people into trusting and believing his ponzi scheme. How can we protect ourselves from being conned?
The time has come to ask more questions. We need to remember the words: WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN, HOW when evaluating information... In November we will be called upon to elect leaders to represent us in Washington D.C. And our individual states. Based on past experience we’ve done a poor job. This time we need to do better in evaluating individuals in regards to their abilities to make decisions, and solve problems. We need people who will represent their constituency not a party, union, or special interest group. We must cast aside the political rhetoric and judge the character, honesty and capabilities of the individual to do the job. We don’t need more politicians; we need statesman who will stand up for our country and its Constitution. We need people we can believe in.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Why is it that everyday I wake up to bad news? The oil spill, declining market, growing debt, crime, corruption, giveaways and no common sense. Few read or understand legislation. While this is happening the main stream media reacts with indifference to the opinions of the man on the street. The spin is to justify the Administration and the players in Washington.
Maybe it’s time to start dealing with the issues. How much paper can Washington print and pretend is real? Does Washington have a budget? Apparently not, or it’s worthless. I always thought the budget was the plan or guide to administer receipts against expenditures. If you run out of receipts you stop spending or start cutting. There is no magic money tree, this is reality. If you’ve noticed, there always seems to be money to bail out or help unions, education and large corporations. Is there some coincidence between political contributions and the money doled out to these entities? How can these organizations have millions for candidates, but fail to have sufficient funds to support pension programs?
How much taxation can the public endure? Washington doesn’t create anything, its private enterprise that stimulates the economy. If that’s the case why are we creating more government jobs than private jobs? You can’t create money or improve the economy through bigger government. The Washington premise is wrong and needs to change. Nine percent unemployment is unacceptable. People need to become more responsible for their own destiny and not dependent on government. Government’s philosophy of entitlements is destroying the human spirit. Government has a role but not to destroy my independence and free spirit. Where’s the common sense? We’re on a track to destruction.
Tomorrow I hope I’ll wake up to better news. Being a skeptic, I doubt it, especially when I feel that Government is throwing me under the bus.
Maybe it’s time to start dealing with the issues. How much paper can Washington print and pretend is real? Does Washington have a budget? Apparently not, or it’s worthless. I always thought the budget was the plan or guide to administer receipts against expenditures. If you run out of receipts you stop spending or start cutting. There is no magic money tree, this is reality. If you’ve noticed, there always seems to be money to bail out or help unions, education and large corporations. Is there some coincidence between political contributions and the money doled out to these entities? How can these organizations have millions for candidates, but fail to have sufficient funds to support pension programs?
How much taxation can the public endure? Washington doesn’t create anything, its private enterprise that stimulates the economy. If that’s the case why are we creating more government jobs than private jobs? You can’t create money or improve the economy through bigger government. The Washington premise is wrong and needs to change. Nine percent unemployment is unacceptable. People need to become more responsible for their own destiny and not dependent on government. Government’s philosophy of entitlements is destroying the human spirit. Government has a role but not to destroy my independence and free spirit. Where’s the common sense? We’re on a track to destruction.
Tomorrow I hope I’ll wake up to better news. Being a skeptic, I doubt it, especially when I feel that Government is throwing me under the bus.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Tea Party People have struck the nerves of the main stream media and politicians. The Tea Party Movement is becoming the biggest movement since the American Revolution to challenge government. The difference between the American Revolution and the Tea Party Movement is that this is a peaceful revolution. Like the American Revolution people are speaking out against spending, representation, freedom of speech, failure to abide by the constitution, and our precious liberties. What’s wrong with that? It’s about policies and the course that the Obama Administration is leading the nation. It’s about time that the people have stood up and voiced their concerns and opinions. The people have been silent too long. For too long government has been telling and not listening. The politicians have gotten so bold they practically tell the PEOPLE to shut up and keep quiet. This is not a joke or a game; the people are angry and upset with Washington and the Administration’s Policies.
The Main Stream Media and the Administration paint the Tea Party People as troublemakers. They try to make them look like bullies and irrational. The Parties have been peaceful and orderly. Because they are peaceful, the Left is attempting to infiltrate disrupt and discredit these PEOPLE... The MSM continually blast Sarah Palin and Glen Beck for their conservative voices as if they are out to instigate mob action. Believe what you want, but Palin and Beck speak and act like true Americans, not radicals who want to destroy the country. The voices are growing to criticize the Administration and Big Government... God Bless talk radio and the Voice of the People. If you see something wrong are you supposed to lie down and play dead? The sleeping giant has awaken. Its time that the MSM and Washington take heed. It’s time for them to change, its time for them to listen. The Tea Party Movement is a People’s Movement that is grass roots driven that gives the people the opportunity to oppose big government and its policies. This is America at its best. God Bless the Tea Party People, God Bless America.
The Main Stream Media and the Administration paint the Tea Party People as troublemakers. They try to make them look like bullies and irrational. The Parties have been peaceful and orderly. Because they are peaceful, the Left is attempting to infiltrate disrupt and discredit these PEOPLE... The MSM continually blast Sarah Palin and Glen Beck for their conservative voices as if they are out to instigate mob action. Believe what you want, but Palin and Beck speak and act like true Americans, not radicals who want to destroy the country. The voices are growing to criticize the Administration and Big Government... God Bless talk radio and the Voice of the People. If you see something wrong are you supposed to lie down and play dead? The sleeping giant has awaken. Its time that the MSM and Washington take heed. It’s time for them to change, its time for them to listen. The Tea Party Movement is a People’s Movement that is grass roots driven that gives the people the opportunity to oppose big government and its policies. This is America at its best. God Bless the Tea Party People, God Bless America.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Recently I received a form letter from my Congresswoman Judy Biggert R. IL. The letter stated her position on Term Limits. Congresswoman Biggert believes that we do not need term limits since every time we vote it’s an approval or disapproval of the candidate’s job performance. I disagree with the Congresswoman. I threw the letter in the garbage and said forget it. Than I read an article about the State Department spending $300,000, of taxpayer monies, for booze. This struck a nerve and I wrote the Congresswoman the following:
“Who in Washington authorizes agencies, State Department, to spend $300,000 for booze? Liquor should not be allowed in Federal Buildings. Is this the way you look over and spend our money? Received your letter re Term Limits, sorry but you're wrong you are a career politician and you, like the rest of the people serving us need term limits. The longer you stay, the more you get ingrained in the system and corruption. It's like being tempted by the devil. You may be honest but you have to pay for the people who come to Washington, not to serve the people but to fill their pockets. Sorry but we need to clean house. We need term limits. Will you sacrifice yourself for the common good? I doubt it. That's why, above it all, you're still a politician. You're still in office because no one worthy runs against you. That's going to change and we will see new faces in Washington. The day of the free ride is over. People are waking up and paying attention. No Democrat or Republican is safe. We need patriots, not politicians.”
The problem is that anyone who has served us for ten years or over is responsible for the current problems. They were there when the Republicans were in control, they were there when the Democrats were in control, and they were there when the House was split. They all failed to live up to their oath to defend and protect the Constitution and laws of the land. Every incumbent is responsible for the deficit, corruption, failure to stand up and defend our laws, they neglected to maintain our system of checks and balances and the ability to be honest and trustworthy. They have failed us and we need to clean house. In 2010 we’ll need the brooms; in 2012 we’ll need to fumigate the White House. The country is waking up and regaining its patriotism. Keep it up. There is a lot of work to do, get the brooms and let’s clean house.
“Who in Washington authorizes agencies, State Department, to spend $300,000 for booze? Liquor should not be allowed in Federal Buildings. Is this the way you look over and spend our money? Received your letter re Term Limits, sorry but you're wrong you are a career politician and you, like the rest of the people serving us need term limits. The longer you stay, the more you get ingrained in the system and corruption. It's like being tempted by the devil. You may be honest but you have to pay for the people who come to Washington, not to serve the people but to fill their pockets. Sorry but we need to clean house. We need term limits. Will you sacrifice yourself for the common good? I doubt it. That's why, above it all, you're still a politician. You're still in office because no one worthy runs against you. That's going to change and we will see new faces in Washington. The day of the free ride is over. People are waking up and paying attention. No Democrat or Republican is safe. We need patriots, not politicians.”
The problem is that anyone who has served us for ten years or over is responsible for the current problems. They were there when the Republicans were in control, they were there when the Democrats were in control, and they were there when the House was split. They all failed to live up to their oath to defend and protect the Constitution and laws of the land. Every incumbent is responsible for the deficit, corruption, failure to stand up and defend our laws, they neglected to maintain our system of checks and balances and the ability to be honest and trustworthy. They have failed us and we need to clean house. In 2010 we’ll need the brooms; in 2012 we’ll need to fumigate the White House. The country is waking up and regaining its patriotism. Keep it up. There is a lot of work to do, get the brooms and let’s clean house.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I’m getting confused. When I was growing up I always felt a love and dedication to country. I admired George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Douglas McArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower. I looked to them as role models, people who fought and believed in America. As I grew older I voted for John Kennedy and supported the Democratic Party. As time went on things started to change and I started to look at politics from a different perspective. My values had been molded from early years with a strong duty to country, family and God. I always thought that you had to work for what you had. If you wanted an education you did it on your own, once you got married you had the responsibility to feed, house and protect your family. I never thought that I needed government to help me. It was my responsibility, not government’s to take care of me and my family.
Things have apparently changed; the old American values must be dying. As government adds more entitlement people become more dependent on government. Fortunately not all people feel this way. Most people still believe in the American Way of hard work, not handouts. They believe in charity when it is justified, not the idea you wait for the government to take care of you. If you are capable and healthy there is no reason that you can’t work and make it on your own. You are failing in your responsibility to society. You cannot feel sorry for yourself. The human soul is driven by challenges, needs, wants, desires that the individual must fulfill. These things cannot be fulfilled by government. Once you depend on government for your existence you become crippled and become a burden upon society.
Things have apparently changed; the old American values must be dying. As government adds more entitlement people become more dependent on government. Fortunately not all people feel this way. Most people still believe in the American Way of hard work, not handouts. They believe in charity when it is justified, not the idea you wait for the government to take care of you. If you are capable and healthy there is no reason that you can’t work and make it on your own. You are failing in your responsibility to society. You cannot feel sorry for yourself. The human soul is driven by challenges, needs, wants, desires that the individual must fulfill. These things cannot be fulfilled by government. Once you depend on government for your existence you become crippled and become a burden upon society.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuning into the morning news, in two short minutes, I found out what was happening in the media. First, I heard that Valerie Jarret felt that there was too much anger and we needed debate. I didn’t take kindly to that because I felt the debate was to have taken place in Washington. Ms. Jarret has a short memory remembering the close doors, bribes, the promised transparency and legislation that was to be posted and read. What really angers people is that Washington didn’t listen. There has been an outcry against Obama Care and they ignored it. Ms. Jarret there is a lot of reasons to be angry. Second, David Axelrod defended the Presidents move to make recess appointments. He blamed the Republicans for the delays in passing Obama’s appointments. Doesn’t he know that the Democrats control Congress? Maybe the Congress has a problem with the radical people already working in the Administration. Mr. Axelrod doesn’t like being called a Socialist, but he should look around and see who he’s hiring... That is more than enough to make people angry. Third, was Chuck Schummer professing that once people find out what’s in Health Care they’ll like it. Beyond the few up front positive changes, there isn’t much to praise. Senior Care will be decimated; taxes will destroy businesses and jobs, look at the changes. Maybe the Senator should read the bill. The only good thing that came out of that two or three minute report was Sarah Palin’s proclamation: “FIRE THEM”
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Congress in its quest to pass Obama Care has hit a new low. When you don’t have the votes, change the rules. You use gimmicks such as the Slaughter Rule (deeming) or something called reconciliation. You do whatever it takes to ram the legislation through regardless of the constituent’s outcry. Congress tells us this is not new; it’s been done many times. As a citizen have you heard of these gimmicks before? Probably not. Do you feel this is the way Congress should do business?
Congress has become a disgrace and needs a lot of housecleaning. People are tired of the lies and deceit. They want representatives who work for them not the President, the Party or special interest groups. The sleeping giant has awakened. The voices are growing and getting louder, people are mad. To pass Obama Care representatives are being bought and cajoled with promises, jobs and incentives. We don’t know what goes on behind those closed doors, but the deals are being made to swing the votes. What we do know is that $500 billion is being cut from Medicare, the debt will skyrocket, taxes will increase, premiums will go up, Washington will still have its benefits, few in Congress will understand or read the 2000 page bill, Education will be added, and don’t forget the pork and bribes to close the deals..
If something breaks in your home, do you buy a new house? No, you fix what’s broken. It’s time for Washington to stop playing games and fix what’s broken. We don’t need a new health care system: we need to fix the current system. What we do need is a new Congress that abides by the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and works for their constituents, not the President, Party or special interest groups.
Congress has become a disgrace and needs a lot of housecleaning. People are tired of the lies and deceit. They want representatives who work for them not the President, the Party or special interest groups. The sleeping giant has awakened. The voices are growing and getting louder, people are mad. To pass Obama Care representatives are being bought and cajoled with promises, jobs and incentives. We don’t know what goes on behind those closed doors, but the deals are being made to swing the votes. What we do know is that $500 billion is being cut from Medicare, the debt will skyrocket, taxes will increase, premiums will go up, Washington will still have its benefits, few in Congress will understand or read the 2000 page bill, Education will be added, and don’t forget the pork and bribes to close the deals..
If something breaks in your home, do you buy a new house? No, you fix what’s broken. It’s time for Washington to stop playing games and fix what’s broken. We don’t need a new health care system: we need to fix the current system. What we do need is a new Congress that abides by the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and works for their constituents, not the President, Party or special interest groups.
Monday, March 1, 2010
In recent weeks Glen Beck has talked about categorizing people by political philosophy or ideology: Liberals, Conservatives, Libertines and Progressives. A survey was posted on his web site to determine where you fit. Glen has spent much time in defining Progressives. Progressives date back to Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. It was a time when government started to stray from the precepts of the Constitution. It was the start of bigger government, taxes and social programs. Progressives want to change the way we are governed. It’s a slow process (evolution) in comparison to Marxism which is a quick (revolution) change. The end game is the same, government control and take over.
The American people may not be tuned in to history, labels or surveys, but they know when something is wrong... That’s why we’ve seen the rise of the Tea Party Movement and the falling poll numbers of Congress and the President. Elections in Virginia, NJ and Massachusetts have called for change. The people can no longer be fooled by political rhetoric, the deception and lies that come from the mouths of our elected officials will no longer be tolerated. We watch them spin and twist information and data to fit their needs. I found it disturbing when the President told Senator McCain, at the HC Summit, that the campaign is over. The campaign may be over, but the words live on. I guess what a Politician says during a campaign and what he does, once elected, doesn’t matter. The problem is, it does matter, it s a reflection of his/her character and integrity. I’m beginning to wonder if anyone in Washington has any integrity or character. Through modern technology we follow their every move and have clips to proof what they say and do.
The past year has awakened the soul of the nation. People are angry. They only have to look at the bailouts, takeovers and insurmountable debt to know government isn’t working. They know government is getting too big and arrogant. Many in government and the media look upon the American people as stupid and that government knows best. That type of philosophy is an indicator that we have moved into a Progressive ideology. It’s a sign that the evolution needs to be stopped. It’s a sign we need to find leaders who believe in the Constitution, our motto: In God We Trust and the laws of this country. We need leaders with common sense who can admit failure and correct mistakes. We’re tired of the talk, the lectures, and the arrogance. The goals and ambitions of some elected officials are getting dangerous. Their actions are becoming more dictatorial than representative. If you don’t like it, we’ll change the laws, we’ll change the way we do things. That’s not good and not what this country is about. If these are the signs of Progressive behavior we’re in deep trouble. What’s next, Marxism? If government can takeover banks, large companies; they can try and control people. We need to put the brakes on Washington and the rest of the incompetents that are running our cities and states. We need to understand what can happen if we are controlled instead of controlling. A free nation depends on a concerned and vigilant electorate that demands representation not party loyalty. Beware, know and understand the end game and its consequences.
The American people may not be tuned in to history, labels or surveys, but they know when something is wrong... That’s why we’ve seen the rise of the Tea Party Movement and the falling poll numbers of Congress and the President. Elections in Virginia, NJ and Massachusetts have called for change. The people can no longer be fooled by political rhetoric, the deception and lies that come from the mouths of our elected officials will no longer be tolerated. We watch them spin and twist information and data to fit their needs. I found it disturbing when the President told Senator McCain, at the HC Summit, that the campaign is over. The campaign may be over, but the words live on. I guess what a Politician says during a campaign and what he does, once elected, doesn’t matter. The problem is, it does matter, it s a reflection of his/her character and integrity. I’m beginning to wonder if anyone in Washington has any integrity or character. Through modern technology we follow their every move and have clips to proof what they say and do.
The past year has awakened the soul of the nation. People are angry. They only have to look at the bailouts, takeovers and insurmountable debt to know government isn’t working. They know government is getting too big and arrogant. Many in government and the media look upon the American people as stupid and that government knows best. That type of philosophy is an indicator that we have moved into a Progressive ideology. It’s a sign that the evolution needs to be stopped. It’s a sign we need to find leaders who believe in the Constitution, our motto: In God We Trust and the laws of this country. We need leaders with common sense who can admit failure and correct mistakes. We’re tired of the talk, the lectures, and the arrogance. The goals and ambitions of some elected officials are getting dangerous. Their actions are becoming more dictatorial than representative. If you don’t like it, we’ll change the laws, we’ll change the way we do things. That’s not good and not what this country is about. If these are the signs of Progressive behavior we’re in deep trouble. What’s next, Marxism? If government can takeover banks, large companies; they can try and control people. We need to put the brakes on Washington and the rest of the incompetents that are running our cities and states. We need to understand what can happen if we are controlled instead of controlling. A free nation depends on a concerned and vigilant electorate that demands representation not party loyalty. Beware, know and understand the end game and its consequences.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I’m beginning to wonder if anyone in government understands how to build or manage a budget. Everywhere you look, Federal, State, and Local Government, they’re in debt or bankrupt. Washington tells you to tighten your belt while they continue to spend and create debt. They give you the illusion that something is being done, but in reality the debt gets bigger. Instead of telling us how to manage money maybe it’s time for us to tell government how to manage the people’s money. Why is it that government employees earn an average of over $70,000 and non government employee’s average earnings are only $40,000? Do they work harder, are they smarter or do they produce better results? Definitely not. Based on performance government employees are over paid. If you want to start bringing Government’s fiscal house in order you start with salaries. Budgets must be cost justified. Salaries should be based on performance not resumes, past experience or patronage, but on meeting quantifiable and measurable goals, like cutting cost and creating efficiency. We need to bring Government in line with the rest of us. There is no reason to treat government as royalty. We hire and elect them to do a job and they must be in line with the rest of the job market.
It’s time to end the pension programs that government has enacted for themselves. Who in the private sector gets pensions after 4 years of service? In fact how many people still get pensions? Social Security is the norm coupled with a 401 Plan. Why aren’t all governmental employees covered under social security? That needs to change along with their Cadillac health care plans. Everyone should pay a percentage of their salary for health care. The people shouldn’t pay for the morning donuts and coffee at meetings. Go and buy your own. Expenses must be based on need not want. You don’t need expensive private jets to get around. Travel the cheapest way.
Let’s attack PORK! Legislative Bills are developed for specific purposes. We don’t need to add Climate, Energy, Transportation or whatever into legislation. This is the biggest waste of tax payer money and needs to stop. How about ending free lunches and trips from lobbyists which are the bribes that create the pork and bad legislation. Governmental employees need to wait 5 years before they can register to become a lobbyist. This is a lucrative sin that tempts and corrupts Government and must be controlled.
The country must be ruled by the Constitution, not by the seat of the pants of politicians. The Founding Fathers created the framework upon which this nation is to be governed. They created three branches to provide the checks and balances so that we would be free. Government is trying to destroy this structure. We must not allow this to happen. The government’s motto is “In God We Trust” and must remain. The people in Washington and our State and Local Governments have gotten so powerful they have forgotten what it’s all about.
We have laws that must be followed. Why is it that illegal’s have more rights and benefits than citizens? Government has no problem in paying for their education, healthcare and subsidizes their existence. Why are we paying for this? Have we no laws? This is bankrupting government. We can be fair, but not frivolous. If you want to live in this country and enjoy its benefits do it legally. End the fraud.
Private enterprise must be allowed to flourish. Businesses need to succeed or fail on their own. That’s the American Way. That’s the risk and beauty of a capitalistic society. Government needs to keep their mitts off of individual ingenuity and creativity. We don’t need government controlling banks, industry or any business. If a business fails someone will be waiting to replace them. I know this is debatable but since the days of our founding the people have depended on business for jobs, goods and services. Government provides us with taxes for their justification. I believe in the American Way not the Government Way which leads to bigger government and eventually socialism.
The recovery of our economy is not dependent on Government but on individual creativity and ingenuity. That’s the strength of this country, its people. The people know what’s best for them and the country. Government has come to know what’s best for government, not the people. They have created illusions of false change. Why have they done this, I believe they no longer believe in this country, its constitution, flag, traditions and culture? It’s forgotten the sacrifices that people made to make and develop this great land. We must return to our roots and values. Government uses the word “I”. It’s not “I”, its “WE THE PEOPLE.” Don’t be caught in the ILLUSION OF CHANGE. It’s time to tell your government to change. It’s time to tell them what to cut and how to behave. It’s time to return to our roots.
It’s time to end the pension programs that government has enacted for themselves. Who in the private sector gets pensions after 4 years of service? In fact how many people still get pensions? Social Security is the norm coupled with a 401 Plan. Why aren’t all governmental employees covered under social security? That needs to change along with their Cadillac health care plans. Everyone should pay a percentage of their salary for health care. The people shouldn’t pay for the morning donuts and coffee at meetings. Go and buy your own. Expenses must be based on need not want. You don’t need expensive private jets to get around. Travel the cheapest way.
Let’s attack PORK! Legislative Bills are developed for specific purposes. We don’t need to add Climate, Energy, Transportation or whatever into legislation. This is the biggest waste of tax payer money and needs to stop. How about ending free lunches and trips from lobbyists which are the bribes that create the pork and bad legislation. Governmental employees need to wait 5 years before they can register to become a lobbyist. This is a lucrative sin that tempts and corrupts Government and must be controlled.
The country must be ruled by the Constitution, not by the seat of the pants of politicians. The Founding Fathers created the framework upon which this nation is to be governed. They created three branches to provide the checks and balances so that we would be free. Government is trying to destroy this structure. We must not allow this to happen. The government’s motto is “In God We Trust” and must remain. The people in Washington and our State and Local Governments have gotten so powerful they have forgotten what it’s all about.
We have laws that must be followed. Why is it that illegal’s have more rights and benefits than citizens? Government has no problem in paying for their education, healthcare and subsidizes their existence. Why are we paying for this? Have we no laws? This is bankrupting government. We can be fair, but not frivolous. If you want to live in this country and enjoy its benefits do it legally. End the fraud.
Private enterprise must be allowed to flourish. Businesses need to succeed or fail on their own. That’s the American Way. That’s the risk and beauty of a capitalistic society. Government needs to keep their mitts off of individual ingenuity and creativity. We don’t need government controlling banks, industry or any business. If a business fails someone will be waiting to replace them. I know this is debatable but since the days of our founding the people have depended on business for jobs, goods and services. Government provides us with taxes for their justification. I believe in the American Way not the Government Way which leads to bigger government and eventually socialism.
The recovery of our economy is not dependent on Government but on individual creativity and ingenuity. That’s the strength of this country, its people. The people know what’s best for them and the country. Government has come to know what’s best for government, not the people. They have created illusions of false change. Why have they done this, I believe they no longer believe in this country, its constitution, flag, traditions and culture? It’s forgotten the sacrifices that people made to make and develop this great land. We must return to our roots and values. Government uses the word “I”. It’s not “I”, its “WE THE PEOPLE.” Don’t be caught in the ILLUSION OF CHANGE. It’s time to tell your government to change. It’s time to tell them what to cut and how to behave. It’s time to return to our roots.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
As you look over the candidates on the February 2nd Democratic and Republican Primary Ballots what do you find? I find the names of many of the same old candidates running to retain or regain power. There are a few new names that are willing to battle the money and power of the entrenched Democratic and Republican Candidates. What are their chances? Everyone complains about corruption and the lack of leadership, but we find little support to find and promote new ideas and new leaders. The media continues to support most of the people who have been part of the system and problems that have plagued Cook County and the State Of Illinois for years. We need new leadership. Will the people go to the polls and vote for new people and new ideas or will the voters continue to vote for the old names and status quo. We can break that mindset, Massachusetts did. If the Parties were really interested in change and efficiency, they would inject new blood, into their parties, and support new ideas and skilled people to clean up the mess. That won’t happen because the people who control the Democratic and Republican Party like the control and status quo. With too much change they wouldn’t be able to make the deals that keep them and their cronies in power. It’s up to us, the voters, to pick and choose the candidates, for the November 2, 2010 election, that will work for us, not themselves or their party. Vote February 2nd.
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