Sunday, April 18, 2010


The Tea Party People have struck the nerves of the main stream media and politicians. The Tea Party Movement is becoming the biggest movement since the American Revolution to challenge government. The difference between the American Revolution and the Tea Party Movement is that this is a peaceful revolution. Like the American Revolution people are speaking out against spending, representation, freedom of speech, failure to abide by the constitution, and our precious liberties. What’s wrong with that? It’s about policies and the course that the Obama Administration is leading the nation. It’s about time that the people have stood up and voiced their concerns and opinions. The people have been silent too long. For too long government has been telling and not listening. The politicians have gotten so bold they practically tell the PEOPLE to shut up and keep quiet. This is not a joke or a game; the people are angry and upset with Washington and the Administration’s Policies.

The Main Stream Media and the Administration paint the Tea Party People as troublemakers. They try to make them look like bullies and irrational. The Parties have been peaceful and orderly. Because they are peaceful, the Left is attempting to infiltrate disrupt and discredit these PEOPLE... The MSM continually blast Sarah Palin and Glen Beck for their conservative voices as if they are out to instigate mob action. Believe what you want, but Palin and Beck speak and act like true Americans, not radicals who want to destroy the country. The voices are growing to criticize the Administration and Big Government... God Bless talk radio and the Voice of the People. If you see something wrong are you supposed to lie down and play dead? The sleeping giant has awaken. Its time that the MSM and Washington take heed. It’s time for them to change, its time for them to listen. The Tea Party Movement is a People’s Movement that is grass roots driven that gives the people the opportunity to oppose big government and its policies. This is America at its best. God Bless the Tea Party People, God Bless America.

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