Sunday, April 18, 2010


The Tea Party People have struck the nerves of the main stream media and politicians. The Tea Party Movement is becoming the biggest movement since the American Revolution to challenge government. The difference between the American Revolution and the Tea Party Movement is that this is a peaceful revolution. Like the American Revolution people are speaking out against spending, representation, freedom of speech, failure to abide by the constitution, and our precious liberties. What’s wrong with that? It’s about policies and the course that the Obama Administration is leading the nation. It’s about time that the people have stood up and voiced their concerns and opinions. The people have been silent too long. For too long government has been telling and not listening. The politicians have gotten so bold they practically tell the PEOPLE to shut up and keep quiet. This is not a joke or a game; the people are angry and upset with Washington and the Administration’s Policies.

The Main Stream Media and the Administration paint the Tea Party People as troublemakers. They try to make them look like bullies and irrational. The Parties have been peaceful and orderly. Because they are peaceful, the Left is attempting to infiltrate disrupt and discredit these PEOPLE... The MSM continually blast Sarah Palin and Glen Beck for their conservative voices as if they are out to instigate mob action. Believe what you want, but Palin and Beck speak and act like true Americans, not radicals who want to destroy the country. The voices are growing to criticize the Administration and Big Government... God Bless talk radio and the Voice of the People. If you see something wrong are you supposed to lie down and play dead? The sleeping giant has awaken. Its time that the MSM and Washington take heed. It’s time for them to change, its time for them to listen. The Tea Party Movement is a People’s Movement that is grass roots driven that gives the people the opportunity to oppose big government and its policies. This is America at its best. God Bless the Tea Party People, God Bless America.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Recently I received a form letter from my Congresswoman Judy Biggert R. IL. The letter stated her position on Term Limits. Congresswoman Biggert believes that we do not need term limits since every time we vote it’s an approval or disapproval of the candidate’s job performance. I disagree with the Congresswoman. I threw the letter in the garbage and said forget it. Than I read an article about the State Department spending $300,000, of taxpayer monies, for booze. This struck a nerve and I wrote the Congresswoman the following:

“Who in Washington authorizes agencies, State Department, to spend $300,000 for booze? Liquor should not be allowed in Federal Buildings. Is this the way you look over and spend our money? Received your letter re Term Limits, sorry but you're wrong you are a career politician and you, like the rest of the people serving us need term limits. The longer you stay, the more you get ingrained in the system and corruption. It's like being tempted by the devil. You may be honest but you have to pay for the people who come to Washington, not to serve the people but to fill their pockets. Sorry but we need to clean house. We need term limits. Will you sacrifice yourself for the common good? I doubt it. That's why, above it all, you're still a politician. You're still in office because no one worthy runs against you. That's going to change and we will see new faces in Washington. The day of the free ride is over. People are waking up and paying attention. No Democrat or Republican is safe. We need patriots, not politicians.”

The problem is that anyone who has served us for ten years or over is responsible for the current problems. They were there when the Republicans were in control, they were there when the Democrats were in control, and they were there when the House was split. They all failed to live up to their oath to defend and protect the Constitution and laws of the land. Every incumbent is responsible for the deficit, corruption, failure to stand up and defend our laws, they neglected to maintain our system of checks and balances and the ability to be honest and trustworthy. They have failed us and we need to clean house. In 2010 we’ll need the brooms; in 2012 we’ll need to fumigate the White House. The country is waking up and regaining its patriotism. Keep it up. There is a lot of work to do, get the brooms and let’s clean house.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I’m getting confused. When I was growing up I always felt a love and dedication to country. I admired George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Douglas McArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower. I looked to them as role models, people who fought and believed in America. As I grew older I voted for John Kennedy and supported the Democratic Party. As time went on things started to change and I started to look at politics from a different perspective. My values had been molded from early years with a strong duty to country, family and God. I always thought that you had to work for what you had. If you wanted an education you did it on your own, once you got married you had the responsibility to feed, house and protect your family. I never thought that I needed government to help me. It was my responsibility, not government’s to take care of me and my family.

Things have apparently changed; the old American values must be dying. As government adds more entitlement people become more dependent on government. Fortunately not all people feel this way. Most people still believe in the American Way of hard work, not handouts. They believe in charity when it is justified, not the idea you wait for the government to take care of you. If you are capable and healthy there is no reason that you can’t work and make it on your own. You are failing in your responsibility to society. You cannot feel sorry for yourself. The human soul is driven by challenges, needs, wants, desires that the individual must fulfill. These things cannot be fulfilled by government. Once you depend on government for your existence you become crippled and become a burden upon society.