Thursday, August 18, 2011


I find it interesting that the media spends so much time classifying voters: liberal, conservative, moderate, Republican, Democrat, Independent, religion, right, left, center, race or whatever category they can think of. I would prefer that the pollsters and pundits spend time in asking tough questions so that I can evaluate the candidate to make an intelligent voting decision. . My voting decision should not be based upon some classification system. Since the pollsters and pundits like labels, why not classify candidates as Progressive, Libertarian, Marxist, Socialist, Constitutionalist, Patriot etc. I would like to know the candidates values and how those values relate to their decision making. During the 2008 campaign Hilary Clinton announced she was a Modern Progressive. She was honest as to her ideology. I interpret that to mean she believes in big government, taxation, deficits, one world government, redistribution of wealth etc George W. Bush wasn’t identified as a Progressive Republican until he left office. I believe the media needs to spend more time investigating, researching, asking questions and then classifying a candidate as to his/her ideology. There should be no free ride for any candidate. The voter needs to know more about the candidate than the media knows about the voter.

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