Monday, September 19, 2011


The question was recently asked: how much of the money I earn should I keep? I would like to turn that around and ask how much of my money should the government take? Remember we not only pay federal taxes but also city, state, and county taxes. We are taxed for practically everything we buy and use. We understand taxes are necessary for security, safety, roads, and services. The problem becomes how much? How much money does government need to maintain our society? What is fair? Right now we are getting very little for our tax dollar. Would you invest in a corporation that is losing money? Do you condone the waste in the corruption of Solyndra and Light Square? Government’s role is to serve the people not friends and donors. Is it fair that government treats itself as elitists? Why is it that government pays itself more than the private sector? Why is it that Washington officials exempt themselves from social security and health care programs? Wouldn’t you like to have a Congressman’s pension plan? Why is it that governmental entities have the right to vote their salaries? Based on performance they should be paying the people for serving. Why is it that so many beau crates are millionaires? Have you seen any of them running to change their benefit packages? They should have the same benefits as the private sector. Why isn’t that an election issue? Should someone be taxed and penalized for working hard to earn money, while rewarding the laggards of society who look to government for support? Should we be adopting the socialistic approach of redistributing the wealth? Is that fair? Redistribution of wealth leads to the destruction of all incentives and destroys the creativity and ingenuity that made this country great. In the end we will all be poor, except for the elitists in Washington. Look at Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and China; is that the type of society we want to live in? Everyone has to accept their responsibility to make our society work. Yes, we have to help people in need, but to turn capable minds and bodies into wards of the state is wrong. They need jobs. Too much taxation is what we fought against to become independent, over taxation will lead to our self destruction.

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