Monday, July 30, 2012


I love my country and what it stands for. I love the flag, the Constitution and the culture our forefathers established for us. I love the opportunities that I have been given. I love the freedom to practice my religion and to speak my mind and do what I want to do.

I’m sick and tired of illegal’s getting a free pass. They come here and think everything is free. They don’t like our language, they don’t like our flag. If there’s so much wrong, why not stay and fix your own country? English is our language, if you don’t know it learn it. Why should I have to select the number one or two when making a business call? They came thru the back door, not the front door. They should have no rights, they should have no voice. Why should I or any American support people who come here illegally. What happened to the rule of law? Why should we pay for their education, food, housing and health care? This adds to the country’s debt and my taxes. Try it in Iran or China. Some illegal’s think they have the right to vote (many politicians encourage it), if caught, they should be thrown in jail and deported. The politicians act as though we are obligated to support everyone’s needs. What about our needs and wants? Elected officials take an oath to not only create laws but to also obey and enforce laws, why aren’t they doing it? It’s time for politicians to do their job. Maybe it’s time for them to start thinking about the law abiding citizen who pays the taxes that pay their salary; the law abiding citizen who votes and elects them to office.

I’m sick and tired of the Radical Islamists who want to take over our country and turn it into Sharia Law. It’s working in Europe, why not America? America is a Christian Nation that respects all religions, don’t come here and try to ram your ideology down our throats. If you want to come here, respect our laws. Don’t bring your laws and think we’ll submit to your wishes. If you want to live in a Muslim Nation, go to Iran, Egypt or Saudi Arabia., go wherever you want, but not the U.S... When you come to America you have the responsibility of blending into our society. That’s why we call America the melting pot of the world. We all have to get along and work together. If we go to a Muslim country we must adhere to their customs and laws. They don’t ask us, they tell us, we should expect the same.

I’m sick of the Gay/ Lesbian community pushing their agenda. Why do I have to accept their morals? To me marriage is between a man and a woman. Marriage is to procreate children, that’s God’s law. When two women or two men can procreate, maybe then, and only then can we call it a marriage. What’s wrong with civil unions? Push, Push. Give them an inch, they want a foot, give them a foot, they want a yard. The politicians cater to this group because they feel it’s politically correct. The politician will sell his/her soul for a vote. Maybe it’s time to stop being politically correct and start being morally correct. Government acts like a bad parent, they don’t know what “NO” means. We have lost our values. Morals are out the window. Once we lose our morals and forget God, we become a decadent society, a society destined to self destruct. It was encouraging when the Chick Fil A controversy arose, regarding the CEO’s thoughts on gay marriage, and a majority of Americans defended the CEO’s right of free speech and free enterprise. Stop pushing us, we’ve had enough...

Yes, I’m sick and tired of all of this and the corruption, violence, government regulations and lies that come from politicians and the media. I’m sick and tired of hearing how people want to change our country. I like the country the way it was created. I like the values and principles upon which the country was founded. It makes me sick to see the deterioration of the American Family. It worries me that God is no longer a major part of government and society. I’m sick and tired of a President who is trying to transform and divide our country. A President who lies and uses his golden tongue to deceive and fool the people. I’m sick and tired of paying taxes to support a society that is becoming dependent upon big government. I’m sick and tired of government schemes to reward friends and donors. In general I’m just sick and tired of what our government has become, “USELESS”.

It’s time that all hard working, law abiding citizens take a stand. No longer should we cater to groups who feel they are better than our society. If you want to live here, take responsibility for yourself and your actions. It’s up to you to work and provide for your family. Government was never intended to provide for everyone. Those in government who believe government’s role is to be a provider should be thrown out of office. There is no need for America to change, it’s time to tell the dissidents to love it or leave it. Don’t let them destroy the greatest country on earth.

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