Saturday, February 14, 2015


Where did we go wrong? The world appears to be in chaos. People are rioting and protesting. No one’s happy. Government has no answers and their solutions are worse. We have forgotten the values that made our country great: ingenuity, creativity, individualism, hard work, family, a sense of common decency, a belief in God and oneself. Each and everyday these values are under attack. We are no longer encouraged to be individuals with self esteem, but to become members of a collective society that is dependent on one another and above all, government. Somewhere along the way we have been led to believe that government is the answer. If government was the answer our lives and our society would be perfect. We know that the world and man is not perfect. Corruption is rampant and money is truly the root of all evil. To commit a crime has almost become common place. Where is the remorse? We no longer know the difference between right and wrong. We are envious and jealous of those who have more than us and feel justified to think that we are entitled to their riches. There is nothing in this life that is free, you have to work and earn it. To take it from someone is called stealing. For government to think they can spread the wealth is a way to destroy ones soul. God created us as free thinking individuals with a conscience. We must return to our basic values and individualism if are to survive the evil and corruption that abounds in today’s society. We must be responsible for our own actions. It starts with each and everyone of us becoming a model for goodness and true justice. This is not easy, as we discover the difficulties of finding the leadership and the values to lead us out of this sad state of affairs. We the people must stand up and provide the answers and demand the values to turn our country around. If we don’t, we can start saying goodbye to a nation that was once called the “Home Of Liberty and Freedom”.

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