Posted on December 30, 2011 at 6:26 pm The December 29th edition of the Orland Park Prairie Newspaper published an article that the Village wanted to conduct a survey to find out how the people think the Village can improve Orland Park. The paper conducted their own survey asking such questions as: the need to fill empty stores, repair roads, timing of traffic lights, more bike and pedestrian paths and other. The cost of the survey(s) would be around $30,000.
In these difficult times do you think a Village should be spending $30,000 on things they should already know? All of the questions asked in the newspaper have been around for some time. Isn't the staff and Board of Trustees competent enough to handle these issues? Could it be that a friend or donor needs some work that the Village is willing to waste $30,000 on another survey. What ticks me off is when the people filled the hearings for the Orland Plaza they ignored us. They wouldn't listen and gave no credence to the issues raised. They wouldn't compromise. Only one trustee voted with the people. Now they want the people's opinion. Give me a break. That proposal has only one place to go and that's the trash can. Don't be fooled. They can't afford $30,000 and they don't want your opinion.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
I don’t know about you, but I’m glad the time has come to close the book on 2011. For many it was the worse year in their lifetime. If you lost your job or your home thru foreclosure, it was a disaster. For those who survived, unscathed, it was still a time of doubt and anticipation. Very few were confident that their job or financial security would be there tomorrow. As we open the pages for 2012, it is a time of uncertainty.
During 2011 government seemed to lose all sense of purpose. It was all about politics and little or nothing about governing. The actions and decisions of our leaders made you wonder if they knew what they were doing. They created bills, 2000 pages in length, that no read or understood and then passed them... We have a deficit of 15 trillion dollars and they keep spending. They don’t have the guts to face the reality of making tough decisions. Washington hasn’t passed a budget in over two years and they continue to pass short term measures to keep the government running. The Fed prints money as needed... How’s your money tree doing? Is this the way you manage your money? When it comes to their own money they used insider information to buy and sell investments that benefitted themselves, their family and friends. In 2012 we need to send people to Washington who will represent the people not themselves or their Party.
In Illinois, another Governor was sentenced to prison. Before that we saw power brokers Tony Rezko and Dave Cellini take the fall. Maybe one day we’ll see the corruption and power politics in Illinois end. Do you see that happening soon? Will the day come when the state enacts fair and honest legislation? Were you upset to see Union Bosses getting state funded pensions for practically no time working in the system? Were you upset to see how clout benefitted those seeking free tuition to state schools? How’s clout working for you? In Orland Park the Village won its eminent domain battle to take over the Orland Plaza. It was another win for developers and a loss for the little guy. We said good bye to Randys’ and Lang Lee’s as they closed their doors forever. Orland Bakery, the Barber Shop, Mirobellis, will move to new locations while the remaining establishments will move to places in or around Orland Park.
The City of Chicago elected a new mayor while it searched for ways to fund big government. The Occupy Movement invaded downtown Chicago. It was a good idea to challenge Wall Street but it went awry when it was taken over by radicals and unions. Gangs continued to plague Chicago as we saw innocent life’s lost to senseless violence... Schools continued to be a major problem and the new mayor seems determined to make changes to fix the problem. The new mayor has made a good start and hopefully things will improve for the people of Chicago.
2011 was a tough year with a lot of concern for families and their way of life. As we leave 2011 we pray and hope that 2012 will bring the Hope and Change needed to create a stable, free and safe society. So as we close the book on 2011 we wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
During 2011 government seemed to lose all sense of purpose. It was all about politics and little or nothing about governing. The actions and decisions of our leaders made you wonder if they knew what they were doing. They created bills, 2000 pages in length, that no read or understood and then passed them... We have a deficit of 15 trillion dollars and they keep spending. They don’t have the guts to face the reality of making tough decisions. Washington hasn’t passed a budget in over two years and they continue to pass short term measures to keep the government running. The Fed prints money as needed... How’s your money tree doing? Is this the way you manage your money? When it comes to their own money they used insider information to buy and sell investments that benefitted themselves, their family and friends. In 2012 we need to send people to Washington who will represent the people not themselves or their Party.
In Illinois, another Governor was sentenced to prison. Before that we saw power brokers Tony Rezko and Dave Cellini take the fall. Maybe one day we’ll see the corruption and power politics in Illinois end. Do you see that happening soon? Will the day come when the state enacts fair and honest legislation? Were you upset to see Union Bosses getting state funded pensions for practically no time working in the system? Were you upset to see how clout benefitted those seeking free tuition to state schools? How’s clout working for you? In Orland Park the Village won its eminent domain battle to take over the Orland Plaza. It was another win for developers and a loss for the little guy. We said good bye to Randys’ and Lang Lee’s as they closed their doors forever. Orland Bakery, the Barber Shop, Mirobellis, will move to new locations while the remaining establishments will move to places in or around Orland Park.
The City of Chicago elected a new mayor while it searched for ways to fund big government. The Occupy Movement invaded downtown Chicago. It was a good idea to challenge Wall Street but it went awry when it was taken over by radicals and unions. Gangs continued to plague Chicago as we saw innocent life’s lost to senseless violence... Schools continued to be a major problem and the new mayor seems determined to make changes to fix the problem. The new mayor has made a good start and hopefully things will improve for the people of Chicago.
2011 was a tough year with a lot of concern for families and their way of life. As we leave 2011 we pray and hope that 2012 will bring the Hope and Change needed to create a stable, free and safe society. So as we close the book on 2011 we wish you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Friday, December 16, 2011
During this Christmas season have you taken any time to think about the up and coming 2012 Presidential Election? With current events so volatile most people can’t avoid the politicking that is taking place, but again there are always those that will be oblivious to what’s going on around them.. The Republican Debates have been numerous and informative. The dirt is being dug up and sometimes brutal as the candidates begin to fall. The polls change daily. The good news is that the electorate is getting an opportunity to uncover each candidates good and bad points. The candidates are being forced to expose their positions on the issues: economy, jobs, taxes, social security, housing, health care, debt, immigration, big government, environment, abortion, marriage, foreign affairs, corruption, leadership, experience, integrity, moral values, consistency , trust. Is there anything that is not an issue? There are big differences between the incumbent, Barack Obama, and the Republican candidates. Next year will be the debate of all debates as Barack Obama goes up against the last Republican standing.
We know that Barack Obama, at this time, faces no Democratic opposition. The Republican Candidate is yet to be decided. The Republican candidates have been campaigning hard and long. Primaries will soon be held in Iowa and New Hampshire. As November 2012 draws near we have to start shopping and determining who will be the best candidate to serve as President of the United States. During Christmas you spend a lot of time shopping for family and friends. At Christmas, maybe you prepare a list of people with dollars to spend, than you search the ads, stores and internet for the gifts. Or maybe you use a helter skelter approach to which store you will shop or maybe use the internet. Which approach will you use to make your Presidential choice? Will it be planned and thought out or helter skelter? Will it be for the good of the country?
Many have said the 2012 election will be the most important election in our lifetime. The choices will be very different. Will it be the liberal, Barack Obama or the yet to be decided conservative or moderate Republican. The question is, should the country continue its move to the left or return to the right. It will be a battle of ideologies: big government, social justice and redristribution of wealth vs smaller government, a return to the constitution, and capitalism You’re going to have to make a choice. What do you want the United States to look like? A European socialistic society or a capitalistic ,free enterprise system. After Christmas and your shopping and partying is done, I ask that you take the time to seriously think about shopping for the next President. I truly agree with the ideology that this will be the most important election in our lifetime. If you love the United States and what it stands for, let’s make it right. Make this decision more important than selecting a Christmas gift.
We know that Barack Obama, at this time, faces no Democratic opposition. The Republican Candidate is yet to be decided. The Republican candidates have been campaigning hard and long. Primaries will soon be held in Iowa and New Hampshire. As November 2012 draws near we have to start shopping and determining who will be the best candidate to serve as President of the United States. During Christmas you spend a lot of time shopping for family and friends. At Christmas, maybe you prepare a list of people with dollars to spend, than you search the ads, stores and internet for the gifts. Or maybe you use a helter skelter approach to which store you will shop or maybe use the internet. Which approach will you use to make your Presidential choice? Will it be planned and thought out or helter skelter? Will it be for the good of the country?
Many have said the 2012 election will be the most important election in our lifetime. The choices will be very different. Will it be the liberal, Barack Obama or the yet to be decided conservative or moderate Republican. The question is, should the country continue its move to the left or return to the right. It will be a battle of ideologies: big government, social justice and redristribution of wealth vs smaller government, a return to the constitution, and capitalism You’re going to have to make a choice. What do you want the United States to look like? A European socialistic society or a capitalistic ,free enterprise system. After Christmas and your shopping and partying is done, I ask that you take the time to seriously think about shopping for the next President. I truly agree with the ideology that this will be the most important election in our lifetime. If you love the United States and what it stands for, let’s make it right. Make this decision more important than selecting a Christmas gift.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The question was recently asked: how much of the money I earn should I keep? I would like to turn that around and ask how much of my money should the government take? Remember we not only pay federal taxes but also city, state, and county taxes. We are taxed for practically everything we buy and use. We understand taxes are necessary for security, safety, roads, and services. The problem becomes how much? How much money does government need to maintain our society? What is fair? Right now we are getting very little for our tax dollar. Would you invest in a corporation that is losing money? Do you condone the waste in the corruption of Solyndra and Light Square? Government’s role is to serve the people not friends and donors. Is it fair that government treats itself as elitists? Why is it that government pays itself more than the private sector? Why is it that Washington officials exempt themselves from social security and health care programs? Wouldn’t you like to have a Congressman’s pension plan? Why is it that governmental entities have the right to vote their salaries? Based on performance they should be paying the people for serving. Why is it that so many beau crates are millionaires? Have you seen any of them running to change their benefit packages? They should have the same benefits as the private sector. Why isn’t that an election issue? Should someone be taxed and penalized for working hard to earn money, while rewarding the laggards of society who look to government for support? Should we be adopting the socialistic approach of redistributing the wealth? Is that fair? Redistribution of wealth leads to the destruction of all incentives and destroys the creativity and ingenuity that made this country great. In the end we will all be poor, except for the elitists in Washington. Look at Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and China; is that the type of society we want to live in? Everyone has to accept their responsibility to make our society work. Yes, we have to help people in need, but to turn capable minds and bodies into wards of the state is wrong. They need jobs. Too much taxation is what we fought against to become independent, over taxation will lead to our self destruction.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The President announced “Pass This Bill Now”, but Mr. President where is the Bill? My Congresswoman says she hasn’t received it. The Senate hasn’t received it. Aren’t you taking the cart before the horse? Where is the money coming from? The President has been preparing this “Jobs Bill” for weeks and we have nothing of real substance or detail except “Pass This Bill Now”. The day after his speech the President ventured out to sell the bill to the people. The media was debating the merits of the Bill. How stupid and naïve have we become when we buy smoke and mirrors. Where’s the Bill? Obama Care was passed with the same stupidity, and over a year later we’re finding out how bad it is. Don’t we learn from mistakes? The credibility of any represesentative who supports this non existent bill should be questioned. The President gets an “A” for speech presentation but an “F” for his inability to produce productive legislation. I’m tired of being played as an idiot by Washington. Stop the horse and pony shows and get down to business. Cut spending, end the fraud, follow the laws, create real jobs, drill, rescind regulations, balance the budget, no more debt, and get people back to work.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Question, should the Village of OP become a landlord? It reminds me of the federal government running General Motors and Banks. Was the Federal Government qualified to run a private enterprise? No. What we have in OP is an administration that is running away from the truth. For almost 10 years the administration has tried o come up with a plan/solution for the Metra Triangle, and for 10 years they keep making changes. No developer was willing to put up the money for this project. To save face, the administration has found a way to build the development with taxpayer money... Hello, and welcome to Government Apartments of Orland Park. OP is no more fit to be a landlord than Washington was to run GM. As representatives of the people the Administration must have the courage to admit they were wrong. Admit your mistakes and find private developers to dig us out of this mess. Do we need residential development? Why not a hospital, manufacturing, private health facilities, a university there are alternatives. Public ownership only leads to more corruption and deals. The Metra Triangle project is a disgrace and shows how incompetent government can be when it comes to spending taxpayer money.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I concur with the Southtown Editorial’s logic to fund the Metra Triangle Project,” Fails the Smell Test.” To say the least the plan is more riskier than risky. You don’t need a lot of statististics or testimonials from groups who have everything to gain and nothing to lose to conclude that this is a bad deal. If you have common sense and some real life experience you would back off from this plan. Unfortunately that’s not how the OP Administration sees it. They are ready to ram it down our throats.
Let’s look at some of the facts: national unemployment is at 9% and probably 10% in Illinois. Businesses are leaving Illinois and people are following the jobs. I believe 41% of the people between 25 and 54 were unemployed for an average of 27 weeks or longer in 2010 and 2011. This is the target group that OP is looking at to rent too for $1500 -$2000 a month. When I read the newspapers I hear that college grads are having difficulty finding employment. In 2009 the average 1 BR rental apartment went for around $900, the average today is around$1200. Do you really think this group is willing to pay 1500-2000 to live close to a train in OP? If I was a young and up and coming adult I would look to downtown Chicago with all its amenities. On top of it, haven’t they heard that more and more young people are moving back home?
For the life of me I can’t understand the logic in the Village investing in rental units. Here is were common sense and experience comes in. What is the turnover and cost of maintaining a rental building? Maybe there are people who can’t buy and would rent. First and foremost do they have a constant income to pay the rent? The problems with the Village renting are insurmountable. We could be looking at a development investment that could be destroyed within 10-20 years.
I guess the Administration doesn’t realize that the economy is tanking. The Federal Government is in debt to their eyeballs. Orland Park’s debt is nothing to sneeze at. During the last Mayoral Election the Debt was in the vicinity of 100-200 million dollars. The Administration has an obligation to balance the books. They say there is no risk. If there are problems,will the money come out of McLaughlin’s or Grime’s pocket? No, it will come out of the pockets of the taxpayers of Orland Park. The Administration has no risk, just being booted out of office.
History tells us that this Administration has not been friendly to the Orland business community; we lost the Andrew Corporation, a lumber company, the Orland Plaza, attempts to bring in Von Mar and other high scale retailers failed. What we’ve gotten was a Fat burger that lasted a year. The Mayor says vacancies are low. Well, ask the people what they think about that estimate. We look at the empty store fronts and failures. That’s what we see not your slant on how good things are. The Mayor is a politician who believes we will fall for his line.
Is this a good deal, “NO”. When a developer comes in with only a million dollar investment for a $62 million project, I say he’s getting a steal. If the project works out and he gets the development, I say that’s a steal. This is highway robbery especially when the developer’s record is anything but superb. With a bankruptcy and tales of faulty workmanship in the background would you give this developer or any developer the opportunity to represent you? With the Mayor’s experience in the plumbing trade I would recommend that he flush this plan and his vision down the drain.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I find it interesting that the media spends so much time classifying voters: liberal, conservative, moderate, Republican, Democrat, Independent, religion, right, left, center, race or whatever category they can think of. I would prefer that the pollsters and pundits spend time in asking tough questions so that I can evaluate the candidate to make an intelligent voting decision. . My voting decision should not be based upon some classification system. Since the pollsters and pundits like labels, why not classify candidates as Progressive, Libertarian, Marxist, Socialist, Constitutionalist, Patriot etc. I would like to know the candidates values and how those values relate to their decision making. During the 2008 campaign Hilary Clinton announced she was a Modern Progressive. She was honest as to her ideology. I interpret that to mean she believes in big government, taxation, deficits, one world government, redistribution of wealth etc George W. Bush wasn’t identified as a Progressive Republican until he left office. I believe the media needs to spend more time investigating, researching, asking questions and then classifying a candidate as to his/her ideology. There should be no free ride for any candidate. The voter needs to know more about the candidate than the media knows about the voter.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Are we focused on the real problem in Washington: is it raising the debt limit? Going into default, losing our AAA Credit Rating, lack of a balanced budget, too much spending, not enough taxes or the culture of the way Washington does business? I say the underlying cause of all problems is the culture in the way Washington conducts business... Washington does little to fix problems; it’s all about politics and getting re-elected... Just look at the shenanigans of the past week. Speaker Boehner tells the members of Congress to “get in line’. He states “I’m sticking my neck out”. Majority Leader, Harry Reid states “It’s dead on arrival”. He tables debate. There has been no budget for over 800 days. The President says everyone should act like adults and should work out a compromise while using scare tactics to meet an August 2nd deadline. Is that the way Washington is suppose to work? Maybe Speaker Boehner needs to get in line. Why did he want the job? Maybe we need to ask Steve Wynn why he supported Harry Reid while calling out the President on the economy. Mr. Wynn is partially responsible for our problems by promoting and funding Harry Reid’s re-election. The President hasn’t presented a plan and has shown little or no leadership. He thinks his job is campaigning. Is that what we want from Washington?
The elections of 2010 provided a ray of hope. When was the last time someone stood up to the Speaker and said “NO”? Well it’s happening and it’s about time. The members of Congress and the Senate should be tired of the Republican and Democratic Leadership going behind closed doors and emerging to tell them how to vote. We didn’t elect “YES Men” we sent people to Washington to solve problems. Everyone should have an opportunity to put their two cents on the table. Supposedly Connie Mack and Rand Paul have a proposal to trim spending by 1%, each year, over 6 or 7 years. Why hasn’t that proposal come up? The leaders keep saying there must be compromise. I say “FIX THE PROBLEM, Look out Of the Box’. Under the present situation politicians are acting like politicians... We need more input from the statesmen. One of the problems is that the Republicans control the House while the Democrats control both the Senate and White House. Is that a good enough reason not to work together and cause a stalemate? When the Democrats controlled all three, they did nothing to fix the problems. The people are sick of the game playing and politics. Moody’s presented comments on what needs to be done to save the AAA Credit Rating, why hasn’t the leadership been responsive to these prompts? Too me the priority should be to save the AAA Credit Rating and prevent defaults by cutting spending... Is it necessary to raise the debt limit to create more debt? I don’t think so. We need to find ways to start paying down the debt, not increasing it.
I don’t know if there will be a happy ending to this story. Whatever happens will be debated and argued for months to come. What I do know is that we must continue the change that we started in 2010. We must elect people who will stand up and fight for what’s right and solve problems. We don’t need “YES MEN” who will bow to a leadership that has been corrupted by a culture that has begun to destroy the freedoms, liberties and financial stability of the United States of America...
The elections of 2010 provided a ray of hope. When was the last time someone stood up to the Speaker and said “NO”? Well it’s happening and it’s about time. The members of Congress and the Senate should be tired of the Republican and Democratic Leadership going behind closed doors and emerging to tell them how to vote. We didn’t elect “YES Men” we sent people to Washington to solve problems. Everyone should have an opportunity to put their two cents on the table. Supposedly Connie Mack and Rand Paul have a proposal to trim spending by 1%, each year, over 6 or 7 years. Why hasn’t that proposal come up? The leaders keep saying there must be compromise. I say “FIX THE PROBLEM, Look out Of the Box’. Under the present situation politicians are acting like politicians... We need more input from the statesmen. One of the problems is that the Republicans control the House while the Democrats control both the Senate and White House. Is that a good enough reason not to work together and cause a stalemate? When the Democrats controlled all three, they did nothing to fix the problems. The people are sick of the game playing and politics. Moody’s presented comments on what needs to be done to save the AAA Credit Rating, why hasn’t the leadership been responsive to these prompts? Too me the priority should be to save the AAA Credit Rating and prevent defaults by cutting spending... Is it necessary to raise the debt limit to create more debt? I don’t think so. We need to find ways to start paying down the debt, not increasing it.
I don’t know if there will be a happy ending to this story. Whatever happens will be debated and argued for months to come. What I do know is that we must continue the change that we started in 2010. We must elect people who will stand up and fight for what’s right and solve problems. We don’t need “YES MEN” who will bow to a leadership that has been corrupted by a culture that has begun to destroy the freedoms, liberties and financial stability of the United States of America...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What bugs me about the current deficit situation is that Government can’t find any money to cut. Everything is critical, too important. I disagree, look around, what about all the fraud that is taking place in federal programs, how about subsidies, money we give to Greece, Brazil,UN the IMF. We pour money into the Middle East and we don’t know who’s getting it. GM pays no taxes and Immelt asks why people complain about government. I wonder why? Billions are given to illegal’s who won’t learn English or respect our customs. We won’t drill or mine. Washington is destroying jobs not creating jobs... Government salaries and benefits increase while they talk of cutting Social Security and Medicare, Will the sky fall? Yes, Social Security and Medicare is a problem and needs to be fixed, so what are they doing about it, nothing. Talk, talk and more talk. We give billions in bailouts with no results. We want everyone to own a home they can’t afford than subsidize the mortgages. Washington wants to tax the rich while 50% of the population pays no taxes. I understand there are people in need, but 50%. We punish people for thrift and ingenuity while rewarding people who look to government for support. What a mess. The late Everett Dirksen once said when you take a million from here and a billion from there you begin to talk real money. We’re talking real money folks. Why can’t Washington see the waste?
Washington is all about politics. They are destroying the country. If you want to campaign, do it on your own time, not my dime. How can you solve problems when you measure everything in votes? In 2010 the people sent a message to clean up the mess. Well, the mess is getting worse and 2012 is still some time away. When will our elected officials learn that they work for the country not themselves, special interest or their party? The hot air floating around is ready to explode.. It’s more about ambiguity than substance. How can you resolve problems when you don’t even know why you’re in Washington? Why did you take an oath? Why did you run for office? Like the kids in the neighborhood used to say, “TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP”.
Washington is all about politics. They are destroying the country. If you want to campaign, do it on your own time, not my dime. How can you solve problems when you measure everything in votes? In 2010 the people sent a message to clean up the mess. Well, the mess is getting worse and 2012 is still some time away. When will our elected officials learn that they work for the country not themselves, special interest or their party? The hot air floating around is ready to explode.. It’s more about ambiguity than substance. How can you resolve problems when you don’t even know why you’re in Washington? Why did you take an oath? Why did you run for office? Like the kids in the neighborhood used to say, “TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP”.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Is big government the answer to our problems? Look at your present situation and think back 5 or 10 years, are you better or worse off. I would say you are worse off. Why, because you have less discretionary spending. Prices are rising, your salary can’t keep pace with the cost of living, and maybe you lost your job or can’t pay your mortgage. Each day seems to get worse. Your investments and property values are going down. It’s depressing. What’s the cause of our predicament? I say “BIG GOVERNMENT”. Washington keeps saying they need more money. I say cut the spending, cut the taxes. Is there anything that you buy that’s not taxed? Cut the size of the bureaucracy. There are regulations upon regulations to constrain our daily lives. You can’t do this, you can’t do that... Why not use our natural resources to create jobs and cut our dependence upon foreign resources? Government believes in the redistribution of wealth. Should we all be equal? I say we need to accept responsibility for our own actions and destiny, Dependency upon government makes us lazy and we lose our creativity and resourcefulness to be free and independent.
Big government is threatening the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 200 years. Government spends too much, regulates too much, taxes too much and is beginning to dictate too much. It classifies us by different traits instead of treating us as free and independent individuals. It stifles free enterprise and initiative by it regulations and taxes. It supports favoritism and friends. Promises are forgotten and replaced with contradicting decisions. They don’t listen, they won’t read their proposals and they ignore the will of the people. What has happened to the patriotism and pride of serving the electorate? The patriots in Washington are too few. We have elected too many representatives who are self serving and devoted to their party. How do we turn this around? It’s time that we the people start paying attention and start being concerned about what’s happening to our country. If we don’t, we may lose the greatest gift we have: freedom and liberty.
Big government is threatening the freedoms we have enjoyed for over 200 years. Government spends too much, regulates too much, taxes too much and is beginning to dictate too much. It classifies us by different traits instead of treating us as free and independent individuals. It stifles free enterprise and initiative by it regulations and taxes. It supports favoritism and friends. Promises are forgotten and replaced with contradicting decisions. They don’t listen, they won’t read their proposals and they ignore the will of the people. What has happened to the patriotism and pride of serving the electorate? The patriots in Washington are too few. We have elected too many representatives who are self serving and devoted to their party. How do we turn this around? It’s time that we the people start paying attention and start being concerned about what’s happening to our country. If we don’t, we may lose the greatest gift we have: freedom and liberty.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
For sometime there has been a push for what some call “The New World Order”. I interpret it to mean a one world government. This movement is growing and being pushed by George Soros, far left radicals and many of our own high ranking politicians. For one, Nancy Pelosi, is to speak at a Soros conference promoting the New World Order. I find it disturbing that the media is silent on this movement. It is a movement that opposes the U.S. Constitution and our way of life. It is a movement that rejects independence in favor of social justice and the redistribution of wealth. It’s disturbing when power brokers are moving this change without the consent of the American people. Isn’t it time for the media to speak out and inform the people what the” The New World Order” is so they can voice their opinions on this hidden issue?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
For a long time I’ve had a negative opinion of Liz Gorman. Her initial performance as Cook County Commissioner was questionable, she failed to take a leadership role in OP politics and there were questions about her personal life. More recently I have been rethinking my opinion. For one she has taken a leadership role at the County Board to fight taxes.. In the past several OP elections there was no opposition to the McLaughlin Machine. I always questioned, why? She has corrected that by fielding an excellent slate of candidates to run in the April 5th election. I don’t know anything about her personal problems, but in regards to the things that affect me she‘s on the right track.
One thing that bothers me is that the election is more about Liz Gorman than the candidates. She has become the focal issue on why you should not vote for the “Fiscal Voices for Orland”. That’s wrong! No one has made Mayor McLaughlin and his candidates an issue. Why not? His policies and leadership should be in question: no one talks about the large debt that hangs over OP; this was brought out in the last mayoral election. No one talks about his union ties, contributors or help from the Chicago Machine. No one talks about the mailings that deceive you and tell you: there have been no new taxes, what about the new fees, elimination of the rebate and the affect of the TIF’s on your property tax bill? Was he willing to change and compromise on the Orland Plaza? The Mayor and his people won’t change. Liz Gorman has made efforts to change and hopefully has seen the light. I have to give her credit for that. That’s why I say it’s time to rethink Liz Gorman. Think about it. Vote for change on April 5th.
One thing that bothers me is that the election is more about Liz Gorman than the candidates. She has become the focal issue on why you should not vote for the “Fiscal Voices for Orland”. That’s wrong! No one has made Mayor McLaughlin and his candidates an issue. Why not? His policies and leadership should be in question: no one talks about the large debt that hangs over OP; this was brought out in the last mayoral election. No one talks about his union ties, contributors or help from the Chicago Machine. No one talks about the mailings that deceive you and tell you: there have been no new taxes, what about the new fees, elimination of the rebate and the affect of the TIF’s on your property tax bill? Was he willing to change and compromise on the Orland Plaza? The Mayor and his people won’t change. Liz Gorman has made efforts to change and hopefully has seen the light. I have to give her credit for that. That’s why I say it’s time to rethink Liz Gorman. Think about it. Vote for change on April 5th.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
On March 8th people lined up at the Orland Park Bakery to buy an estimated. 30,000 paczki. This makes me wonder if people will line up on April 5th to vote in the Orland Park Election. This election is extremely important because it gives the people of OP the opportunity to vote against the McLaughlin candidates: Schussler, Gira and Ruzich. These are some of the people who have worked to close the Orland Plaza , the Orland Bakery and the places where you buy your: meats, groceries, get your haircut, jewelry, morning coffee, flowers, and more. The McLaughlin allies will be responsible for closing 24 stores and sending your friends and neighbors into unemployment. This election should not only be a response to the closing of the Orland Plaza but also against rising property taxes, increased fees, debt, elimination of property tax rebates and a deteriorating OP. It’s about an administration that has squandered the treasures of OP. It’s about 30,000 paczki and a need to start cleaning up the Village, VOTE Tuesday April 5th.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Recently the White House held a conference to condone bullying in schools. I agree we should do what we can to stop bullying. Unfortunately, bullying is not only taking place in our schools and playgrounds. The intimidation, death threats, destruction of property and action of thugs, displayed by adults in Wisconsin, has been irreprehensible. Has any one condoned this type of bullying? Is anyone going to be held accountable? Some of the people doing the bullying are the same ones the White House is calling on to control bullying in our schools. What an example.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
It’s getting very troublesome watching the actions of pickets throughout the United States. You have to wonder if it’s only about union rights. It’s become clear that radicals have infiltrated the ranks with their own agenda under the guise of solidarity. Is this the ideology that the ordinary union worker wants to support his/her cause?
There was a time when Unions served a purpose: namely good working conditions and fair pay. They worked hard for the passage of Fair Labor Laws. Somewhere along the way they got greedy and stopped worrying about change and started concentrating on money and power. Their ideology changed. They were not concerned about where the money was coming from or the consequences. The best example is the destruction of the auto industry. As private sector membership declined they turned to the public sector. As in the private sector they continued to push and get greedy. It was not about producing a good product; it was about power and control. The problem is, government does not produce a tangible product. Government is supported by the taxpayer, not large corporations. Well, the taxpayer is waking up and feeling the pinch. The taxpayer looks into his/her wallet and says” I can’t I afford those salaries, benefits and pensions”. They ask the question, “What’s my return on the dollar”? They find the results to be: failing schools, waste, fraud, corruption, play to pay, favoritism, problems with tenure and on and on? The end results have produced huge deficits throughout the country. The country is broke! The taxpayer knows he must balance his/her budget or lose everything, they cannot print money. They make sacrifices to make ends meet. Government must do the same. It’s time to face reality. We must all stand together and make sacrifices. It’s time for all parties to do what’s best for the country. Once the taxpayer has been bled dry, there will be no money for government salaries, benefits or pensions. There will be chaos. Changes must be made. Workers need to control and cleanup their unions, and taxpayers must control and cleanup government. Things have been upside down too long. It’s time to face the facts and act like adults and deal with reality.
There was a time when Unions served a purpose: namely good working conditions and fair pay. They worked hard for the passage of Fair Labor Laws. Somewhere along the way they got greedy and stopped worrying about change and started concentrating on money and power. Their ideology changed. They were not concerned about where the money was coming from or the consequences. The best example is the destruction of the auto industry. As private sector membership declined they turned to the public sector. As in the private sector they continued to push and get greedy. It was not about producing a good product; it was about power and control. The problem is, government does not produce a tangible product. Government is supported by the taxpayer, not large corporations. Well, the taxpayer is waking up and feeling the pinch. The taxpayer looks into his/her wallet and says” I can’t I afford those salaries, benefits and pensions”. They ask the question, “What’s my return on the dollar”? They find the results to be: failing schools, waste, fraud, corruption, play to pay, favoritism, problems with tenure and on and on? The end results have produced huge deficits throughout the country. The country is broke! The taxpayer knows he must balance his/her budget or lose everything, they cannot print money. They make sacrifices to make ends meet. Government must do the same. It’s time to face reality. We must all stand together and make sacrifices. It’s time for all parties to do what’s best for the country. Once the taxpayer has been bled dry, there will be no money for government salaries, benefits or pensions. There will be chaos. Changes must be made. Workers need to control and cleanup their unions, and taxpayers must control and cleanup government. Things have been upside down too long. It’s time to face the facts and act like adults and deal with reality.
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