Saturday, September 18, 2010


The elections are fast approaching and the mud and dirt has begun to fly. People are angry and are looking for people to solve problems. They’re tired of the entrenched politicians and their promises. They’re tired of the old rhetoric and phony endorsements. They’re tired of the pundits and their elitist attitudes and predictions. They want action with results. They want leaders and problem solvers to fix the economy, immigration, education, create jobs, control taxes, eliminate debt, provide quality, affordable health care, create and follow fiscally sound budgets, enforce laws, understand they work for the people not a party or special interest group(s),,and above all, believe in the principles that made this country great. .The election should be about intelligent ideas and issues. It’s not about name calling, generalities or gutter politics. It’s too easy to call someone a racist, Nazi or hater, but difficult to develop solutions to problems and to discuss the issues in a clear and concise manner. The most precious freedom you have is the vote. Don’t be a complainer, vote on November 2nd for your convictions.