2009 was a year that will be looked upon as one of the most politically corrupt in the history of the United States. President Obama was to bring change and hope. There was to be an end to back door politics, an end to influence and payoffs. There was to be transparency and openness. What we got was Chicago Politics. Tell them what they want to hear, once elected do what you want. You only need the voters every four years, they have short memories. President Obama learned his craft well and makes most Chicago politicians look like amateurs.
Why am I so critical? Some of the events of the past year will explain. The best example is the Health Care Reform Bill. I know deals are cut and pork is tied to legislation, but the techniques used to get votes for this bill were far and beyond normal arm twisting. It was downright immoral. $300 million to Louisiana Senator Landrieu, $1 million to Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson, $1 million to Chris Dodd. Chairman Harry Reid said, if a Senator didn’t get something in this bill, he or she didn’t do their job. I always thought you voted on the merits of a bill, not how much pork was brought to your state. That’s a crime, it’s a bribe, it’s wrong. How can you treat states differently in creating legislation? That’s discrimination. Any bill that passes with such questionable activity needs to be brought before the courts and the people responsible prosecuted and sent to prison. I thought there was a code of ethics for Congress?
In 2009 there were bailouts for the auto industry and financial institutions. We learned that government pushed for quick and easy mortgages for those who could not afford homes. No questions, no down payments just sign on the dotted line. That’s not how banks used to work. In the long run, who suffered, it was the people who thought they could afford the home, they lost everything. The Barney Franks, Chris Dodd’s and Freddie or Fannie Mae’s, who created the policies, ignored the outcomes and went along as if nothing had happened. In the process Freddie and Fannie were bailed out and safe. Not so for the poor souls who trusted and believed in Washington. Was there an investigation or any accountability, no?
The year found a Stimulus Bill, Cash for Clunkers, Health Care Reform, Bailouts which raised the national debt into the trillions. The value of the dollar was less than the Euro or Canadian currency. China said no more borrowing. The administration’s position was that the only way out of a recession was to spend. The Feds kept printing and the Administration kept spending. They say the recession is over. They say the Stimulus added and saved millions of jobs. They predict 2010 will be a boom with millions of new jobs. The administration has been wrong and fudges numbers; there is no reason to believe this prophecy. With a huge debt and increasing cost coming out of Health Care it is more probable that we will see companies reducing budgets, while the cost to cover an additional 30 million insured will impact everyone. We will see higher insurance premiums, cost of commodities will go up, there will be new and higher taxes to pay for Obama’s follies. It is my opinion, as cost rise, we will enter a period of inflation which will lead to tougher times.
The laws of the land seem to have no meaning to the Obama Administration. When a friend of Obama creates a controversy and police come to help, Obama comes to his aid, no questions asked, he supports the friend. When 13 soldiers were killed at Fort Hood he said, we must be deliberate and look at the facts. How can a President be outraged when a friend gets into a controversy and have so little remorse and outrage when 13 soldiers are killed? There’s a big difference between the two incidents. We found that Attorney General Holder was quick to protect Acorn, and the Black Panthers. He wants to try 5 Gitmo detainees in New York so that they can have the same rights as all US citizens. Does he want to make them heroes? He wants to close Gitmo and bring those detainees to Illinois so they can be treated as equals with the same rights as you and I. It makes no difference that over 3000 people were killed on 9/11. Wasn’t that an act of war Mr. Attorney General? If someone is captured and classified as an enemy combatant they should be tried under military law, not civil law. Harry Reid’s actions to bribe Senators for Health Care was a good example of a lawless government. Washington seems to be creating their own laws and rules to fit the situation. The Constitution is ignored and Washington trashes the very foundations upon which this country was founded.
In foreign affairs the President apologized for America’s misgivings and works to form and lead a world union. His agenda and objective appears to be one to dismantle our laws, traditions and constitution so that everyone is equal. This is part of his plan to redistribute the wealth. You may say this is far fetched, but this is how this man and his inside cronies see the future. There should be no independence, no liberties no freedom we should all be alike. It’s like something out of Orwell’s “1984”. The president has surrounded himself with czars and czarinas that follow far left and socialistic ideologies. Van Jones was an avowed communist, Anita Dunne lives by the teachings of Mao, the communication czar Mark Lloyd praises Hugo Chavez’s takeover of the media, Rahm Emmual’s brother writes and talks about “death panels”, Andy Stern, SEIU, is pushing to unionize the world. Is this the direction we want our country to go? These are the people the president listens to.
The drive by media continues to ignore the realities of what is happening. The spin is so good you want to believe it. The President is a master of the word, but short on truth and substance. You must pay attention to the truth and what is happening. Our country is being stolen right in front of our noses. The White House wants to control and dictate. They’re not interested in what you think or say. The Tea Parties were chastised as being Nazi’s and trouble makers. Why is it that the actions of Acorn and SEIU are never challenged or questioned? The PEOPLE have been relegated to being non existent. Washington no longer works for the people; we no longer have a representative government. It’s broke and needs to be fixed. Where is the hope, where is the change. Stand up America; let’s make 2010 the year that we take back our government. God Bless America.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The military credo has been and will always be “NO SUBSTITUTE FOR VICTORY”. While watching the President’s Afghanistan Speech, at West Point, I had to wonder if he really understood the military. To me his presence at West Point was to use the Cadets as props to deliver an uninspiring speech. I felt a letdown from the man who is called “Commander In Chief”. I was not inspired nor would be desirous of following this man into battle. Remember, we respect the Office, but we don’t have to respect the man. He never spoke of the history or the great leaders that passed through the halls of the Point. He never spoke of Duty, Honor, and Country. He appeared to be programmed in giving this lackluster speech. He had no feeling or empathy with his audience. He outlined the Mission as something that was to be accomplished in 18 months. What was the specific mission? I always thought it was to rid the world of the Jihad terrorist that call themselves Al Qaeda. The Jihadist has a clear mission, kill the infidels. This is a declaration of war and we must defeat this ideology. The strategy and tactics presented by General’s Paetreus and McCrystal is clear and concise. . You can’t win a war by playing politics. It takes a dedication to the mission and planned objectives. The military has done a wonderful job in learning. adjusting and applying new tactics to changing situations and terrain. The war will be fought in phases with specific objectives. The time table is the accomplishment of successfully completing each phase and objective. The timetables cannot be related to elections. We must support our troops to defeat the Jihadist and bring civility back to the world. You don’t wage a war or go into battle to lose. There Is No Substitute For Victory.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The inclusion of $100 Million Dollars in the Senate Health Care Reform Bill, for Louisiana Disaster Recovery, was an obvious blatant act to bribe Louisiana Senator Landrieu. This section and any section with the same intent must be removed before any final vote. It is a clear cut example of how low and corrupt Washington has become. They no longer have any shame.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It’s becoming obvious that the Obama Administration is playing a game of lies and deception. You don’t have to go far to find contradictions. Recently the media reported large discrepancies in the number of jobs created from the Stimulus Package. Closer examination found that some of the jobs were created in non existent Congressional Districts and that numerous errors were found in the calculation of jobs saved. In fact, it was found that more jobs were saved than those that existed. Was this incompetency or lies and/ or deception. Yesterday the Department of Health and Human Services came out with a report stating that women under 40 and over 75 did not need mammograms. This was immediately challenged by doctors and the medical profession. It contradicted previous studies and the fact that early detection saves lives. Can HHS support this conclusion or is it another case of lies and/or deception? Are Death Panels really dead? Recently we found that AG Eric Holder recommended holding court in New York City for 5 of the Gitmo detainees. This is a case that will put the U.S. at risk: security, cost, embarrassment, and the possibility that the detainees will walk free. Again this is a contradiction. We know that military tribunals are being held and that a criminal trial gives detainees the rights of an American citizen. I read that Holder’s previous law firm is instrumental in representing many Gitmo detainees. Wouldn’t you call this a conflict of interest? Yesterday Harry Reid walked to the podium followed by the three stooges; Durbin, Schummer and Dodd to announce that the Senate had just completed a Health Care Bill. “It is affordable and covers 96% of all Americans.” The Bill is 2047 pages. The details presented were astounding, affordable and covers almost everyone. It was completed behind closed doors, more transparency. The full Senate and the Public were to have access to read and critique this bill. Another act of lies and/or deception. I guess we can go on and on and the results would be the same, more lies and or deceptions.
Charles Krauthammer nailed it yesterday, when he stated that President Obama’s comments on the economy came after meeting with China. The President is quick to respond to China, but is deaf to the people of the U.S. Charles went further in relating this to the concept of the world order. It is becoming clear that President Obama isn’t concerned with the United States, but converting us to a part of a United World. This man with his charisma and smooth talk is slowly dismantling the U.S. He can no longer be trusted. Unfortunately the Congress continues to dance to his tune. This reminds me of the new TV series “V” were aliens where planted here to overthrow and take over the world. This may be far fetched, but the game is the same; power, lies and/or deception.
Charles Krauthammer nailed it yesterday, when he stated that President Obama’s comments on the economy came after meeting with China. The President is quick to respond to China, but is deaf to the people of the U.S. Charles went further in relating this to the concept of the world order. It is becoming clear that President Obama isn’t concerned with the United States, but converting us to a part of a United World. This man with his charisma and smooth talk is slowly dismantling the U.S. He can no longer be trusted. Unfortunately the Congress continues to dance to his tune. This reminds me of the new TV series “V” were aliens where planted here to overthrow and take over the world. This may be far fetched, but the game is the same; power, lies and/or deception.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Congress passed the 2000 page Health Care Reform Bill last night by 5 votes. Nancy Pelosi declared that people can finally have affordable health care. Can someone please tell me how you can boil down a 2000 page bill to a few meaningless words? It reminds me of the 2008 campaign, “Hope and Change“, words that no one challenged. Maybe it’s time to challenge what Congress means by affordable health care. What’s it going to cost me? You say it will be cheaper, how can it be cheaper. Please give me an example. You say it will cover 96% of the people, where’s the money coming from? Cheaper and covering more people, that’s very interesting. You say everyone must have insurance or pay a fine or spend time in jail. Very democratic. What if I can’t afford insurance, will you send me to jail? How does that work? You say that there is going to be a public option, but you can keep your present insurance. What choice do I have if I belong to a group and the business decides for the public option how can I keep my present insurance? You say abortion won’t be paid but provide no guarantee, how can I trust you? What else is hidden in the 2000 pages that you don’t want me to know? How are you going to cover illegal’s, what’s the catch? I know you’re going to sneak it in. There will be a life time maximum, how much? How many beauracrates will it take and cost to administer this bill? How about ending fraud and corruption? Why didn’t we have the option of going across state lines to buy insurance and what did you do about tort reform? If nothing, why?
At this point I think it’s a big game. A game of trying to win public opinion. Remember, “Hope and Change”, trust me. Don’t trust anyone and don’t believe what you read or hear. Ask questions and get as many facts as you can. It’s a political game about control and power. It’s a game about taking away my freedoms and giving them to the government. A government that can’t manage much of anything. It’s no longer common sense, its lies and deception. Why should I trust or believe in any politician?
Just remember, health care reform is going to provide everyone with affordable health care. That’s what Speaker Pelosi says and that’s what her 2000 page bill guarantees. So says Pelosi. Now if you believe all of that, step forward and buy a bottle of my Fountain of Youth Tonic.
At this point I think it’s a big game. A game of trying to win public opinion. Remember, “Hope and Change”, trust me. Don’t trust anyone and don’t believe what you read or hear. Ask questions and get as many facts as you can. It’s a political game about control and power. It’s a game about taking away my freedoms and giving them to the government. A government that can’t manage much of anything. It’s no longer common sense, its lies and deception. Why should I trust or believe in any politician?
Just remember, health care reform is going to provide everyone with affordable health care. That’s what Speaker Pelosi says and that’s what her 2000 page bill guarantees. So says Pelosi. Now if you believe all of that, step forward and buy a bottle of my Fountain of Youth Tonic.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
One of Barack Obama’s objectives is to redistribute the wealth. What does he really mean by that? Does that mean that people with nothing get to have what others have worked and earned? That’s what you really call incentive and motivation. Why should I work, go to school and save so someone can come and take my endeavors. I have a suggestion to test this ideology. I just read that there are more than 200 millionaires in Congress. My suggestion is that we start by taking our representatives wealth and redistribute it to the poor. First let’s start with the President. Let’s start with his house in Chicago. Next let’s empty his bank and stock accounts. Take away his perks to free health care and give it to the poor. Let him go to a free clinic on the Southside of Chicago. Take away Air force one and let those who can’t afford airfare use it to visit friends and relatives. Let’s take all the cars and limos and raffle them off to those without cars. Let’s take away the free food and services and have Michelle cook the family meals. Once we’ve stripped the President of his wealth let’s concentrate on the Congress and Senate, the czars and cabinet members. Now I think that’s a great idea for redistributing the wealth.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The tide appears to be turning. People are waking up and finding that Barrack Obama is not the brilliant wizard he was made out to be. His golden oratory is turning sour and people now question his words. Where’s the transparency, the end to corruption and lobbyists. The data and people making decisions, for the President, are being challenged. The President’s decision making ability has become more like one of indecision than of decisiveness. He needs months to make a decision on Afghanistan, but rushes legislation through Congress, giving no time to read or analyze the material. What would happen if the United States was confronted with a tragedy calling for an immediate decision, is Barrack Obama up to it? He follows the rule of Chicago politics; count the votes than make the decision. Washington is being run in campaign mode not as an efficient business. Their model is the Chicago Political Machine.
There are many who believe Obama is a savior, some call him the messiah, I ask them. Do you want government telling you what you can and can’t do? Do you realize the consequences of a big intrusive government? It’s a step towards socialism. Government will make your decisions. If you like that type of government you should be living in: Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, or China. Is that what you want? Am I wrong to feel that way? Look at the radicals now making decisions in Washington. Czars that were not approved by Congress, but have more power than those approved to Cabinet posts. Do you want the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid running your life? You only have to look at their record: Stimulus Package, Cash for Clunkers, Fannie and Freddie, Bailouts, Insurmountable debt, Government Health Care Reform (paid abortions, cuts in Medicare, rationing, public options, limited choice, higher taxes, etc) more power for Unions, Acorn and of course government. The Obama Administration chastises: Fox News, Chamber of Commerce, Insurance Companies, Edmonds and anyone who disagrees with their policies or data. That’s what a socialistic regime does and that’s what they want us to become, servants of big government. I’m sorry, but that’s wrong, and I’m worried. I’m worried for my country, my grandchildren and the honest hard working people that have made America great. We can’t stand idly by and let Washington destroy our beliefs and traditions.
Living in Illinois I find it frustrating to be represented by Dick Durbin and Roland Burris. They don’t listen, and if you send them your opinions they respond with unrelated issues. Will the people of Illinois boot them out? Will Nevada re-elect Harry Reid, will Massachusetts keep Barney Frank or will California kick out Nancy Pelosi. Wake up America, these people don’t represent this country, they believe in an ideology that is based on Socialism. They now call themselves Progressives. Because we complain, they call us Nazi’s, tea baggers, anti American. The problem is they have become corrupt with power and arrogance. The only way to clean up the mess is to kick them out. We need more Mr. Smith’s in Washington and less Dick Durbin’s, Barney Franks and Chris Dodd’s. We need to send people to Washington who believe in the Constitution and our history. We need people whose role models are Washington, Jefferson, and Adams not Mao, Chavez or Castro. We need people who are proud of our nation, the Constitution, the flag and the traditions and values created by our founding fathers.
There are many who believe Obama is a savior, some call him the messiah, I ask them. Do you want government telling you what you can and can’t do? Do you realize the consequences of a big intrusive government? It’s a step towards socialism. Government will make your decisions. If you like that type of government you should be living in: Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, or China. Is that what you want? Am I wrong to feel that way? Look at the radicals now making decisions in Washington. Czars that were not approved by Congress, but have more power than those approved to Cabinet posts. Do you want the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid running your life? You only have to look at their record: Stimulus Package, Cash for Clunkers, Fannie and Freddie, Bailouts, Insurmountable debt, Government Health Care Reform (paid abortions, cuts in Medicare, rationing, public options, limited choice, higher taxes, etc) more power for Unions, Acorn and of course government. The Obama Administration chastises: Fox News, Chamber of Commerce, Insurance Companies, Edmonds and anyone who disagrees with their policies or data. That’s what a socialistic regime does and that’s what they want us to become, servants of big government. I’m sorry, but that’s wrong, and I’m worried. I’m worried for my country, my grandchildren and the honest hard working people that have made America great. We can’t stand idly by and let Washington destroy our beliefs and traditions.
Living in Illinois I find it frustrating to be represented by Dick Durbin and Roland Burris. They don’t listen, and if you send them your opinions they respond with unrelated issues. Will the people of Illinois boot them out? Will Nevada re-elect Harry Reid, will Massachusetts keep Barney Frank or will California kick out Nancy Pelosi. Wake up America, these people don’t represent this country, they believe in an ideology that is based on Socialism. They now call themselves Progressives. Because we complain, they call us Nazi’s, tea baggers, anti American. The problem is they have become corrupt with power and arrogance. The only way to clean up the mess is to kick them out. We need more Mr. Smith’s in Washington and less Dick Durbin’s, Barney Franks and Chris Dodd’s. We need to send people to Washington who believe in the Constitution and our history. We need people whose role models are Washington, Jefferson, and Adams not Mao, Chavez or Castro. We need people who are proud of our nation, the Constitution, the flag and the traditions and values created by our founding fathers.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
In 2008 Barack Obama was elected President. His message was one of HOPE and CHANGE. It is now October 2009 and we have seen little hope or change. I look to the President for leadership and direction. The office sets the tone for the movement of the country. The President is to inspire the nation to greater things. In a way, Barack Obama does these things, but in a negative way. I do not feel inspired and the reason is that the President has a different view of this great nation than I do. I find little patriotism in his leadership or message. He seems to be ashamed of the things we have accomplished and our history. He apologizes to the world for what he considers our misgivings. Our country has been more generous in helping nations and defending freedom than any on earth. We need not be apologetic for our past actions; we should be proud and shout them from the highest mountain.
Barack Obama is a mystery. Some say he is brilliant and gifted. Yes, he can move audiences but has he demonstrated that he can make the tough decisions necessary for the good of the country? His economic policies are questionable. Look at the Stimulus Package, Bailouts, and Cash for Clunkers; have they turned the economy around? Did anyone hear of the free enterprise system? Unemployment stays at around 10%; most financial institutions that received bailout monies are making large profits, while Cash for Clunkers increased sales for a month and quickly returned to its downturn. He believes in gimmicks, not substance. Barack Obama has surrounded himself with many questionalable people. People with radical backgrounds and ideas. Many espouse a socialistic or communistic ideology. Is this the change he campaigned on? Maybe that’s why many of the programs coming out of the White House are questionable. Ideas on freedom of speech, who lives or dies, a belief that everyone is the same, global warming, a new world order and on and on. If you differ with the White House you are tagged an enemy and attacked. Fox News provides coverage that is diversified and asks the tough questions. Many idolize the President as if he can do no wrong. Fox is continually singled out for doing its job. That’s what they’re supposed to do, report the news and provide opinions. Obama Health Reform brought out the issue on how much care a person should receive as they age. Is this the change he talked about? He talks about redistributing the wealth. Take from the rich, give to the poor. Aren’t you supposed to work hard and earn your way? You don’t need a government handout. This does not mean that people shouldn’t help each other. But this certainly isn’t the way to motivate people to help themselves and grow and improve. They talk about climate change and question Mother Nature. Maybe we need to clean up the air, but let’s listen to all sides. Barack Obama goes before foreign audiences as if he seeks a new world order. Let’s be realistic, look at the dictators and how they wield power to control their countries. We must deal with the real world, not a fantasy world. The United States has always acted out of power not weakness.
It appears that the White House wants to be all controlling. They want to control what we hear, what we see, how we think, and what we do and how we do it. Where is the Congress? Are they in the tank and working for the President or do they work for us? They were sent to Washington to maintain a check and balance, not to be a rubber stamp. This is serious, and scares me. This is not the America I know or want to know. This is not what this country is about. The agenda is clear, CONTROL. Government knows best and you must listen and follow what they say. That’s the message and image being portrayed by this Administration. That is not what the people voted for. That is not the change or hope they were looking for. They were fooled and most are still being fooled. They don’t read or look for different sources to find the truth or what’s really happening. The media has become a joke. They don’t report facts; most have become spokesmen for the White House. Maybe, just maybe that’s why fewer and fewer tune into the national media for news. The American people are not dumb and will not tolerate this type of control. We believe in our freedoms and we’ll fight for it. The President and his radical friends can’t fool us any longer. The ball is in the President’s court and it’s time for him to change. It’s time to clean out the radicals and bring in people who believe in America and what it stands for. Congress needs to also get in line and start doing its job. They can’t all be bought. Most Congressmen and Senators believe in this country and will fight to preserve it. We need to pressure them to protect this country and to stand up against the radical leadership and thinking that is taking over the White House. We need to continue to bombard Washington with our concerns so we can protect the Constitution and the liberties that made this country great.
Barack Obama is a mystery. Some say he is brilliant and gifted. Yes, he can move audiences but has he demonstrated that he can make the tough decisions necessary for the good of the country? His economic policies are questionable. Look at the Stimulus Package, Bailouts, and Cash for Clunkers; have they turned the economy around? Did anyone hear of the free enterprise system? Unemployment stays at around 10%; most financial institutions that received bailout monies are making large profits, while Cash for Clunkers increased sales for a month and quickly returned to its downturn. He believes in gimmicks, not substance. Barack Obama has surrounded himself with many questionalable people. People with radical backgrounds and ideas. Many espouse a socialistic or communistic ideology. Is this the change he campaigned on? Maybe that’s why many of the programs coming out of the White House are questionable. Ideas on freedom of speech, who lives or dies, a belief that everyone is the same, global warming, a new world order and on and on. If you differ with the White House you are tagged an enemy and attacked. Fox News provides coverage that is diversified and asks the tough questions. Many idolize the President as if he can do no wrong. Fox is continually singled out for doing its job. That’s what they’re supposed to do, report the news and provide opinions. Obama Health Reform brought out the issue on how much care a person should receive as they age. Is this the change he talked about? He talks about redistributing the wealth. Take from the rich, give to the poor. Aren’t you supposed to work hard and earn your way? You don’t need a government handout. This does not mean that people shouldn’t help each other. But this certainly isn’t the way to motivate people to help themselves and grow and improve. They talk about climate change and question Mother Nature. Maybe we need to clean up the air, but let’s listen to all sides. Barack Obama goes before foreign audiences as if he seeks a new world order. Let’s be realistic, look at the dictators and how they wield power to control their countries. We must deal with the real world, not a fantasy world. The United States has always acted out of power not weakness.
It appears that the White House wants to be all controlling. They want to control what we hear, what we see, how we think, and what we do and how we do it. Where is the Congress? Are they in the tank and working for the President or do they work for us? They were sent to Washington to maintain a check and balance, not to be a rubber stamp. This is serious, and scares me. This is not the America I know or want to know. This is not what this country is about. The agenda is clear, CONTROL. Government knows best and you must listen and follow what they say. That’s the message and image being portrayed by this Administration. That is not what the people voted for. That is not the change or hope they were looking for. They were fooled and most are still being fooled. They don’t read or look for different sources to find the truth or what’s really happening. The media has become a joke. They don’t report facts; most have become spokesmen for the White House. Maybe, just maybe that’s why fewer and fewer tune into the national media for news. The American people are not dumb and will not tolerate this type of control. We believe in our freedoms and we’ll fight for it. The President and his radical friends can’t fool us any longer. The ball is in the President’s court and it’s time for him to change. It’s time to clean out the radicals and bring in people who believe in America and what it stands for. Congress needs to also get in line and start doing its job. They can’t all be bought. Most Congressmen and Senators believe in this country and will fight to preserve it. We need to pressure them to protect this country and to stand up against the radical leadership and thinking that is taking over the White House. We need to continue to bombard Washington with our concerns so we can protect the Constitution and the liberties that made this country great.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
For the past two months the Health Care Debate has taken center stage. The arguments have been heated and real. The electorate has taken on their elected representatives. They want answers. What do they get, platitudes and worn out rhetoric. The President is sent on the road to quell the dissension. He tries to mesmerize us with smooth talk and innuendos. Hope and Change. He has failed to convince people of a plan that will work. He talks around the issues: the public option, abortion, cost, deficits, government intervention, and death panels. He dismisses them by telling us to believe him, trust him. The problem, where is it in writing? How do we know we’re playing with a straight deck? Our representatives don’t read and understand proposals. Most do what they’re told. They fail to act responsibly on behalf of the people who hired them. What have we got, two parties, who represent their party and vote the party line? No one is against constructive change, provided there is sufficient debate that it is acted upon responsibly, not rammed down everyone’s throat. This is unfortunate and must end. We need independent thinkers who don’t work for their party or the President, they work for the people.
We have seen failure after failure: the stimulus package, health care reform, cash for clunkers, bailouts, perks, rising deficits, government dictating who gets what and more. Washington tells us everything is well and working. Is it really? This is not acceptable. What is government trying to do? I don’t believe these actions are the objectives to create a better society. Indirectly the objective is to solidify the Democratic Party. By providing favors to special interest groups such as Acorn, Unions, legalizing illegal’s, and providing health care for 40-50 million uninsured, they believe they will create a base of voters who will ensure an unending era of power for the Democratic Party. The problem with this objective is that it will destroy the foundation of our democracy and create a socialistic society. Maybe the Czars were created to prepare us for this reality. Government will tell us what and what not to do. Free enterprise as we know it will no longer exist. Our individualism will be gone; we will be a commune with rules set by Government for conformity. Free speech is already being attacked and will die. I firmly believe this is the true objective of the Democratic Party. If you look at what is happening in the media, the reaction and verbal denunciation of senior citizens, the power and money given to unions and Acorn, the Presidents flip flopping, this is a clear message, something is wrong and a call for concern.
This is not a good situation. The Representatives and the President aren’t listening and don’t want to listen. They know better. They know what their objective is. The polls are supporting the people’s concerns. They are real and true. The Democrats have the votes and can do whatever they want. The question is, will our representatives support the President or the People. Maybe they should reconsider their role and start doing their job, represent the people .If they support and back the policies of the President for a Socialistic Society and believe adding illegal’s and counting on people who want government control ,they may find this to be their demise.. I find very few if any patriots in Washington. I find individuals who are indebted to certain interest groups and their own welfare. This is not the country I was growing up in or the type of country I want to be part of... I desire a return to the basic beliefs of God and Country. I want a country that follows the dictates of our founding fathers, not power hungry individuals who pretend to work for a better society while trampling on the Constitution. I don’t want a country where government controls freedom of speech. I want to be proud when they play the Star Spangled Banner, or say the Pledge to the Flag. I want to get goose bumps when they play the Stars and Stripes and watch a marching band. I want to be proud when I see the flag flapping in the breeze. I don’t want a country that forgets its heritage or traditions. I believe in the traditions of working hard and earning what you get, not being dependent on government to make my decisions. I believe most Americans feel this way. Yes, there are those who don’t want to work or take responsibility, they want government to be their savior. We must return to the principals upon which this country was founded. We must stand up and take back that country. We must continue to speak out and demand that our representatives listen and act on our behalf. We must vote, if our elected officials don’t know who they work for, kick them out. It’s time for Congress to stop funding, using and supporting thugs to control the opposition, it’s time to end the pay to play politics and corruption that exists in Washington; it’s time to adhere to the Constitution. It’s time for elected officials to be their own man or woman, not a pawn of the President, special interest groups or Party. It’s time for everyone to work together to improve our society. This is America and its time to act as Americans.
We have seen failure after failure: the stimulus package, health care reform, cash for clunkers, bailouts, perks, rising deficits, government dictating who gets what and more. Washington tells us everything is well and working. Is it really? This is not acceptable. What is government trying to do? I don’t believe these actions are the objectives to create a better society. Indirectly the objective is to solidify the Democratic Party. By providing favors to special interest groups such as Acorn, Unions, legalizing illegal’s, and providing health care for 40-50 million uninsured, they believe they will create a base of voters who will ensure an unending era of power for the Democratic Party. The problem with this objective is that it will destroy the foundation of our democracy and create a socialistic society. Maybe the Czars were created to prepare us for this reality. Government will tell us what and what not to do. Free enterprise as we know it will no longer exist. Our individualism will be gone; we will be a commune with rules set by Government for conformity. Free speech is already being attacked and will die. I firmly believe this is the true objective of the Democratic Party. If you look at what is happening in the media, the reaction and verbal denunciation of senior citizens, the power and money given to unions and Acorn, the Presidents flip flopping, this is a clear message, something is wrong and a call for concern.
This is not a good situation. The Representatives and the President aren’t listening and don’t want to listen. They know better. They know what their objective is. The polls are supporting the people’s concerns. They are real and true. The Democrats have the votes and can do whatever they want. The question is, will our representatives support the President or the People. Maybe they should reconsider their role and start doing their job, represent the people .If they support and back the policies of the President for a Socialistic Society and believe adding illegal’s and counting on people who want government control ,they may find this to be their demise.. I find very few if any patriots in Washington. I find individuals who are indebted to certain interest groups and their own welfare. This is not the country I was growing up in or the type of country I want to be part of... I desire a return to the basic beliefs of God and Country. I want a country that follows the dictates of our founding fathers, not power hungry individuals who pretend to work for a better society while trampling on the Constitution. I don’t want a country where government controls freedom of speech. I want to be proud when they play the Star Spangled Banner, or say the Pledge to the Flag. I want to get goose bumps when they play the Stars and Stripes and watch a marching band. I want to be proud when I see the flag flapping in the breeze. I don’t want a country that forgets its heritage or traditions. I believe in the traditions of working hard and earning what you get, not being dependent on government to make my decisions. I believe most Americans feel this way. Yes, there are those who don’t want to work or take responsibility, they want government to be their savior. We must return to the principals upon which this country was founded. We must stand up and take back that country. We must continue to speak out and demand that our representatives listen and act on our behalf. We must vote, if our elected officials don’t know who they work for, kick them out. It’s time for Congress to stop funding, using and supporting thugs to control the opposition, it’s time to end the pay to play politics and corruption that exists in Washington; it’s time to adhere to the Constitution. It’s time for elected officials to be their own man or woman, not a pawn of the President, special interest groups or Party. It’s time for everyone to work together to improve our society. This is America and its time to act as Americans.
Friday, August 14, 2009
When the people in Washington write Health Care Legislation that is clear, has clarity and is concise then maybe we can have an honest debate regarding health care. Until then the grade stands. "F".
Monday, August 10, 2009
Started to read the Congressional 1018 page Health Care Program and stopped. No wonder no one reads it, they can't understand it It goes on forever.. You need to be a lawyer who takes the time to study and analyze every word and sentence. We talk about getting rid of small print and extreme language, well maybe Congress and the Senate can come up with plain old English that people can understand. Example: The bill will not (will) cover abortion, the bill will not(will) cover euthanasia.The government will not make individual health decisions, this is reserved for the doctor and patient. The present language provides too much leeway for fudging and misappropriation. It needs to be specific, why should anyone trust a 1018 page document that hems and haws about everything. If it can't be understood by the common man, than it needs to be re written, Keep It Simple Stupid. Follow that rule and maybe people will trust government. People need to understand the specifics. At the present time there is no Health Care Reform Bill that is suitable for passage.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 5, 2009 email to Senator Dick Durbin.
This is not a manufactured email. I belong to no group or organization, I am a free thinking American who believes in this country. The townhall rabble rousers are like me, they are expressing their freedom of speech. Unfortunately you don't appreciate freedom of speech unless it's for what you believe. The pro health care rally in Chicago was manufactured by Unions, why didn't you come out and criticize those folks? If the polls say people don't believe in Obamacare, it's all hog wash. What kind of representative are you. You don't represent me or Illinois you represent the Democratic Party. That's unfortunate because you might as well say you are a Communist. That's not democracy or representation. I guess you approve of Chavez's control of the media. Then you could do whatever you want and the people are relegated to slavery. We are not slaves of any party and will fight for our rights and liberty. You are no longer what I consider a believer of the Constitution or what America is about. You are a traitor to the beliefs of our forefathers. God Bless America.
This is not a manufactured email. I belong to no group or organization, I am a free thinking American who believes in this country. The townhall rabble rousers are like me, they are expressing their freedom of speech. Unfortunately you don't appreciate freedom of speech unless it's for what you believe. The pro health care rally in Chicago was manufactured by Unions, why didn't you come out and criticize those folks? If the polls say people don't believe in Obamacare, it's all hog wash. What kind of representative are you. You don't represent me or Illinois you represent the Democratic Party. That's unfortunate because you might as well say you are a Communist. That's not democracy or representation. I guess you approve of Chavez's control of the media. Then you could do whatever you want and the people are relegated to slavery. We are not slaves of any party and will fight for our rights and liberty. You are no longer what I consider a believer of the Constitution or what America is about. You are a traitor to the beliefs of our forefathers. God Bless America.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I know that you don't care what I write, but I want to tell you that you are not suited to represent the people of the State of Illinois. You are not protecting and defending the Constitution, you allow the President to do what he wants with no checks and balances and you don't insure that the law is executed. Why Acorn and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd have not been charged for their actions is beyond me.You support OBama Care with no justification or money. You want to destroy the best health care sytem in the world. You want us to imitate Europe, you don't want to secure our borders, you want illegals to get, while we pay, so you can get votes. This is not America, you support a dictator as President and fail to fulfil your duties. The State of Illinois is bankrupt, the city of Chicago is corrupt and the County is a disgrace. This is what you, Obama, Axelrod and Emanuel come from. What a resume. The people fought for their freedom and rights in 1776 and we'll fight for them again in 2009. God Bless America.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I believe we now have an analogy that there is a bunch of used car salespeople running Washington. They don’t want you to read the contract, they don’t want you to look under the hood or test drive their programs. They want you to trust them because they know what’s best for you. My advice, BUYER BEWARE.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Recent political events are perplexing. Who do you listen to, who do you believe? The pundits put their spin on every possible event from Michael Jackson's death to Sarah Palins’s resignation . It’s all opinion and nothing more. If we go back and read or listen to previous sound bites we’ll probably find it’s all hog wash. Where is the serious discussion of real problems? How do we put people back to work? How do we get money back into the market? How do we create new innovations and ideas? When do we start making our elected officials accountable? Why do we support dictators who do not believe in democracy and let our officials say nothing? Why don’t we stand up for the Constitution instead of allowing elected officials destroy it? Why don’t we demand elected representatives to read and justify legislative votes? Why do we allow legislation be passed on the whims of a few without little or no debate? Do you believe in superficial deadlines? Our government is acting as this is a game. This is not a game and all issues need to be treated with intelligence and in depth consideration. Michael Jackson and Sarah Palin are diversions, let’s deal with the issues that affect our daily live’s.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The United States is going broke. Once the envy of the world, our policies are now being mocked and laughed at. We used to be looked upon as a country of laws and free markets. The lessons of the past are being abandoned for a socialistic approach. Government tells us that everyone is equal and wealth must be divided. It makes no difference if you work hard or idle your time away. We must share the wealth. Is this the path the people of the United States voted for?
The free market system is being replaced by the nationalization of our monetary, auto and health care systems. Instead of allowing the market to adjust and self correct, government has become intrusive in dictating solutions. The solution is spend. By spending and avoiding reality the government has placed us in deep debt. The President tells us that we should not spend what we can’t afford. We must act responsibly. This does not correspond with government actions. Some states rejected TARP Funds and government forces it upon them. Banks wanted to pay back bailout funds and government said no. Now government is taking back the TARP Funds to recycle into more bailout money. Is this acting responsibly? Is this how you pay down debt?
As we go deeper into debt government continues to spend. They tell us health care is broken and must be fixed. Yes, there are problems with health care, but do we need government taking over a system that provides the best health care in the world. Government just can’t keep their hands off. It’s as if they want to destroy everything that made this country great. Our Congressmen and Senators sit blindly by as the President and his men lead us into catastrophic debt and socialistic policies. The media flaunts the President as if he is infallible. Most Americans have no idea what is happening and are mesmerized by the President’s words.
They say time heals. Wake up America and demand that government act responsibly. Government needs to stop spending and perform its constitutional duties. Our founders set guidelines to dictate the role of government. They did not design or establish our government to be a dictatorship.
The free market system is being replaced by the nationalization of our monetary, auto and health care systems. Instead of allowing the market to adjust and self correct, government has become intrusive in dictating solutions. The solution is spend. By spending and avoiding reality the government has placed us in deep debt. The President tells us that we should not spend what we can’t afford. We must act responsibly. This does not correspond with government actions. Some states rejected TARP Funds and government forces it upon them. Banks wanted to pay back bailout funds and government said no. Now government is taking back the TARP Funds to recycle into more bailout money. Is this acting responsibly? Is this how you pay down debt?
As we go deeper into debt government continues to spend. They tell us health care is broken and must be fixed. Yes, there are problems with health care, but do we need government taking over a system that provides the best health care in the world. Government just can’t keep their hands off. It’s as if they want to destroy everything that made this country great. Our Congressmen and Senators sit blindly by as the President and his men lead us into catastrophic debt and socialistic policies. The media flaunts the President as if he is infallible. Most Americans have no idea what is happening and are mesmerized by the President’s words.
They say time heals. Wake up America and demand that government act responsibly. Government needs to stop spending and perform its constitutional duties. Our founders set guidelines to dictate the role of government. They did not design or establish our government to be a dictatorship.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I’m upset on how much waste goes into mailing political form letters. For one they never respond to the writer’s issues and concerns... Maybe the politicians need to listen and start worrying about the main issue, OUR FREEDOM. Everyday some freedom is being quietly stripped away and our elected officials say nothing. Money is going out the door faster than it can be printed, and they say nothing. Ordinary Americans gather to protest government taxes and spending and they’re labeled fanatics... It appears that the politician’s attitude is that they don’t have to listen and that their time should be dedicated to contemplating future votes. My advice, stop counting and start serving. There is only one difference between Democrats and Republicans, one says yes and the other says no. That means they serve a master other than the people. The present administration is becoming a bully and everyone is afraid to stand up and say: “this is America the Land of the Brave and Free”. The people rule, not government. Patriotism, in Washington, is dying and the people we elected are killing it. I’m sorry, but I’m greatly concerned and fearful that our elected officials are destroying the Constitution and the greatest country on earth, The United States of America.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I’m having a difficult time discerning if Washington is Chicago or is Chicago Washington. The style and tactics are the same, CONTROL. Washington is being transposed into Chicago Style Machine Politics. Compare the City Council with the Congress, what a startling resemblance .The Mayor has the Council pretty much in hand and the President is starting to wield the power to do the same. The Mayor is aligning minority communities with jobs and political power, the President is following the example. The City’s political blueprint is now Washington’s blueprint for action.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The April 7th Orland Park Election is fast approaching and the future rests in your hands. Will you vote? This may be the most important election in the history of Orland Park. The issues are clear. Do you believe in a government that exercises eminent domain to take profitable private property? Do you believe that TIF’s are the best way to fund new development? Do you feel that $35 million in debt was a wise investment in the Metra Triangle? Do you feel that by this time there should have been a return on your tax dollars for the Metra Triangle? Do you feel the Village is forcing small, independent businesses out in favor of large conglomerates? Do you feel that the Village has failed in creating a diversity of business enterprises to move our economy forward? Do you think the 15 month budget was a cover-up to a budget that could not be balanced in 12 months? Do you feel the Village is raising taxes and fees to cover its debt of over $100 million in bonds and another $176 million in overlapping debt? Do you feel the village has been fiscally responsible with your money and the valuable assets that reside in Orland Park? Do you feel the Village is justified in paying an inappropriate portion of funds for state roads? The list is long and incriminating. If you feel the Village is doing a good job than you believe in eminent domain, you believe in higher taxes and fees. You believe in financial cover-ups and high debt. Debt that eventually must be paid by you the taxpayer. The Village can talk of successes and awards but we must face the reality, the Village of Orland Park is in debt and heading in the wrong direction.
You have a choice to continue the abuse of small businesses. higher fees and taxes or you can vote for fiscal responsibility and a doctrine that supports equality and fairness to everyone in the village. This time around you have a choice. The choice is the Concerned Citizens of Orland Park who have vowed to bring back good, honest, decent government to Orland Park. They will work to end eminent domain and bring back fiscal responsibility to Orland Park. They’re up against a machine that has money, experience and outside support. The question is: will you be swayed by signs, outside support,
pay to play money, expensive brochures, and deceptions, or will you vote the issues. Know the issues and make your choice. The choice should be clear: Gerald Maher for Mayor, Patrice Pykett Village Clerk and Kenneth Wzorek, Kenneth Houston and Marian Klemmen for Trustees. Vote April 7th.
You have a choice to continue the abuse of small businesses. higher fees and taxes or you can vote for fiscal responsibility and a doctrine that supports equality and fairness to everyone in the village. This time around you have a choice. The choice is the Concerned Citizens of Orland Park who have vowed to bring back good, honest, decent government to Orland Park. They will work to end eminent domain and bring back fiscal responsibility to Orland Park. They’re up against a machine that has money, experience and outside support. The question is: will you be swayed by signs, outside support,
pay to play money, expensive brochures, and deceptions, or will you vote the issues. Know the issues and make your choice. The choice should be clear: Gerald Maher for Mayor, Patrice Pykett Village Clerk and Kenneth Wzorek, Kenneth Houston and Marian Klemmen for Trustees. Vote April 7th.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Several years ago I moved and downsized to Orland Park. I had heard many great things to entice me: tax rebates, city water, great shopping and easy access to express and toll ways. Maybe the information was over stated. I moved to a condo and quickly found that the condo was located on a street classified as a private street. This meant the Association has to pay for the snow plowing and maintenance of the street. The street was private because it was designed and approved to have a width less than that of a normal, standard street. .Further down the street is another condo association that uses our private street and faces the same problem... This was a decision made between the village and the developer to save each other money... This type of decision costs many condo and townhome associations a minimum of $4000 a year. On the property we have two ponds that receive overflow from other properties. The Village has twice rejected the proposal to maintain ponds. This costs the association $1200 yearly to maintain the ponds We have 24 units that pay for garbage pickup. The association is charged $60 monthly for a dumpster that has been paid 10 times over... All of these charges were brought to the attention of the Village to no avail. In addition annual inspection fees for fire, elevators and sprinklers have gone up.
This experience led me to believe that the Village was treating condo and townhome owners with a different set of standards... In a short time, I also found that Village policies weren’t always fair and equitable to local businesses. Many of the stores and businesses that I frequented were threatened with eminent domain. The Village said this was in the name of progress to clear a blighted area.. Progress that was to use TIF’s (Tax Incentive Financing) to finance the Metra Triangle Project. This meant taking money from taxing bodies, such as schools, to provide the needed funds to demolish successful businesses to build condos, streets and restaurants. The taxing bodies that approved this action subsequently raised rates and property taxes went up. The Village was relentless in its goal for progress and soon cut the tax rebate. The Village’s financial position was becoming desperate as it instituted a 15 month budget to cover its debt. Debt that includes $100 million for bonds and another $100 million for something called overlapping debt. Debt that the citizens of Orland Park are now responsible for. These figure can be verified on pages 14 and 15 of the June 2008 Speer Financial Analysis of the Villages request for Water and Sewer Bonds. Fees and services were also increased. On top of this it was becoming clear that the village was a satellite of the City of Chicago’s 19th Ward. This isn’t a pretty picture. In my opinion the present administration has taken a once successful Village and led it astray with unrealistic ambitions and greed. Don’t get me wrong, the people and businesses are great. It’s that I expect more from a government that was handed one of the richest and greatest retail treasures in the Southland. You won’t find this story in the nicely packaged brochures that the Administration mailed to your homes in the past few weeks. This is the story you need to hear and why I will be supporting and voting for Gerald Maher and the Concerned Citizens of Orland Park on April 7th.
This experience led me to believe that the Village was treating condo and townhome owners with a different set of standards... In a short time, I also found that Village policies weren’t always fair and equitable to local businesses. Many of the stores and businesses that I frequented were threatened with eminent domain. The Village said this was in the name of progress to clear a blighted area.. Progress that was to use TIF’s (Tax Incentive Financing) to finance the Metra Triangle Project. This meant taking money from taxing bodies, such as schools, to provide the needed funds to demolish successful businesses to build condos, streets and restaurants. The taxing bodies that approved this action subsequently raised rates and property taxes went up. The Village was relentless in its goal for progress and soon cut the tax rebate. The Village’s financial position was becoming desperate as it instituted a 15 month budget to cover its debt. Debt that includes $100 million for bonds and another $100 million for something called overlapping debt. Debt that the citizens of Orland Park are now responsible for. These figure can be verified on pages 14 and 15 of the June 2008 Speer Financial Analysis of the Villages request for Water and Sewer Bonds. Fees and services were also increased. On top of this it was becoming clear that the village was a satellite of the City of Chicago’s 19th Ward. This isn’t a pretty picture. In my opinion the present administration has taken a once successful Village and led it astray with unrealistic ambitions and greed. Don’t get me wrong, the people and businesses are great. It’s that I expect more from a government that was handed one of the richest and greatest retail treasures in the Southland. You won’t find this story in the nicely packaged brochures that the Administration mailed to your homes in the past few weeks. This is the story you need to hear and why I will be supporting and voting for Gerald Maher and the Concerned Citizens of Orland Park on April 7th.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Senator, how's your investments? I hope they've crashed like everyone elses. What are you and your colleagues doing? Why isn't the credit market fixed? By this time every foreclosed home should have been assessed. Some should have been saved by refinancing. Why all the pork? Do you believe in putting everyone including our future generation s in debt? Senator, do you know how to balance your checkbook? You certainly have no clue when it comes to my money. Do you have any idea what a trillion dollars is? You're throwing it around like pennies. You back every stupid socialized program. Do you really believe socialized medicine will solve all problems. Right now we have the best system in the world. Cost are high, that's what you work on, cut cost. Jesus said the poor will be with us until the end of time. Everyone has choices. Your idea that everyone must have a home led us to this disaster. If you call yourself an American and believe in what made this country great you'll re-evaluate your positions. Foreign affairs in a few short days has become a joke: 900 mil to the Palestians, ridiculed PM Brown and sent a foolish letter to Medeve. If you want to destroy this country your on the right track. Keep up this foolishness so we can cast you off into oblivion.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
In listening and watching President Obama, I find more contradictions than substance. By now it’s hard for anyone to deny that the Stimulus Package is loaded with pork. Keep looking and you’ll find more. If it’s not pork it’s rewards and incentives for friends and supporters. The Democrats have been honest in stating “now is the opportunity to get the things we want”. “The people don’t care”. The people do care, especially when they’re losing jobs and seeing their life savings and investments crash.
The President talks about cutting the deficit, but creates more deficits. Where’s the logic? He talks about responsibility. Who’s responsibility? Most people are responsible and do what is right. The problem is that the irresponsible people are sitting in Washington. Who led the people and banks down the path to destruction, Washington, why, because they believed everyone must have a house, if you can afford it or not. That’s not the American Way, The American Way is that you work hard and earn it. The people in Washington have fallen in love with themselves. They love their self importance and stumble in their arrogance... They’re so important that no one reads legislative bills, if you’re Democrat, you vote yes, if Republican, no. That’s the type of government we have, no discussion no debate, that’s not what created this great country. That’s why no one believes or trusts an elected official. They have no idea who they answer to.
The word is that CEO’s must be accountable. How about elected officials? Government needs to step back and look at its spending. .How about government perks and ear marks? I guess they’re OK. Certainly looks like a double standard... I love the line: “I feel your pain”, but what government official is willing to share that pain?. If you don’t think we’re in trouble, just watch and listen to your elected officials in action. They’ve become a disgrace and it’s time that be held accountable.
The President talks about cutting the deficit, but creates more deficits. Where’s the logic? He talks about responsibility. Who’s responsibility? Most people are responsible and do what is right. The problem is that the irresponsible people are sitting in Washington. Who led the people and banks down the path to destruction, Washington, why, because they believed everyone must have a house, if you can afford it or not. That’s not the American Way, The American Way is that you work hard and earn it. The people in Washington have fallen in love with themselves. They love their self importance and stumble in their arrogance... They’re so important that no one reads legislative bills, if you’re Democrat, you vote yes, if Republican, no. That’s the type of government we have, no discussion no debate, that’s not what created this great country. That’s why no one believes or trusts an elected official. They have no idea who they answer to.
The word is that CEO’s must be accountable. How about elected officials? Government needs to step back and look at its spending. .How about government perks and ear marks? I guess they’re OK. Certainly looks like a double standard... I love the line: “I feel your pain”, but what government official is willing to share that pain?. If you don’t think we’re in trouble, just watch and listen to your elected officials in action. They’ve become a disgrace and it’s time that be held accountable.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Stimulus Package has become quite controversial. It’s loaded with all kinds of goodies. Everyone seems to have their hand out. Is it up to $2 trillion, or $4 trillion? It’s become inconceivable that that much money can be effectively managed and spent under one piece of legislation. Good managers break things down into manageable parts. I don’t believe legislators are good business managers. For example we still don’t know what happened to the first bailout for $350 billion. In its present form the package is more of a bailout for states and local governments than a jobs creations bill.
The Stimulus Bill needs to be broken down into independent pieces with established priorities: Housing and Credit, Tax Cuts, Business Incentives to Spend and Create New Products/Markets, Infrastructure, Education. There needs to be justification, goals and objectives, targets with specified outcomes and defined responsibilities and accountability. The Stimulus should follow well established business standards, not government standards. Until our leaders in Washington come up with a clear and concise plan, there should be no action. I say go back to the drawing board and keep reworking it until you come up with legislation that clearly creates jobs. Follow the old business principle,” Keep It Simple Stupid”.
The Stimulus Bill needs to be broken down into independent pieces with established priorities: Housing and Credit, Tax Cuts, Business Incentives to Spend and Create New Products/Markets, Infrastructure, Education. There needs to be justification, goals and objectives, targets with specified outcomes and defined responsibilities and accountability. The Stimulus should follow well established business standards, not government standards. Until our leaders in Washington come up with a clear and concise plan, there should be no action. I say go back to the drawing board and keep reworking it until you come up with legislation that clearly creates jobs. Follow the old business principle,” Keep It Simple Stupid”.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Village of Orland Park can be described as a prosperous and striving community. It wins many awards and accolades for its history and progress. It’s the retail hub and envy of the southwest suburbs. But something is happening to shake that image. It’s the financial condition of the Village. In the past year we’ve seen the creation of new fees, the cutting of the property tax rebates, increased property taxes and the implementation of a 15 month budget. The Village acts as if it’s immune to the current recession. The heart of its revenues, retail sales, have declined. Nationally retail sales are down 10%, housing sales have stalled and foreclosures are on the rise. The bread and butter normally used to run the Village is drying up. The Village relies on debt in the form of bonds and TIF’s to provide the monies needed to pursue its ambitious goals. This is a problem, because many of these goals and ambitions are no longer affordable.
The debt that the Village is incurring must be repaid and that is why we see the increases in fees and taxes. The 12 month budget couldn’t be balanced so the Village reverted to a 15 month budget. The burden of this debt is being transferred to the Citizens of Orland Park. The Village is failing to recognize the reality of the recession and continues to operate as if nothing has changed. It continues to pursue projects that are too costly to support. For instance, millions of dollars have been invested in the Metra Triangle with little or no return. The Mayor continues to pressure the Orland Plaza into extinction. To continue this course of action will only provide less sales and property tax dollars for the Village. The Mayor’s arrogance of power is becoming a burden upon the taxpayers of Orland Park. There comes a time when leaders must face unpleasant decisions and admit failure. The Mayor’s dream for the Metra Triangle is no longer possible and has been better described as the “Bermuda Triangle.” There are no developers standing in line to invest in this dream. It’s time to abandon the harassment of the Orland Plaza and seek more feasible options for the vacant land.
The debt that the Village is incurring must be repaid and that is why we see the increases in fees and taxes. The 12 month budget couldn’t be balanced so the Village reverted to a 15 month budget. The burden of this debt is being transferred to the Citizens of Orland Park. The Village is failing to recognize the reality of the recession and continues to operate as if nothing has changed. It continues to pursue projects that are too costly to support. For instance, millions of dollars have been invested in the Metra Triangle with little or no return. The Mayor continues to pressure the Orland Plaza into extinction. To continue this course of action will only provide less sales and property tax dollars for the Village. The Mayor’s arrogance of power is becoming a burden upon the taxpayers of Orland Park. There comes a time when leaders must face unpleasant decisions and admit failure. The Mayor’s dream for the Metra Triangle is no longer possible and has been better described as the “Bermuda Triangle.” There are no developers standing in line to invest in this dream. It’s time to abandon the harassment of the Orland Plaza and seek more feasible options for the vacant land.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Where's The Republican Party
Can someone tell me why the Republican Party does not run a candidate for Mayor in Orland Park? This is the second straight Mayoral Election without a Republican candidate. The issues are clear: eminent domain, Orland Plaza, rising property taxes, TIF’s, reduction of property tax rebates, increased fees and entering the real estate business. These are all indicators that the present administration is in financial trouble. Mayor McLaughlin and his administration are beatable. It amazes me that the Republicans would not take advantage of this opportunity. Maybe, just maybe could it be that they support Mayor McLaughlin. Could it be that the Republicans are really Democrats in sheep’s clothing? You’ve read about pay to play in Springfield, has it come to Orland Park?
Fortunately a group of concerned citizens have taken up the banner of “Concerned Citizens of Orland Park” to challenge the McLaughlin Administration. I salute them for their efforts to take on a behemoth with a loaded campaign chest and clout. This is not an easy task which will be loaded with obstacles and tricks to derail their efforts to unseat this incumbent mayor..
Fortunately a group of concerned citizens have taken up the banner of “Concerned Citizens of Orland Park” to challenge the McLaughlin Administration. I salute them for their efforts to take on a behemoth with a loaded campaign chest and clout. This is not an easy task which will be loaded with obstacles and tricks to derail their efforts to unseat this incumbent mayor..
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Recently I watched a movie about the efforts to bring the Tucker Automobile to market in the late 40’s and 50’s. It was an amazing story about Preston Tucker’s dream of creating a car that was safe and ahead of its time. Unfortunately his dream wasn’t fulfilled because of pressures from the Big 3 Automakers, SEC, Media and Power Brokers. These forces combined to dehumanize and create a scandal to discredit Tucker.. Tucker was brought to court, for fraud, but was found Not Guilty. Against all odds Tucker was still able to build 50 automobiles.
The irony of the story is that this culture has not changed. The Big 3 Automakers still resist change and look to government and influence to protect them. It’s sad to see innovation and creativity squashed for the self interest of a few. Instead of helping innovators bring ideas to market we continue to protect the self interest of powerful companies to maintain the status quo...
Tucker is a classic example of an unchanging culture. It’s been over 60 years since Preston Tucker fought his battle and there has been little or no change. The culture has become so deep rooted it can no longer differentiate the trees from the forest. Washington continues to protect this culture. We need to learn from history and correct our mistakes. The new administration promises change. Can it change an unchanging culture?
The irony of the story is that this culture has not changed. The Big 3 Automakers still resist change and look to government and influence to protect them. It’s sad to see innovation and creativity squashed for the self interest of a few. Instead of helping innovators bring ideas to market we continue to protect the self interest of powerful companies to maintain the status quo...
Tucker is a classic example of an unchanging culture. It’s been over 60 years since Preston Tucker fought his battle and there has been little or no change. The culture has become so deep rooted it can no longer differentiate the trees from the forest. Washington continues to protect this culture. We need to learn from history and correct our mistakes. The new administration promises change. Can it change an unchanging culture?
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