Thursday, August 14, 2008


It appears that the pressure has hit home and our politicians have seen the light. They now recognize the fact that we must drill. We must drill to regain our energy independence. We must drill to stop our dollars from going overseas to fund initiatives to hurt America. We must drill to stabilize our economy and regain a favorable balance of trade. By drilling we give ourselves time to develop new and innovative ways to replace or limit the use of oil. So what’s next?

The people in Washington have dilly dallied for decades and we have sat with the problem. Now that it appears they will allow drilling, what will be the plan to develop alternative forms of energy? Should we trust Washington to lead the way or should we look to the free market to provide the leadership? I don’t know about you, but I would feel better if the free market was given the responsibility. Many options will come to market, some will succeed and many will fail. It's the market and the American ingenuity and creativeness that will solve the problem. The worse solution is to wait and depend on Washington to solve the problem.

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