Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Congratulations on your victory. Now, it's up to you to produce. You stated you would not support a Fairness Doctrine. Some of your colleagues: Schummer, Reid and Pelosi are plotting to introduce and pass this UnAmerican legislation. This would not create fairness it would create dictatorship. The purpose of such legislation is to eliminate political criticism. We need different views, would they limit the jokes on Leno and Letterman. Would they legislate what you could and could not laugh at. If a politician can't take criticism and defend him or herself they should not run for office. There are more important issues to attack: jobs, the economy, national security, defense, education etc. They waste so much time on taking care of themselves they neglect the real work that needs to be done. If this a major priority of a Democratic Congress it does not speak well of how they support your priorities. Let's remember this is America not Russia. You need to talk to Schummer, Reid and Pelosie and explain your priorities. This is a step in the wrong direction and needs to be taken off the Congressional agenda. Schummer, Reid and Pelosi are not your friends they have and will continue to hinder progress. Let's face it they certainly are not the smartest nor the brighest people to speak for the American people. By saying that, would I be chastised under their Fairness Doctrine?

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