Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The Stimulus Package has become quite controversial. It’s loaded with all kinds of goodies. Everyone seems to have their hand out. Is it up to $2 trillion, or $4 trillion? It’s become inconceivable that that much money can be effectively managed and spent under one piece of legislation. Good managers break things down into manageable parts. I don’t believe legislators are good business managers. For example we still don’t know what happened to the first bailout for $350 billion. In its present form the package is more of a bailout for states and local governments than a jobs creations bill.

The Stimulus Bill needs to be broken down into independent pieces with established priorities: Housing and Credit, Tax Cuts, Business Incentives to Spend and Create New Products/Markets, Infrastructure, Education. There needs to be justification, goals and objectives, targets with specified outcomes and defined responsibilities and accountability. The Stimulus should follow well established business standards, not government standards. Until our leaders in Washington come up with a clear and concise plan, there should be no action. I say go back to the drawing board and keep reworking it until you come up with legislation that clearly creates jobs. Follow the old business principle,” Keep It Simple Stupid”.

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