Friday, December 25, 2009


2009 was a year that will be looked upon as one of the most politically corrupt in the history of the United States. President Obama was to bring change and hope. There was to be an end to back door politics, an end to influence and payoffs. There was to be transparency and openness. What we got was Chicago Politics. Tell them what they want to hear, once elected do what you want. You only need the voters every four years, they have short memories. President Obama learned his craft well and makes most Chicago politicians look like amateurs.

Why am I so critical? Some of the events of the past year will explain. The best example is the Health Care Reform Bill. I know deals are cut and pork is tied to legislation, but the techniques used to get votes for this bill were far and beyond normal arm twisting. It was downright immoral. $300 million to Louisiana Senator Landrieu, $1 million to Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson, $1 million to Chris Dodd. Chairman Harry Reid said, if a Senator didn’t get something in this bill, he or she didn’t do their job. I always thought you voted on the merits of a bill, not how much pork was brought to your state. That’s a crime, it’s a bribe, it’s wrong. How can you treat states differently in creating legislation? That’s discrimination. Any bill that passes with such questionable activity needs to be brought before the courts and the people responsible prosecuted and sent to prison. I thought there was a code of ethics for Congress?

In 2009 there were bailouts for the auto industry and financial institutions. We learned that government pushed for quick and easy mortgages for those who could not afford homes. No questions, no down payments just sign on the dotted line. That’s not how banks used to work. In the long run, who suffered, it was the people who thought they could afford the home, they lost everything. The Barney Franks, Chris Dodd’s and Freddie or Fannie Mae’s, who created the policies, ignored the outcomes and went along as if nothing had happened. In the process Freddie and Fannie were bailed out and safe. Not so for the poor souls who trusted and believed in Washington. Was there an investigation or any accountability, no?

The year found a Stimulus Bill, Cash for Clunkers, Health Care Reform, Bailouts which raised the national debt into the trillions. The value of the dollar was less than the Euro or Canadian currency. China said no more borrowing. The administration’s position was that the only way out of a recession was to spend. The Feds kept printing and the Administration kept spending. They say the recession is over. They say the Stimulus added and saved millions of jobs. They predict 2010 will be a boom with millions of new jobs. The administration has been wrong and fudges numbers; there is no reason to believe this prophecy. With a huge debt and increasing cost coming out of Health Care it is more probable that we will see companies reducing budgets, while the cost to cover an additional 30 million insured will impact everyone. We will see higher insurance premiums, cost of commodities will go up, there will be new and higher taxes to pay for Obama’s follies. It is my opinion, as cost rise, we will enter a period of inflation which will lead to tougher times.
The laws of the land seem to have no meaning to the Obama Administration. When a friend of Obama creates a controversy and police come to help, Obama comes to his aid, no questions asked, he supports the friend. When 13 soldiers were killed at Fort Hood he said, we must be deliberate and look at the facts. How can a President be outraged when a friend gets into a controversy and have so little remorse and outrage when 13 soldiers are killed? There’s a big difference between the two incidents. We found that Attorney General Holder was quick to protect Acorn, and the Black Panthers. He wants to try 5 Gitmo detainees in New York so that they can have the same rights as all US citizens. Does he want to make them heroes? He wants to close Gitmo and bring those detainees to Illinois so they can be treated as equals with the same rights as you and I. It makes no difference that over 3000 people were killed on 9/11. Wasn’t that an act of war Mr. Attorney General? If someone is captured and classified as an enemy combatant they should be tried under military law, not civil law. Harry Reid’s actions to bribe Senators for Health Care was a good example of a lawless government. Washington seems to be creating their own laws and rules to fit the situation. The Constitution is ignored and Washington trashes the very foundations upon which this country was founded.

In foreign affairs the President apologized for America’s misgivings and works to form and lead a world union. His agenda and objective appears to be one to dismantle our laws, traditions and constitution so that everyone is equal. This is part of his plan to redistribute the wealth. You may say this is far fetched, but this is how this man and his inside cronies see the future. There should be no independence, no liberties no freedom we should all be alike. It’s like something out of Orwell’s “1984”. The president has surrounded himself with czars and czarinas that follow far left and socialistic ideologies. Van Jones was an avowed communist, Anita Dunne lives by the teachings of Mao, the communication czar Mark Lloyd praises Hugo Chavez’s takeover of the media, Rahm Emmual’s brother writes and talks about “death panels”, Andy Stern, SEIU, is pushing to unionize the world. Is this the direction we want our country to go? These are the people the president listens to.

The drive by media continues to ignore the realities of what is happening. The spin is so good you want to believe it. The President is a master of the word, but short on truth and substance. You must pay attention to the truth and what is happening. Our country is being stolen right in front of our noses. The White House wants to control and dictate. They’re not interested in what you think or say. The Tea Parties were chastised as being Nazi’s and trouble makers. Why is it that the actions of Acorn and SEIU are never challenged or questioned? The PEOPLE have been relegated to being non existent. Washington no longer works for the people; we no longer have a representative government. It’s broke and needs to be fixed. Where is the hope, where is the change. Stand up America; let’s make 2010 the year that we take back our government. God Bless America.

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