Monday, April 12, 2010


I’m getting confused. When I was growing up I always felt a love and dedication to country. I admired George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Douglas McArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower. I looked to them as role models, people who fought and believed in America. As I grew older I voted for John Kennedy and supported the Democratic Party. As time went on things started to change and I started to look at politics from a different perspective. My values had been molded from early years with a strong duty to country, family and God. I always thought that you had to work for what you had. If you wanted an education you did it on your own, once you got married you had the responsibility to feed, house and protect your family. I never thought that I needed government to help me. It was my responsibility, not government’s to take care of me and my family.

Things have apparently changed; the old American values must be dying. As government adds more entitlement people become more dependent on government. Fortunately not all people feel this way. Most people still believe in the American Way of hard work, not handouts. They believe in charity when it is justified, not the idea you wait for the government to take care of you. If you are capable and healthy there is no reason that you can’t work and make it on your own. You are failing in your responsibility to society. You cannot feel sorry for yourself. The human soul is driven by challenges, needs, wants, desires that the individual must fulfill. These things cannot be fulfilled by government. Once you depend on government for your existence you become crippled and become a burden upon society.

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