Wednesday, November 24, 2010


During the past election candidates stated that they recognized the fact that Washington wasn’t listening. Have you heard the recent clamor over airport security, it’s loud and clear. Unfortunately, Washington has a problem hearing it. They do what they want, and ignore alternatives. Are they listening? Does it make sense to grope grandma or a 3 year old? They’ve lost the ability to reason and use common sense. Washington has become so arrogant they now feel they know what’s best for everyone. The problem is, what’s good for America doesn’t seem to be good for the elite in Washington. They’ve begun to act like dictators. Could you please tell me why Washington’s elite are given a pass at airports? They’re no better than anybody else. Why is Washington getting salary increases when social security is frozen? Why is Congress exempt from Obama Care? Why is it that more and more large companies are getting waivers from the new health care law? Shouldn’t everyone be treated the same. Why is it that we keep spending when we’re broke? Tax paying America is paying for this fiscal mess through higher prices and taxes. We’ve mortgaged our future to China, and Washington thinks nothing of it.

What a mess. Washington listens to Unions, lobbyists, billionaires who don’t know what to do with their money and far left ideologues. The average American is being shut out. This is not the America I grew up in or believe in. Main stream America will only take so much. Washington has exceeded its boundaries by ignoring the voices of the people. The battle is to restore America not destroy it. Maybe it’s time for Washington to start paying attention to the people. Maybe it’s time for Washington to feel the pain. Maybe it’s time to listen.

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