Sunday, July 17, 2011


What bugs me about the current deficit situation is that Government can’t find any money to cut. Everything is critical, too important. I disagree, look around, what about all the fraud that is taking place in federal programs, how about subsidies, money we give to Greece, Brazil,UN the IMF. We pour money into the Middle East and we don’t know who’s getting it. GM pays no taxes and Immelt asks why people complain about government. I wonder why? Billions are given to illegal’s who won’t learn English or respect our customs. We won’t drill or mine. Washington is destroying jobs not creating jobs... Government salaries and benefits increase while they talk of cutting Social Security and Medicare, Will the sky fall? Yes, Social Security and Medicare is a problem and needs to be fixed, so what are they doing about it, nothing. Talk, talk and more talk. We give billions in bailouts with no results. We want everyone to own a home they can’t afford than subsidize the mortgages. Washington wants to tax the rich while 50% of the population pays no taxes. I understand there are people in need, but 50%. We punish people for thrift and ingenuity while rewarding people who look to government for support. What a mess. The late Everett Dirksen once said when you take a million from here and a billion from there you begin to talk real money. We’re talking real money folks. Why can’t Washington see the waste?

Washington is all about politics. They are destroying the country. If you want to campaign, do it on your own time, not my dime. How can you solve problems when you measure everything in votes? In 2010 the people sent a message to clean up the mess. Well, the mess is getting worse and 2012 is still some time away. When will our elected officials learn that they work for the country not themselves, special interest or their party? The hot air floating around is ready to explode.. It’s more about ambiguity than substance. How can you resolve problems when you don’t even know why you’re in Washington? Why did you take an oath? Why did you run for office? Like the kids in the neighborhood used to say, “TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP”.

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