Saturday, March 3, 2012


Last week there were two contrasting stories. The first involved the Georgetown coed who went before Congress, and the world, to profess her promiscuity. Her problem was that she was having so much sex that she couldn’t afford the contraceptives. She came to Congress to ask that they mandate that contraceptives be included, free of charge, in all health care packages. The President of the United States personally called her to praise her courage and stated her parents should be proud.

The second story ,which received little coverage, was the Pentagon’s slashing of health care benefits to the military and their families. There was no Congressional Hearing, no objections from the President. There was little or no coverage from the media.

Where’s our priorities, where’s our moral values. If Washington wanted a political issue they sure picked a poor one. My money should go to the Military not for promiscuity.

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