Monday, August 10, 2009


Started to read the Congressional 1018 page Health Care Program and stopped. No wonder no one reads it, they can't understand it It goes on forever.. You need to be a lawyer who takes the time to study and analyze every word and sentence. We talk about getting rid of small print and extreme language, well maybe Congress and the Senate can come up with plain old English that people can understand. Example: The bill will not (will) cover abortion, the bill will not(will) cover euthanasia.The government will not make individual health decisions, this is reserved for the doctor and patient. The present language provides too much leeway for fudging and misappropriation. It needs to be specific, why should anyone trust a 1018 page document that hems and haws about everything. If it can't be understood by the common man, than it needs to be re written, Keep It Simple Stupid. Follow that rule and maybe people will trust government. People need to understand the specifics. At the present time there is no Health Care Reform Bill that is suitable for passage.

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