Saturday, March 5, 2011


It’s getting very troublesome watching the actions of pickets throughout the United States. You have to wonder if it’s only about union rights. It’s become clear that radicals have infiltrated the ranks with their own agenda under the guise of solidarity. Is this the ideology that the ordinary union worker wants to support his/her cause?

There was a time when Unions served a purpose: namely good working conditions and fair pay. They worked hard for the passage of Fair Labor Laws. Somewhere along the way they got greedy and stopped worrying about change and started concentrating on money and power. Their ideology changed. They were not concerned about where the money was coming from or the consequences. The best example is the destruction of the auto industry. As private sector membership declined they turned to the public sector. As in the private sector they continued to push and get greedy. It was not about producing a good product; it was about power and control. The problem is, government does not produce a tangible product. Government is supported by the taxpayer, not large corporations. Well, the taxpayer is waking up and feeling the pinch. The taxpayer looks into his/her wallet and says” I can’t I afford those salaries, benefits and pensions”. They ask the question, “What’s my return on the dollar”? They find the results to be: failing schools, waste, fraud, corruption, play to pay, favoritism, problems with tenure and on and on? The end results have produced huge deficits throughout the country. The country is broke! The taxpayer knows he must balance his/her budget or lose everything, they cannot print money. They make sacrifices to make ends meet. Government must do the same. It’s time to face reality. We must all stand together and make sacrifices. It’s time for all parties to do what’s best for the country. Once the taxpayer has been bled dry, there will be no money for government salaries, benefits or pensions. There will be chaos. Changes must be made. Workers need to control and cleanup their unions, and taxpayers must control and cleanup government. Things have been upside down too long. It’s time to face the facts and act like adults and deal with reality.

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