Friday, June 6, 2008


County needs rules 2007
The 4th of July is now a memory of fireworks, flag waving, speechmaking and remembering what made our country great.
Unfortunately this patriotism has now faded into our memory and it’s time to wake up to reality.
The reality of today’s public servants.
The people we elect to guide and protect our rights as citizens.
The people who take an oath to serve in accordance with the precedents of our forefathers, who declared: government of the people, by the people and for the people.
How quickly they forget that government is for the people and not for the self-interest and power of a few.
It is especially sad to watch the sham that is being played upon the people of Cook County.
Apparently most Cook County officials have abandoned the principles of good government.
I find it strange that most but not all private enterprise and government workers are governed by rules pertaining to illness and disability.
When someone becomes ill or incapacitated, the work continues, it doesn’t stop.
If the president of the United States becomes ill, we have rules to handle the situation.
Why is Cook County so different?
Doesn’t it have rules or procedures for succession?
Maybe it’s time for a higher authority, the state, to step in and see that rules and procedures governing the illness and succession of public officials are established.
We not only need rules and procedures for illness and succession but the establishment of laws that guide the replacement of candidates from the ballot for a general election. To have a group of committeemen sit in a room to pick a replacement is not government of the people, by the people and for the people. It’s government for a select few to maintain their power and interest.
We need laws to protect us from such a travesty.
We need laws that give the people the choice of selection.

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