Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today’s Presidential Elections have become so emotional and filled with anger that one can’t wait till it’s over. With all of the campaigning and analysis you can’t take any more. Opinions have become hot and heavy. Everyone is starting to be careful of what they say and who they say it too. Is a difference of opinion worth the lose of a friendship?

Today you have two people vying for the highest and most powerful office in the land. Why do they want this position? Is it power, ego or do they really want a better America? Are they true patriots who will defend the principles and freedoms of this country to death? Is the history, values and beliefs of our founding fathers a part of their fiber and soul? Is this a political game or contest to see who can collect more money and win the prize? Sometimes, I have to wonder how sincere the candidates are. This is a thankless job. You’re continually on the hot seat and under the microscope. I just hope that the motives to be President are the right motives. The prize is not to serve Democrats or Republicans. It’s to make decisions based on our history, laws and values. What scares me is that our ideals and principles of: freedom, liberty and justice are being abandoned. This Fourth of July proudly fly the flag to show your love and devotion for country, and salute the sacrifices that so many fought for to create and maintain this great land we call America..

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